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LV 21|Fooday Adventurer

麵屋 千雲

5 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$300

🍜 Noodle House Qianyun🍜

I originally wanted to eat ramen because I didn’t pay attention to the time⌚️
I didn’t see that the day I went was a day off.
It’s just a waste of time🥲 I’m super stupid😟
But that day I really wanted to eat ramen for some reason🍜

After searching for a long time, I finally found this ramen shop. Go there quickly.
Many ramen restaurants have queues. If you are in a hurry, you don’t have to queue for this one, you can sit down directly👍

Ordered a bowl of chicken white soup ramen
The soup itself is not very rich.
The meat part includes chicken barbecued pork, pork barbecued pork and meatballs.
With an additional egg, I think the overall ingredients are quite sufficient.
If you are worried that the soup is too salty, you can ask for clear soup from the store.
It tastes delicious

Grilled BBQ Pork Rice
I am a person who loves eating barbecued pork🐷
So whenever I go to a ramen restaurant and they have barbecued pork rice, I will definitely order it.
The barbecued pork rice in ramen shops are all served in small bowls🥣
Doesn’t take up much space
The taste is a bit salty and there is quite a lot of meat.
A must try for those who love salty food!

Chicken fried dumplings🥟
The dumplings in the store are divided into chicken and pork
There are also fried dumplings and pan-fried dumplings
This time I ordered fried dumplings
The dough of the dumplings🥟 is fried very crispy
Taste very good
They have special dipping sauce for dumplings
It tastes sour and sweet, and is delicious when paired with dumplings

The store is a bit hot, so those who are afraid of heat may want to consider it.

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Spot Info

麵屋 千雲10491台北市中山區林森北路105-1號
6 reviews
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$490
25 days ago
從中午就開到宵夜的麵屋千雲,可以說是吃拉麵安全牌的好選擇(吃過兩家分店的我認證 🉑) 中山店的用餐時間依舊很多人,我們選擇在下午3點才入場(對!這家的好處就是下午沒有休息) 就算是下午離峰也是要小排一下,就可以知道麵屋千雲這家拉麵店有多麼夯。 我之前吃過光華店,相較起來中山店的座位就少很多,數量直接砍半,而且店面也比較小,但還好這次用餐店員幫我們兩個人排在4人桌位,所以用餐起來還是蠻舒適的。 優點: * 拉麵平價好吃!喜歡柚子雞白湯口味的朋友一定會很喜歡很喜歡這家拉麵~ * 叉燒飯很香,肉塊是瘦肉比例較高的豬肉,非常入味濃郁 * 炸餃子及格以上,表皮非常酥脆,裡面飽滿多汁 缺點: * 店內的廚房油煙味有點重,但還好沒到無法接受的程度 * 麵條無法免費續加,一球要$45 整體來說是一家很好吃不會雷的拉麵店,而且就連下午跟宵夜都有開,很適合全天候想吃拉麵的人來品嚐看看!我自己是會願意時不時就會來吃個一碗~
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Dinner1 ppl$230
about 1 month ago
上網查了是台北很推的拉麵店,身為拉麵發燒友,當然是要特地去品賞一下。 用餐時段去,門口排了幾組客人,等了大約二十分鐘左右就有位置。點餐是掃碼點餐,但當天網站有點卡,一直按都沒有反應,但最後都有順利點到。 這次點了濃郁雞白湯麵,湯頭就是很死鹹,喝不太起來有雞湯香味;叉燒有2片豬肉叉燒和2片雞肉叉燒,豬肉叉燒也是很鹹,雞肉就還好;至於麵條,可以選擇軟硬度,這次選了硬麵條,也算可以。 總體來說還算可接受,但沒有到很驚歎就是了。
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Dinner3 ppl$370
3 months ago
來到經常大排長龍的拉麵店「麵屋 千雲」這次來的是林森店 但因為當天整天下雨 該時段又大暴雨 所以我們到的時候其實沒有排隊🤣 菜單上就是不同湯頭及不同肉量組合的拉麵🍜 1. 招牌全部盛-湯頭柚香 價格為 $350 湯頭感覺比較清爽的風味 帶有柚子香~略鹹 配料有溏心蛋、叉燒豬肉、舒肥雞肉、雞肉丸、海苔跟蔥花等 溏心蛋甜度不高、但熟度剛好 叉燒豬肉吃起來蠻嫩的、還行 舒肥雞肉我覺得還不錯、不腥口感也佳 雞肉丸我就比較還好點🤣 我覺得吃多有點膩~ 2. 另個比較濃醇味的湯頭 配料都差不多 這個就是比較稠的湯頭 我覺得也不錯 鹹度也不會太鹹 友人更喜歡這個湯頭🤣 3. 煎餃子 皮薄微脆的 餃子🥟沾醬有醋~ 我覺得略蓋過餃子本身的風味 旁邊的辣醬還不錯吃、辣椒香🌶️ 整體而言我覺得這拉麵價格蠻高的 不用排隊可以嘗試囉🤣
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