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3 months ago
Dinner1 ppl$100

Delicious Vietnamese food~ It’s already a store I visit often. The taste is quite adequate and there are always a lot of people during dining time. The store is close to Shuanglian MRT station and the transportation is very convenient.

The store draws the menu by itself and then takes it to the counter to pay. Currently, it seems that they only accept cash. As for Vietnamese cuisine, the prices of the dishes in the store are also a bit cheaper than other restaurants of the same type.

Chicken fried rice + spicy, the portion is quite enough, even boys can have a full meal. Fried rice has always been their signature, delicious.

There are quite a few seats in the store, but you will have to wait for a seat to become available during meal times.

It's a pity that the air-conditioning in the store is not strong enough in the summer. Although there is an electric fan blowing, all the air comes out is hot air. There is no way to enjoy the food.

The environmental cleanliness can be better!

$100 Chicken Fried Rice with Spicy
Ordering counter
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Dinner1 ppl$100
8 months ago
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Dinner2 ppl$150
8 months ago
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