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LV 22|Fooday Adventurer

Hello everyone, I am little frog🐸
There is a branch of "Takihou Grilled Aged Steak" near the MRT Technology Building.
I've had it a few times before, and it's one of the options for those who want to eat meat occasionally.

The overall environment of the store is in a calm blue tone. The self-service area has drinks, coffee, water, seasonings and two soups. The soups are corn soup and tomato borscht. The pot of borscht... is also full of them. There are beef cubes and vegetables, and they are all unlimited, so you can scoop as much as you want~

The day of my visit happened to coincide with Takihou's 6th anniversary event, and the new Sirloin Steak was upgraded to a double portion for RMB 6.

⭐️Grilled Sirloin Heart $586
The original price for 7oz is NT$580. In conjunction with the event, an extra NT$6 will be added to double the serving size.
My friend ordered this. I took two bites and it tasted awesome!!!
Rich in oil, the meat is tender and tender, with more oil and less tendons, so it is very chewy~

⭐️Grilled Tomahawk Pork Chops $390
The so-called Tomahawk pork chop refers to the part where the pork tenderloin or the plum blossoms on the front legs are connected to the pork ribs. With the cut pork chops, you can eat the pork tenderloin or the plum blossoms as well as the pork ribs. of meat, you can enjoy the different textures of two parts at the same time~

Today’s section contains a lot of inner muscles, with mostly lean meat, but not dry meat. I like it very much~

🌟With Package A +$139
Salads, appetizers, puff pastry soups, desserts

‼ ️Conclusion:
A 10% service charge is required ~
This time the steak and pork chops were quite delicious, but personally I think the set meal was... just average. I won’t upgrade to the set meal next time I return!

Grilled Sirloin Heart
Grilled Tomahawk Pork Chops
Buffet area tomato borscht
Steak meal comes with garlic bread
Set A-(Salad)Japanese style salad
Set A-(Appetizer) Private Thirteen Spices Chicken Wings
Set A-Puff Pastry Soup
Set A-(Dessert) Brownie
Meat source
Beverages in self-service area
Self-service sauce and soup ladling area
Internal seating area
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Spot Info

瀧厚炙燒熟成牛排 台北大安店106台北市大安區和平東路二段183號
3 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$400
20 days ago
在捷運科技大樓站非常近的地方,交通上算是十分方便,價格的話個人覺得還行。 個人覺得建議直接單點就好,不用升級為套菜,因為店裡免費的自助吧就有多種飲料喝到飽以及羅宋牛肉湯還有玉米濃湯可以無限續喝,單點也會附上開胃麵包,如果遇到店裡的一些活動可以加很小的金額來升級套餐! 這次點的是最便宜的品項牛排,雖然說店員推薦五分熟但我個人覺得還是有點過熟了。肉吃起來偏硬有點難入口,但肉質本身是還不錯,橫斷面給大家照片參考~ 店裡的飲料吧跟一般外面的飲料吧相同,蠻多口味可以選擇的。羅宋牛肉湯個人覺得大力推薦,料多又濃郁真的蠻好喝的。玉米濃湯則是可以搭配開胃的麵包一起服用,整體吃下來算是蠻飽的一餐。 如果還找不到聚餐地點的話我會覺得是一個不錯的選擇,給大家參考~
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Lunch2 ppl$613
5 months ago
我很少到這個價位的餐館消費,這次也是應朋友邀請同時因為有優惠活動才想說來吃看看,果然原肉就是比較好吃,比起之前吃的夜市等級牛排來說,這肉質好吃很多,服務生說明,因為是提供鐵盤盛裝牛排,所以並沒有提供七分熟以上的選擇,最多就是到五分熟,應該是為了避免在食用的過程中牛排變得太熟,如果有需要再熟一點的人,需要在牛排上桌後再等一下,讓鐵板把牛排加熱,就可以吃到七至八分熟的牛排。 過程中有分享的友人提供的戰斧豬排,吃起來也是非常軟嫩,沾上附上的黑胡椒醬,整體來說就是色香味俱全的豬排。 店家有提供羅宋湯及可樂等等飲料無限暢飲,下次如果沒點套餐的話,倒是可以多多飲用。 整體來說就是一間高級的西餐館,提供的餐點肉質鮮美,除了座椅擺設略感擁擠以外,其實並沒有其他值得特別留意的地方,不過去餐館重點本來就是餐點,提供的環境只要乾淨整潔,主題就只要放在餐點上就好,之後如果還有機會感覺可以再回訪。
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