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LV 30|Bronze Foodie

本家BORNGA韓式燒肉 敦南店

Dinner6 ppl$1000
about 1 year ago

It is a Korean barbecue restaurant with a very novel decoration. It has a lot of seats. As soon as you sit down, you will be served with many side dishes and a large plate of meat-wrapped lettuce. The opening impression is pretty good.
There is an introduction and grilling method of the signature Wusangge meat on the table, but unfortunately I don’t eat beef.

Seafood soup⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Super recommended! There is a lot of tofu, and there is clam meat in it. The soup is very rich and sweet, but not too spicy. It is very memorable after eating. We ordered another bowl immediately after finishing it👍

Honeycomb Pork ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Super delicious, chewier than ordinary pork belly. The distribution of fat and lean meat is not as clear as ordinary pork belly. Instead, it is a bit like the meat after micro-plastic surgery. The lean and fat meat are very cleverly intertwined. Together, yet natural. It’s an amazing feeling, but I highly recommend it!

There aren’t many positive or negative reviews for other meals, so I won’t comment on them.

The price of Korean barbecue is not cheap, but the clerk actually said that some cheap meat should be grilled by oneself, which was a bit dumbfounding😂

The decoration is novel, the seats are spacious and bright, and you won’t have a strong barbecue smell after eating

There are meat-wrapped lettuces on every table, all of which can be eaten raw~ If you order an extra plate, it will cost 499.
All side dishes can be added for free.
My favorite Honeycomb Pork ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Super delicious, must try
The dining environment is bright
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LV 30Bronze Foodie

Spot Info

本家BORNGA韓式燒肉 敦南店台北市大安區市民大道四段102號
Korean barbecueNT$880~NT$970
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$800
3 months ago
🐷 本家BORNGA韓式燒肉 敦南店🐷有沒有跟我一樣非常喜歡吃韓國烤肉的朋友啊🧑‍🤝‍🧑 這次推薦一間韓國來台開的韓式燒肉店 本家 再韓國無人不知無人不曉的白老師白種元 以品味為根基創立的品牌 餐飲的部分非常多樣化 不止滿足韓國饕客的味蕾 也接軌國際世界各地愛好韓式料理的朋友 因為他們的套餐都有牛 所以這次採用單點的模式 點的蜜醬豬肋排🐷 本身已經有先醃製過味道偏鹹 所以不用再額外加任何醬其實就很夠味了 豬五花🥩 豬五花吃韓國烤肉不可能不點的吧 肉的部分我覺得口感很讚 但就是偏肥 但豬五花本身就是比較肥的 可以搭配一些泡菜 蒜頭🧄 生菜🥬一起吃會很爽 蜂巢豬五花🐝 經過韓式特定刀法在炭火上均勻受熱 吃起來口感跟一般豬五花有差別 我也蠻喜歡的搭配菜盤超級爽口 還點了一個大將豆腐煲 吃起來我覺得味道很濃郁料的部分也蠻多的 非常之推薦這個必點 他們的小菜是可以無限制續的吃完都可以在點 但生菜盤就不能了請不要吃太快😂
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Dinner6 ppl$1000
about 1 year ago
瘋了好一陣子的韓國燒肉,這次來到了這家本家韓式燒肉。店面第一眼的印象是有別於多數韓式燒肉的風格,很乾淨、明亮,走一個現代的路線,但我個人覺得少了點人情味。 店家的價位算是偏高,最大的問題是簡單的肉要自己烤,這個設定蠻莫名的。之前吃的韓式幾乎都是全程幫烤,可以很開心的吃肉喝酒。本家價位稍高,但卻有一些要自己烤,有一些他們幫烤,覺得實在不太 ok。 整體來說,有些肉不錯吃,小菜也都補很快。但韓式燒肉這麼多家,不是會想特別再訪的店家。
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Dinner6 ppl$900
about 1 year ago
不知道為什麼 Google 評論上這麼高分,真的很普🥲🥲🥲 不難吃但很普,無靈魂!我覺得好吃的是海鮮豆腐湯🤣 吾桑格牛五花還不錯,但就是牛五花! 蜂巢豬五花好吃 優點是小菜給的很大方也很快速~服務人員態度好。 不過不是所有肉都是店員烤,「比較簡單」的肉如五花肉、蜂巢五花都需要自己烤,其實蠻忙不過來的🤣 而且價位偏中高,聽到要自己烤大家都⋯啊⋯蛤⋯ 牛舌不要點,不好吃 又是一間基本不會回訪的不難吃的普店
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