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Dinner1 ppl$200
4 months ago

Over fifty years of local cuisine - Shi's sesame oil kidney dish.
The first time I tried it was recommended by a friend living in Yongchun. After the first bite, I was amazed; I personally think it surpasses any sesame oil offal restaurant in Taipei.

I believe their braised pork rice is among the best I've had in the Taipei area (the top one is Lai Gang Mountain Goat Meat in Xindian). The fatty pork is tender without being overly greasy, and the portion is ample. Although prices have risen in recent years, it’s still very delicious.

I came this time at ten-thirty in the evening, and surprisingly, all the offal was still available, so I ordered the kidney clear soup.

Their kidney is really crunchy; when you bite into it, there’s also a creamy texture. It looks like konjac but tastes very fresh!

Because it’s been too hot lately, I didn’t order dishes from the sesame oil series. If you don’t like scallions and shredded ginger, remember to tell the staff in advance. The sesame oil part was omitted.

In winter, they also sell sesame oil chicken, which I’ve ordered twice and was amazed both times. The rice wine truly makes you feel a bit tipsy after drinking the soup, and the meat is fresh and served in large pieces.

Their side dishes are also highly recommended, but since I was eating alone, I ordered them less frequently. Overall, I highly recommend this place!

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Taiwanese restaurantNT$160~NT$180
4 reviews
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Dinner3 ppl$177
about 1 month ago
施家麻油腰花的地址雖然位於松山路上,但實際上的店門口位於隔壁的540巷中。營業時間經過總是大排長龍,之前立冬的時候甚至整間店被清空到只剩飯可以賣。 今天享用的是麻油腰花、魯肉飯、魯筍絲,還外帶了麻油雞跟麻油豬心,合計530元。 麻油腰花: 腰花處理得非常細緻、口感脆彈,麻油湯底濃郁但又帶有甜香,緩緩咬開腰花時,那獨特的口感回饋真的只有自己吃了才知道。 湯中的嫩薑細嫩到可以直接跟腰花一起享用,會有不同的滋味。 魯肉飯: 施家的魯肉飯很厲害,飯粒粒粒分明,魯肉口感雖然圓潤,但又油而不膩。 其實就算麻油底料都賣完了,光這魯肉飯也依然值得一吃。 魯筍絲: 中規中矩,比較偏向是在魯肉飯跟腰花之間作為口感過度的小菜。 並不差,但確實不突出,筍絲中再添加的一些魯肉是有趣的亮點。 麻油雞: 帶骨,但相較起其他麻油料理比較大碗。 麻油本身就不再贅述,雞肉帶軟骨的份量讓人相當滿意,肉質相當軟嫩。 唯獨麻油雞的料酒下得似乎比較重...如果有駕駛需求的情況,可能得斟酌飲用湯品。 麻油豬心: 豬心的脆彈口感也非常值得一試,跟腰花是不同類型的Q彈。 整體而言,光為了吃到這份腰花,我就特地花時間造訪了三次以上,但就算如此辛苦,享用到時依然覺得值得,就是如此的美味。 店內真的很狹窄,為了提升入座效率甚至還採用了隔板,所以如果可以的話還是改外帶吧。 強烈推薦給大家!
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Dinner1 ppl$145
8 months ago
吃了十幾年的施家,這天過了用餐時間後才來吃飯,人潮依然不少。 雖然最有名的是麻油腰子,但我不愛麻油的湯,很少會點這道。 這天點了 瘦肉清湯 這是我最常點的品項,瘦肉份量給得非常多!只是這天的瘦肉燙得太老了一點,口感不太好,咬得好辛苦😅 魯肉飯 這也是施家的經典菜色,手切的魯肉雖然偏肥,但吃起來一點都不油膩! 魯筍絲 如果要點小菜的話,這道也是我的首選!總是覺得現在越來越難吃到好吃的魯筍絲了,很多店賣的不是不入味,就是有點臭臭的怪味,施家的調味得當,帶點微酸,十分下飯! 這家在口味上蠻和我胃口的,只可惜就是環境不好。
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Lunch1 ppl$165
12 months ago
從小吃到大的口味~有賣麻油腰花等,冬天進補時非常多人排隊,最近默默的漲價了,腰花清湯來到一碗130😢 腰花每天進貨很新鮮,一碗很多塊,有厚度也大塊,湯就是一般的味素湯,越喝越鹹,豬肚湯跟瘦肉湯也不錯,料都好吃,湯都是一樣的湯;滷肉飯醬油味很重,不是很有層次的口味,但就是家常味,想到就會去吃的那種~ 內用跟外帶一起排一列,因為客人很多,亂闖老闆有時會爆氣,等老闆指示再點餐入座
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