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LV 30|Bronze Foodie

Pasta & Co.

12 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$1250

I wanted to eat spaghetti on Friday night, and there happened to be the last table at this restaurant near the company, so I came to eat.

This is also on my pocket list and I have eaten there 3-4 times since it opened last year. There are not many types of dishes, but there are almost no surprises, so you can try them all. Moreover, the prices for single bottles of his red and white wines are pretty good. The important thing is that they are all well-selected and I love them every time I drink them.

It is recommended to give it a try after get off work, whether you are a couple or having a dinner party!

The limited edition Italian pork roll is still available for Friday dinner, so order it right away. The pork skin is grilled to a crispy texture and the sauce is really delicious. The vegetables on the side are even more amazing!
The grilled Pavlova cheese pan paired with sourdough bread is also a top dish. It's a pity that there are only three slices of bread
Three slices of sourdough bread served with cheese pot
Grandma’s classic Italian meatball spaghetti is a relatively common dish. I think the texture of the noodles itself is okay, but I don't really like the sauce and meatballs.
The dessert after the meal, Montblanc, was considered average to above average.
I order a bottle of house wine every time I come here, and this store has a good selection of house wine. Friends who recommend it to eat must try it!
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Spot Info

Pasta & Co.104台北市中山區南京東路三段9號
4 reviews
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Lunch3 ppl$700
3 days ago
手工義大利麵的口感我很喜歡,有彈性的麵體,茄汁肉醬蠻濃郁,但辣味粉紅醬布拉塔漩渦麵的個人就不愛,辣味有點突兀,粉紅醬也不是很順口,調味沒有融合感 沒拍到的海鹽脆皮櫛瓜條不錯,做的像起司條細細長長的形狀,外皮脆中間軟,配松露大蒜蛋黃醬蠻涮嘴 整體中規中矩,屬於有路過才會考慮吃的餐廳
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Lunch4 ppl$500
2 months ago
location 台北市中山區 松江南京捷運站附近的義大利麵餐廳 走路大約6分鐘抵達 附近商辦居多 以為假日應該沒什麼人 雖然有訂位但中午的時候還是滿位 可以看出是生意蠻好的一間店 🌟酥脆帶皮細薯條 現炸出來的薯條就是好吃 是偏細的薯條上有一層梅粉 讓他的味道跟一般速食店的薯條有了分別 多喝一點甜甜的風味 會讓喜歡吃梅粉的人非常喜歡(像我 除了梅粉外仍然有準備基本薯條會用到的番茄醬 他們的番茄醬有點偏酸 我自己不喜歡 🌟茄汁肉醬手巾麵 這盤麵對我來說茄汁味算是淡淡的 手巾麵的部分對我來說有點像之前在英國吃的餐廳 但調味跟口感跟那間落差蠻大的 整體手巾麵偏爛 口感比較差一點 調味的味道不夠契合 我覺得是一道蠻可惜的料理 🌟奶香烏魚子蜂巢麵 麵體一上來的時候覺得很像寶咔咔 讓醬類可以很完整的巴在麵上 烏魚子的口感不會讓人覺得太怪異 整體來說搭配的非常好 這道料理很美味🤤 🌟辣味粉紅醬布拉塔漩渦麵 在我心中粉紅醬一直都是美味的象徵 但這盤菜可能因為麵體的關係 讓我一直覺得他的融合度很不好 自己不是很喜歡 🌟經典老奶奶提拉米蘇 用的容器非常酷 還以為是大同電鍋咧 第一口就是滿滿的可可粉 是那種會卡喉嚨的那種卡 但內部是屬於非常經典的濕軟感 也相當好吃 整體來說就是一間中規中矩的義大利麵 不過對我來說可能要在附近不知道要吃什麼才會選擇 沒有特別突出或者讓我印象深刻的料理 替代性也高 所以還蠻可惜的
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Dinner2 ppl$2600
12 months ago
已經來三次的Pasta&Co,在這邊可以吃到很精緻的義大利料理 💕 喜翻手工義麵的foodie別錯過了 這家的菜的美味程度是會覺得很驚艷的!但是偶爾會點到普菜。餐廳氛圍不錯,但是蠻吵的,作為稍嫌擁擠 推薦的餐點:前菜A4 烤波芙隆起司鍋,搭配酸種麵包,濃郁起司香配上煙燻甜椒做的紅醬,層次很豐富也很開胃🤤 紹興酒香脆皮豬肉卷 Porchetta,好的非常軟嫩的豬肉搭配酥脆的外皮,非常值得一試 我們兩人有點一支紅酒 900 元,所以客單有比較高。很推薦點一杯 house wine 配著吃,他們酒很用心挑選過 😇 另外這次點的紅醬肉丸義大利麵我覺得很普,肉丸本身吃起來粉粉的,麵的口感也很普。上次吃了一個松露口味的比較好吃
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