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LV 35Foodie Commander


about 14 hours ago
Dinner4 ppl$700

Overall Review: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
Dixon's Fooday Review #205
This time we're reviewing Korean cuisine!!

Located in a small alley near Nanjing Fuxing – Korean Eatery!
In this age where Korean cuisine and "Oppas" are all the rage in Taipei,
this place is slightly different from other Korean restaurants.
One of its famous dishes is actually! Pig's trotters!

As expected, the legendary pig's trotters live up to their name.
One plate in, and it's delicious 🤤🤤🤤
👉 The pig's trotters aren't sticky and gelatinous like Taiwanese-style,
but presented in sliced meat form.

The flavor is perfectly marinated, matching well with the dry dishes,
it's tasty and chewy!
Additionally, there are many fresh vegetables for wraps,
which adds a lot of flavor and variety.

Food: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
Drinks: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑
Atmosphere: 🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑
Service: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑
Price: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖
Location: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

👉 The seafood pancakes are more like what you’d find at an ordinary Korean restaurant,
tasty but a bit lacking in creativity.

👉 The cold noodles are another memorable dish.
That day, we ordered sweet and sour and mildly spicy flavors,
each with its own style.
The sweet and sour flavor was less greasy and refreshing,
while the spicy one was like regular cold spicy noodles.

But both cold noodles,
are refreshing and delicious without being overly filling.

Overall, the food is memorable.
The pig's trotters portion is quite large;
one serving should be just right for four people,
but those with smaller appetites might not finish it 🤣🤣

That day, since we had more places to go later,
we didn’t drink here.

In terms of atmosphere, it’s like a typical Korean restaurant,
lively and noisy –
a great place to hang out and chat with friends.

The location is fairly convenient from the MRT station,
just a short walk from behind the Brother Hotel.

In conclusion, it’s a Korean place worth visiting,
suitable for gatherings with friends!

Additionally, the prices are surprisingly friendly.
Or have values started to disintegrate lately???

🤪🤪 Dixon's Banter 🤪🤪

Turns out Korean cuisine is not just about BBQ or stir-fried rice cakes,
even pig's trotters have joined the fray!!!

As a child from Taiwan,
not only do I need to eat Taiwanese pig's trotters,
now even German pig's trotters won’t cut it.
Today we’re going for Korean pig's trotters!!!

Just a kick like Messi!

However, I think this place is more suitable for a group of three to five friends to enjoy together;
if it’s a date with a girl, unless she has a big appetite,
you might not be able to try many types of dishes before you’re done 🥹🥹🥹

Especially one order of pig's trotters can be quite substantial.

How about this –
bring her and her close friends, or even a crush of hers along!
A group of four can enjoy together. As the saying goes: "In a group of three, one must be my teacher."

Take the chance to mix it up with multiple people,
show off your bravado to her friends!

Eating pig's trotters together is so joyful and generous,
and you can showcase your ability to have fun with a group,
boosting your sense of humor in front of her friends +++++
As the saying goes, "Win over her friends, and you win half the battle!"

So, I recommend this place for those who need a group to battle it out(!?)
during group dining occasions!

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Spot Info

4 reviews
Korean restaurantNT$580~NT$810
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小羊的食記 JFGT
Dinner5 ppl$630
2 months ago
餐點份量都蠻大的,口味還滿道地(老闆是韓國人,當日接待我們的服務員也是韓國人!)這家我已經是第二次來吃,兩次的體驗都蠻好的!這次點了之前想點但因為人不夠多所以沒點到的豬腳($880),雖然不便宜但份量還真是多啊,我們五個人吃最後沒有吃完就打包走了。豬腳外層晶瑩剔透的膠質很漂亮,吃起來QQ彈彈不會膩口,只是最後吃多了多多少少還是會有點膩;那個QQ口感吃起來有點像煙燻豬耳朵🤣 我們也有點韓式牛肉雪濃湯,用牛大骨熬製的湯頭,喝起來可以喝到濃濃的牛骨香,但他原本的調味蠻淡的,所以店員還給我們一罐韓國白胡椒鹽自己加~感覺是富含滿滿鈣的湯頭 比較意外的是我們點的韓式烤肉居然是店員幫我們烤好直接端上來,可能是看我們桌子已經放不下沒空間打開烤盤了;韓式烤肉還不錯吃,我比較推薦點梅花肉,豬五花好油🫨 韓式拌飯不是用鐵鍋而是用一個鐵盆,所以自然就也沒有鍋巴,我個人沒有很喜歡這道有點無聊(醬料也有點少,所以常常吃到沒什麼味道的白飯) 韓式小菜皆可無限續,我推薦他們的泡菜,很大片、夠酸不會太辣👍 結論:適合多點人聚餐可以吃到多樣菜,餐點道地好吃份量大!地點也很好,離南京復興捷運站走路不到十分鐘 建議先訂位,當天是平日晚上去幾乎坐滿喔
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Dinner2 ppl$1000
4 months ago
[五星:必吃 一定會再特別造訪]目前在台北吃過最道地的韓式 裝潢的屋瓦和門口的小小用餐區看起來就很有韓味 店員都是韓國人 進去真的有偽出國的感覺 ❗️這間店非常熱門 來之前一定要先電話預訂 - 內用座位很棒的是 和旁邊顧客都會隔著透明隔板 這次兩個人瘋了點了五道菜 每道份量都很大 尤其是來這裡必點 一盤880元的滷豬腳 (份量6個人吃都沒問題⋯我們兩個吃了很多結果看起來像沒動過 全部打包帶回家了😵‍💫) 算一算其實cp值很高 𓌉𓇋海鮮煎餅$380 ·份量很大 吃得很過癮 不是非常酥脆的類型 不過麵糊煎出的香氣足夠 微Q 每一口都吃得到海鮮 𓌉𓇋春川辣炒雞 $400 ·有加韓國傳統辣醬的料理就是讚 裡面有蔬菜、很彈牙的年糕片和雞肉、起司 很適合配飯配麵 不過上面的起司不算多 不是會牽絲的那種 𓌉𓇋韓式滷腳$880 ·我真的是超級討厭吃豬腳的人 討厭那種肥肥的口感 但這道是我主動說要點的 韓式滷豬腳是瘦肉居多 不會有軟爛的口感 能吃得出QQ彈彈的膠原蛋白 店員有附沾醬和漬洋蔥 不管搭配什麼都好吃 單吃味道也夠 就算10人聚餐點這盤也沒問題啦! 𓌉𓇋韓式涼拌冷麵$220 ·會附上醋瓶和芥末可以隨喜好添加 還有一支剪刀自行把冷麵剪成好入口大小 吃起來真的非常冰涼清爽 裡面還有脆脆的白蘿蔔絲 油膩感馬上消除 份量也很多 建議3-4個人分享 𓌉𓇋辣豆腐鍋(小)$200 ·送來時是滾沸的狀態 看起來就超級下飯 口感微辣 豆腐份量超級多 湯喝起來很順口!
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Lunch6 ppl$440
8 months ago
公司附近cp值很高的韓式 回訪數次了中午一點多都可以直接入座 紅色的冷麵很好吃! 海鮮煎餅、炒章魚 料都蠻實在的! 每次都會點個烤肉包菜吃 肉是烤好上桌~ 這次點豬腳880份量很大 沒有特別喜歡😂吃不完還外帶了 石鍋拌飯跟湯都是很穩定又好吃的水準 小菜豐富又好吃 上菜跟續小菜也很快!適合午休聚餐~
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