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Pasta & Co.

2 months ago
Lunch4 ppl$500

Location: Zhongshan District, Taipei City

Italian Pasta Restaurant near Songjiang Nanjing MRT Station
About a 6-minute walk away
There are many offices in the area, so I thought it would be empty on weekends
Although we had a reservation, it was still fully booked at noon
It can be seen that it's quite a popular store

🌟 Crispy Thin Skin Fries
Freshly fried fries are delicious
They are thin fries sprinkled with a layer of plum powder
This gives them a different taste compared to regular fast-food fries
They have a sweeter flavor
People who love plum powder would really like these (like me)
Apart from plum powder, basic ketchup is also provided
Their ketchup is a bit sour
I personally don't like it

🌟 Tomato Meat Sauce Handkerchief Pasta

For me, it has a mild tomato sauce flavor
The handkerchief pasta reminds me of restaurants I visited in the UK
But the seasoning and texture are quite different
The pasta is overcooked with a poor texture
The seasoning lacks harmony
I feel it's quite an unfortunate dish

🌟 Creamy Mullet Roe Honeycomb Pasta

When the pasta arrived, it reminded me of baocac
The sauce adheres perfectly to the pasta
The texture of the mullet roe doesn't feel strange
Overall, it's paired very well
This dish is delicious 🤤

🌟 Spicy Pink Sauce Burrata Swirl Pasta
In my mind, pink sauce has always been a symbol of deliciousness
But in this dish, perhaps because of the pasta, I felt it couldn't blend well
I didn't really like it

🌟 Classic Grandma's Tiramisu
The container used is very cool
I even thought it looked like a Tatung rice cooker
The first bite is full of cocoa powder
The kind that gets stuck in your throat
But inside, it's classic, moist, and soft
Quite tasty as well

Overall, it's an average Italian pasta place
Probably only a choice if I'm nearby and don't know what else to eat
No particularly outstanding or memorable dishes
Highly substitutable
So it's quite a pity

Spicy Pink Sauce Burrata Swirl Pasta
Creamy Mullet Roe Honeycomb Pasta
Noodles with tomato meat sauce
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Spot Info

Pasta & Co.104台北市中山區南京東路三段9號
4 reviews
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Lunch3 ppl$700
3 days ago
手工義大利麵的口感我很喜歡,有彈性的麵體,茄汁肉醬蠻濃郁,但辣味粉紅醬布拉塔漩渦麵的個人就不愛,辣味有點突兀,粉紅醬也不是很順口,調味沒有融合感 沒拍到的海鹽脆皮櫛瓜條不錯,做的像起司條細細長長的形狀,外皮脆中間軟,配松露大蒜蛋黃醬蠻涮嘴 整體中規中矩,屬於有路過才會考慮吃的餐廳
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Dinner2 ppl$2600
12 months ago
已經來三次的Pasta&Co,在這邊可以吃到很精緻的義大利料理 💕 喜翻手工義麵的foodie別錯過了 這家的菜的美味程度是會覺得很驚艷的!但是偶爾會點到普菜。餐廳氛圍不錯,但是蠻吵的,作為稍嫌擁擠 推薦的餐點:前菜A4 烤波芙隆起司鍋,搭配酸種麵包,濃郁起司香配上煙燻甜椒做的紅醬,層次很豐富也很開胃🤤 紹興酒香脆皮豬肉卷 Porchetta,好的非常軟嫩的豬肉搭配酥脆的外皮,非常值得一試 我們兩人有點一支紅酒 900 元,所以客單有比較高。很推薦點一杯 house wine 配著吃,他們酒很用心挑選過 😇 另外這次點的紅醬肉丸義大利麵我覺得很普,肉丸本身吃起來粉粉的,麵的口感也很普。上次吃了一個松露口味的比較好吃
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Dinner2 ppl$1250
12 months ago
週五晚上想吃個義大利麵,剛好公司附近這家還有最後一張桌,就來吃了。 這家也是我的口袋名單,從去年開幕以來已經吃了 3-4 次。他的菜種類不多,但幾乎沒有雷,都可以試試。而且他的紅白酒單瓶的價格還不錯,重點是都挑的很好,每次喝都很愛。 推薦下班不管是情侶或是聚餐都可以來試試看!
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