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ZAN 🍥 CHEE 🇰🇷 Korean Restaurant has been being with over 50 Korean side dishes (ban chan) for customers — these ample varieties do broaden dining experience and foreigners’ knowledge about Korean gastronomic culture. There are currently five (5) branches, and this one in Olympian City is the only one on Kowloon side in Hong Kong. Personally speaking, the foods both surpassed the standards and urbanely reached our expectations.

Their five (5) branches are located in New Territories (Shatin), Hong Kong Island (Central, Wanchai, Causeway Bay) and here in Kowloon (Olympian City).
Stir-fried vermicelli (glass noodle/잡채) and Korean-styled spicy rice cake (떡볶이) are among the most popular customers’ choices.
Sweet-&-sour boneless chicken (양념치킨) inevitably provokes drooling always.
Any meal without Korean-styled deep fried boneless chicken (순살치킨) as complimentary snacks really should not be qualified as beer drinkers’ feasts.
The genuine friends in Korean cuisines: gimbap (김밥), seasoned chicken (치킨), seaweed rolls (김말이) — they simply hold hands in immaculate harmony.
Olympian City is a post-reclamation area on the west side of Mong Kok district.
Above the shopping mall there are some commercial offices and mostly residential areas.
For local people we often call these kinds of malls as “widows’ malls,” as most pedestrians or potential shoppers are middle-aged single ladies who usually wake up in afternoons for breakfasts, sometimes if you are lucky you may encounter some previously lost beauty pageants here.
The kitchen is where all their exciting cooking actions begin.
Take-away menus page 2 of 2 for your kind perusal 🧾
Take-away menus page 1 of 2 for your kind perusal 🧾
Soon there’ll be less containers or utensils made of plastic in Hong Kong due to local government’s policies imposed/influenced by political parties in Mainland, besides environmentally friendly concerns, it seems to be more a centralized economic matter for businesses. At the end, Foodies in Hong Kong will not be environmentally friendly enough to wear shoes made of reeds, underwear made of leaves and eat insects or worms for proteins, no worries.
Korean cuisines are with lots of fermented foods! Why we should enjoy fermented foods sometimes? Well, one of the important reasons is Vitamin K2 (menaquinone/MK) within — there are 3 types of Vitamin K’s — K1 (phylloquinone), K3 (menadione) and K2 in which i love the most.
K2 is both a tissue and bacterial product derived from vitamin K1 and is usually found in animal products (such as livers) or fermented foods.
Fat-soluble vitamin D helps mobilize calcium, while Vitamin K2 activates some affiliated proteins to help bring calcium into our bones (instead of depositing onto blood vessels, because if there are overloaded deposits it could be harmful to our hearts).
Especially when lovely foodies are getting older, we definitely need to slow down our unnecessary calcium losses and prevent osteoporosis, etc.
Therefore, fermented foods are good foods too (from bacteria, not molds or yeasts): Let’s enjoy some fermented beans, cheeses, kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage) & much more.
In general, less oil, less salt, less sugar may be perceived as less flavors, nonetheless, it’s not always true in Korean cuisines. We could spice up our tasting buds with various exotic aromatic flavors with surprising wonders. It can be mutually inclusive to select the dishes that could serve both your gleeful hearts and good health simultaneously.
For passionate gimbap fanatics, my special recommendations are bulgogi gimbap (불고기김밥), fish cake gimbap (어묵김밥) and fried shrimp gimbap (새우김밥).
To our joy, each hot set combo is with deliciously curvaceous rice and 2 scrumptious side dishes of your choices.
Take a photo of your food with the Fooca camera, and write a genuine dining review to earn extra income. Every meal comes with a reward!

Spot Info

ZAN 🍥 CHEE 🇰🇷 韓國餐廳G09, G/F, Olympian City 2, 18 Hoi Ting Rd, Mong Kok
1 review
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