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Lunch1 ppl$65
14 days ago

📍Kaohsiung Qianjin District

This established restaurant has been recognized as a Michelin Bib Gourmand in 2024. The dining space is semi-open, and when the air conditioning is on, transparent cloth curtains are pulled down as a barrier, but it still doesn't quite help against the hot weather in Kaohsiung, making it not very cool 🤣. The restaurant has about 6-7 tables and has a quick table turnover. I waited for about 15 minutes. Parking nearby is rather inconvenient, so it's recommended to ride a scooter for easier parking.

Dishes 🥘

  • Fish Floss Pork Rice / 45 NT$
  • Soft-boiled Duck Egg / 20 NT$:

The Qianjin Pork Rice is on the fattier side, with a sauce that leans towards a slightly sweeter Southern Taiwanese flavor. You can appreciate the comforting aroma of the gravy and the unique gelatinous texture from the fatty parts of the meat, giving it a slightly sticky mouthfeel. Pairing it with the restaurant's special fish floss adds an extra layer of texture but also takes away some moisture from your mouth, making you slightly thirsty after finishing the whole bowl. Next time, I might choose the version without fish floss. The soft-boiled duck egg is the soul of the pork rice. Gently breaking the slightly firm golden egg yolk allows it to flow out, and wrapping the rice grains with a bit of the yolk provides another level of enjoyment. I personally recommend everyone add the soft-boiled duck egg; it's an excellent pairing with the pork rice!

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3 reviews
Taiwanese restaurantNT$80~NT$110
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Lunch2 ppl$110
about 2 months ago
有多少人為米其林餐廳趨之若鶩?但你知道除了「米其林指南」的榮譽之外,還有一個專為推薦「物有所值」的飲食體驗而設的「必比登推介」嗎?「必比登推介」於1997年首次亮相,由米其林寶寶必比登舔嘴唇的形象代言,象徵著高品質與親民價格的結合。今天要和大家分享的,是高雄一家傳承三代的肉燥飯店。雖然店面簡樸,但門口總是排滿人潮,這家店不僅深受當地人喜愛,更是獲得「必比登推介」認證的美食寶地之一… ✅魚鬆肉燥飯:使用帶有豬皮及油花的肉燥,味道上是屬於南部風味,再加上店家自製的虱目魚魚鬆,會再更增添海鮮鮮味,吃起來更有層次感。最厲害的是,吃完一碗油而不膩的滋味,會讓人想要再續下一碗。另外有再加購20元搭配半熟鴨蛋包,蛋黃非常濃郁,與白飯混勻後,滋味更渾厚又順口。 ✅青菜:看店家當天提供的品項為何,而青菜都是一般的冷菜,吃起來普通。調味清淡。 ✅貢丸湯:添加些許芹菜的純粹貢丸湯。味道不會過重,很單純的味道。貢丸Q彈。 ✅竹筍湯:一樣是非常單純的湯。裏面的食材僅有筍子而以,不過筍子相當清甜。 ————————————— 「前金肉燥飯」的招牌肉燥飯確實名不虛傳,精髓在於肉燥中保留的豬皮和油脂,帶來肥而不膩的口感。搭配魚鬆,更增添了一絲清爽,讓整體味道更加平衡。至於其他餐點,表現得中規中矩,但因為吃曼去得較晚,所剩品項也不多了。而據說「煎魚肚」也是必點品項,建議想要品嚐的朋友務必早點前往,以免錯過唷! *只接受現金
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Breakfast1 ppl$105
about 2 months ago
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