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LV 12|Culinary Novice

This place is a bit outside of town and has a nice view of the fields, though they said daytime the view is much better. The place itself has a bit of an upscale vibe, with better presentation of dishes than general restaurants and nice quality wooden tables. Food was all pretty good and quick, and generally we were pretty satisfied.

Salted egg shoots. Seemed like a cool idea but I didn't think it worked, the shoots felt bland and didn't mix well with the salted egg.
Fried chicken, spicy sauce on the side. The chicken was delicious.
Salt pepper Berkshire pork
Salt and pepper crispy small shrimp. Very tasty
Peanut tofu. This was really nice, nutty and creamy.
Squid platter. Tender and easy to eat, tasty and fresh.
King oyster mushroom and zucchini. Some pieces didn't soak in all the flavor of the sauce but others were great.
Sauteed pork and veggies. Nothing special about it, it's fine.
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Spot Info

貳拾參創意料理No. 149-1, Section 1, Zhongshan Rd, Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 545
Taiwanese restaurantNT$320
1 review
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