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The location is very close to the MRT Technology Building Station, making it quite convenient in terms of transportation. In terms of price, I personally think it’s acceptable.

I suggest just ordering à la carte instead of upgrading to a set meal because the restaurant has a free self-service bar with various drinks available for unlimited refills, along with borscht and corn chowder which you can also refill as much as you want. À la carte orders come with complimentary appetizers like bread, and if you encounter some promotions at the restaurant, you can upgrade to a set meal for a small additional amount!

This time, I ordered the cheapest steak option. Although the staff recommended medium doneness, I personally felt it was still a bit overcooked. The meat was somewhat tough and difficult to chew, but the quality itself was not bad. I’ve included a photo of the cross-section for reference.

The drink bar in the restaurant is similar to regular beverage bars outside, with a variety of flavors to choose from. I strongly recommend the borscht; it's hearty and flavorful, really quite delicious. The corn chowder pairs well with the appetizer bread. Overall, it was a fairly filling meal.

If you’re still looking for a place to gather with friends, I think this could be a good option. Just sharing for your reference!

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Spot Info

瀧厚炙燒熟成牛排 台北大安店106台北市大安區和平東路二段183號
3 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$613
5 months ago
我很少到這個價位的餐館消費,這次也是應朋友邀請同時因為有優惠活動才想說來吃看看,果然原肉就是比較好吃,比起之前吃的夜市等級牛排來說,這肉質好吃很多,服務生說明,因為是提供鐵盤盛裝牛排,所以並沒有提供七分熟以上的選擇,最多就是到五分熟,應該是為了避免在食用的過程中牛排變得太熟,如果有需要再熟一點的人,需要在牛排上桌後再等一下,讓鐵板把牛排加熱,就可以吃到七至八分熟的牛排。 過程中有分享的友人提供的戰斧豬排,吃起來也是非常軟嫩,沾上附上的黑胡椒醬,整體來說就是色香味俱全的豬排。 店家有提供羅宋湯及可樂等等飲料無限暢飲,下次如果沒點套餐的話,倒是可以多多飲用。 整體來說就是一間高級的西餐館,提供的餐點肉質鮮美,除了座椅擺設略感擁擠以外,其實並沒有其他值得特別留意的地方,不過去餐館重點本來就是餐點,提供的環境只要乾淨整潔,主題就只要放在餐點上就好,之後如果還有機會感覺可以再回訪。
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Lunch2 ppl$613
5 months ago
大家好,我是小青蛙🐸捷運科技大樓附近有一家<瀧厚炙燒熟成牛排>分店, 之前也吃過幾次,是偶爾想大口吃肉的選擇之一。 店內環境整體是沈穩的藍色調,自助區有飲料、咖啡、水、調味料及兩款湯品,湯品是玉米濃湯跟蕃茄羅宋湯,羅宋湯那一鍋…裡面也都是滿滿的牛肉塊及蔬菜,而且都是無限暢飲的喔,想喝多少就舀多少~ 到訪日剛好碰到瀧厚6週年的活動,新品沙朗牛排+6元升級雙倍份量。 ⭐️炙燒熟成沙朗心 $586 7oz原價580元,配合活動加6元升級雙倍份量, 這是朋友點的,我有吃兩口,有很牛的味道!!! 豐富的油脂,肉質嫩嫩的,油花多、筋少,算是很好咬的喔~ ⭐️炙燒戰斧豬排 $390 所謂的戰斧豬排,指的是豬的里肌或是前腿上的梅花肉連著豬肋骨切出的部位,這樣切出來的豬排,可以吃到里肌或梅花肉也可以吃到豬肋的肉,同時可以享用2個部位不同的口感~ 今天這塊是里肌部位比較多的位置,瘦肉居多,但不乾柴,個人蠻喜歡的耶~ 🌟搭配A套餐 +$139 沙拉、前菜、酥皮濃湯、甜點 ‼️結論: 需要加10%服務費~ 這次牛排、豬排肉質部分還蠻好吃的,但個人覺得套餐…普通,下次回訪就不會再升級套餐了吧!
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