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Oh my!原燒 台北林森北店

about 2 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$1000

High standard service! Although the price is on the high side, it is exquisite and just right for two people.

2024/8/2 (Friday) 19:00 Dinner
No special reservation/Onsite seats are half full

It’s my first time to eat hara-yaki.
I found out that it was a brand owned by Wangpin.
I heard from the store staff that there will be a new menu at the end of August, and I will definitely visit again.

A more impressive personal review:
(1) Regardless of any service staff, the overall service attitude is super good. Even if I don’t usually scan the QR code to leave a comment, I would like to scan it to encourage the outsiders (ask their boss to help raise their salary)

(2) When each dish is served, they will carefully introduce and teach how to grill the meat, and they will also frequently ask about changing the grill net, which is really a plus for a barbecue restaurant!

(3) The desktop is organized very quickly. Even if the dining period is busy, consumers’ needs are quickly noticed. The service fee is worth paying.

(4) The side dishes (Six Little Fortunes) that come with the meal actually contain mustard! It’s rare to find wasabi in yakiniku restaurants, which is really impressive (and you can refill the side dishes endlessly).

(5) It is worth mentioning that the pork bone soup was provided as soon as we were seated. It was so delicious that I accidentally refilled two pots (free)

The nitpicky part of the egg:
(1) The leaves of the cabbage look like they have lost moisture, as if they have been left in the refrigerator for a long time and are not that fresh.

(2) It is difficult to park nearby and there are few motorcycle spaces. It is recommended to walk for 10 minutes from MRT Zhongshan Station or take public transportation.

(3) The meat is average to above average, and the quality of the meat is not particularly impressive at this price.

Off topic:
The pork bone soup is of extremely high quality and has won the hearts of many ramen shops, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Oupin opens a ramen shop someday.
This article will be sent to Google Maps simultaneously.

Super delicious pork bone soup! !
Contents of the Angus beef course for two persons other than beef
Seven side dishes for side meals
Chocolate Vanilla Pearl Ice Cream
Forgot to take a photo so I ate half of the beef platter😔
The counter also does some takeout, and it seems that you can also order from Uber.
Basically, it’s a la carte system. If you don’t have any opinion (me), you can choose the set meal he helps you prepare.
The menu pages are basically set meals. To order, you need to scan the QR code. This time we had the Angus beef set meal (for two persons)
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Spot Info

Oh my!原燒 台北林森北店
4 reviews
Yakiniku restaurantNT$990~NT$1,160
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Dinner2 ppl$945
about 1 month ago
【Foodholic乃子@台北】 「Oh my!原燒」是王品集團旗下的燒肉店,一直都知道這家店但從來沒有吃過,今天一個心血來潮想說吃吃看好了,下午5點一營業就打去訂位,可能因為是七夕,要等到晚上7:50才有位子 台北林森北店位於中山站附近,距離2號出口走路9分鐘,餐廳位置在2樓,店內氣氛屬於昏暗型,很有日式燒肉的感覺 我們點了豪邁豬雙人套餐$1598 包含了24oz的一大盤豬肉綜合拼盤、一小盤海鮮、季節時蔬、副食(也是肉)、沙拉、主食(米飯,可加價換其他飯麵)、小菜碟們、甜點、飲料 說真的,本來想說價格不算高,應該份量是偏精緻的吧,結果吃完超級飽耶! 以下是餐點心得: 一入座店家會先一壺招待熱雞湯,我喝了3-4碗,很合我的胃口呀! 胡麻鮮蔬沙拉超級好吃,上面灑上的海苔脆脆和麵包脆片太加分了,味道吃起來很清爽,肉品都還沒上桌,我們幾乎已經把沙拉吃完了 副食選擇壺漬豬,肉質我不太喜歡,軟軟的,且有點太鹹,下次可能會考慮選椒鹽魷魚 豬肉綜合拼盤一送上來就很驚艷,擺盤超級好看,而且一副就是很新鮮的樣子,包含了戰斧豬、伊比利豬梅花、松板豬、雪花豬、豬五花、鴨胸、去骨雞腿 但吃起來我個人覺得中規中矩,不錯吃,但不是一放入嘴巴裡就讓人要升天的感覺 海鮮的部分包含干貝和草蝦,我只有吃干貝,不是很喜歡,本來蠻期待的,但吃起來有點腥味 季節時蔬是山藥,份量很多,沾著醬汁吃挺好吃的 主食我們加了$119換成蒜香鮭魚石鍋飯,每人都能拿到滿滿一碗飯,份量蠻多的,但我覺得蒜味太重了,放到冷掉後就沒這麼好吃了 飲料的選擇很多元,喝起來普普通通,但很大杯,配著燒肉吃很足夠 甜點我選了黑糖鮮奶酪,很不錯,雖然偏甜 晚上8:30店家還有準備賓果遊戲,氣氛蠻歡樂可愛的! 整體而言,挺推薦可以來原燒吃飯,雙人套餐吃下來一人不用$1000,cp值還挺高的,願意再訪!
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Dinner2 ppl$1045
about 1 month ago
很久沒來吃原燒,第一次吃記得就很喜歡過了這麼久來還是很好吃~ 這次點的是雙人牛1899的套餐+10% 肉的品質就是比外面吃到飽還好 另外附餐的湯(記得以前沒有)也很好喝 雖然價位有點高,但符合品質 個人蠻喜歡的,會再回訪~
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Dinner2 ppl$1319
6 months ago
跟家人吃飯 約了這間燒肉位子真的是很難訂 這次我們點了期間限定的櫻の祭典 $2398 + 10%服務費 前菜的沙拉是滿清爽的 搭配的醬料是酸甜口感的 然後就是這個算是小有名氣的漢堡 裡面的漢堡肉非常的厚 真的是很好吃的也很過癮的漢堡 不過吃這個下去有點佔胃就是了 另外這個套餐還有一個味噌豬起司餅大阪燒 味噌豬沒怎麼吃出來 不過起司餅很酥脆 味道也很濃郁 底下的部分應該適用麵糊煎出來的 是滿紮實的碳水 肉盤的肉感覺都滿新鮮的 每一種的量並不是太多 但兩個人吃其實滿夠的了 他們的燒肉會搭配燒肉漬物六小福 大部分是常見的漬物 不過有一個愛心形狀的凝凍滿有趣的 味道很像麻辣鍋的湯底 跟肉搭配起來的味道滿有趣的 不過因為是整塊的凝凍 要夾來配肉老實說不是那麼方便 特別提的是這間店的桌邊服務滿不錯的 都會滿熱心的介紹和幫烤 也很頻繁的主動拿烤網來換 整體用餐體驗是很不錯的 這間店整體來說就是價格有點小貴 不過餐點的分量和味道 以及用餐體驗 都是很棒的 算是有重要節日要慶祝的時候可以考慮的店
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