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LV 5Fooday Intern


11 months ago
Dinner7 ppl$760

The sauerkraut and white meat pot is really delicious. The acidity is not so sour. I personally think it is just right. The soup can last for several bowls.

The pot itself has a variety of handmade meatballs, shrimps, oysters, etc. The seven of us ate some from the big pot and ordered our favorite ingredients, which was pretty good! The white meat has good texture and is not greasy when paired with the dipping sauce. For other ingredients, we recommend taro balls.

If you are the birthday girl of the month, you can go to Google and give a five-star rating to get a plate of meat for free 🤪

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4 reviews
Hot pot restaurantNT$730~NT$780
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Dinner8 ppl$700
10 months ago
一開始就夠酸的酸菜白肉鍋,不需要等煮一陣子才變酸,適合喜歡夠酸的人! 湯頭不錯,芋頭丸很好吃,初始料蠻豐富的,其他整體一般般~~肉質也一般,基本上應該不會特別回訪了,沒有難吃但沒什麼記憶點的感覺!(除了芋頭丸) 當月壽星打卡會多送一盤肉
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Dinner7 ppl$760
11 months ago
天氣變冷適合吃酸菜白肉鍋。網評這家還不錯,實際上吃起來有點小失望。主要是肥肉的部分太多了,我只拍了一張我可以接受的肥肉分佈的肉盤,其他盤的肥肉比例都大於60%,有點不太敢吃。 湯頭一開始酸度還不錯(未然我覺得可以再更酸),後來加高湯之後酸菜味又被沖淡更多,可能要再加點酸菜。 整體用餐體驗還不錯,但最重要的肉片不太滿意,因此給2星
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Dinner7 ppl$800
11 months ago
經過好幾次這家四平小館,店內裝潢的還蠻有味道,傳統中式的餐廳,主打酸菜白肉鍋。火鍋本身是很傳統的木炭那種鍋,還蠻懷舊的。 湯頭本身很不錯,酸酸的有味道!我本身最喜歡的是麻辣丸跟花枝滑,尤其是麻辣丸的辣度剛好,非常平衡。 美中不足的是白肉的脂肪部分偏硬,煮完以後有點過 Q 口感沒那麼好,個人比較偏好軟嫩的脂肪部位。不太確定為什麼會這樣~ 另外他只有台灣金牌啤酒,真心不愛,不過不收開瓶費,可以自己帶喜歡的酒類👍 整體還是蠻好吃的,想吃酸白鍋的可以來試試!
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