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LV 30|Bronze Foodie


高雄市Taiwanese restaurant
9 days ago
Lunch1 ppl$95

The very popular steamed egg slide on the internet. I didn't see the slide, but I'm already smiling just because there's a spot! Especially during peak dining hours, the crowd is really quite large.
Their most famous dish is probably the pork leg rice, but I didn't dare to try it, so I skipped it. However, I saw other people enjoying it a lot; the color of the sauce after being braised is beautiful, and the whole bowl of rice looks very flavorful. It seems like everyone adds a fried egg on top. I’ll come back when I’m braver next time! 💪🏻

Back to the point, this time I ordered steamed egg rice & braised cabbage.
✐ Steamed Egg Rice $60
· A large piece of steamed egg sits on top of white rice, drizzled with minced pork sauce (the steamed egg contains meat chunks and mushrooms). Their minced pork is quite mild, which for someone with my strong tastes feels a bit bland; I guess I personally prefer a thicker, richer sauce. However, there’s a condiment area with a chili oil similar to XO sauce that can be used, which adds a lot of aroma and saltiness, and the spiciness is just right! 👍🏻

✐ Braised Cabbage $35
· I love this kind of home-style dish; the flavor is very approachable! You can even see the cabbage interior. It must be braised until soft and soaked with moisture, but I really hope there’s egg yolk in it!

On a side note, if you want to film the steamed egg slide, you might need to keep an eye on the shop's preparation process because it’s in their own kitchen, so it’s not very easy to take photos in the dining area.

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Taiwanese restaurantNT$140~NT$240
3 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$250
about 2 months ago
非用餐時間抵達,但卻是大排長龍但排隊動線規劃的不錯,很快就點到餐,也很快就收到餐點 吃一口真的是驚為天人!! 那個腿庫整個超級香超級軟嫩,入味的腿庫肉搭配上旁邊的配菜非常完美,不會說只有主菜好吃而已 蒸蛋及湯也是好吃不膩,吃完後馬上加點一碗, 是高雄的道地美食😍
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Lunch2 ppl$220
6 months ago
說到腿庫飯,你知道這道料理在不同地方有不同的名稱嗎?有些人稱之為知高,還有人叫它焢肉。然而,內行人都知道,腿庫指的是豬的後腿和腳中間的部位;知高則是後腿肉,而焢肉則是豬的肚子,主要使用五花肉或三層肉製作喔… ✅腿庫飯:除了白飯上方有滿滿的腿庫肉外,還有荷包蛋、滷豆腐及酸菜。滷豆腐和腿庫都過於入味,整體吃起來偏鹹。不過優點是腿庫的外皮非常Q彈,可以吃到滿滿的膠質,但肉的部分就較為乾柴。 ✅蒸蛋飯:白飯上面蓋上一碗蒸蛋,淋上瘦肉燥,味道較為清爽,並不會像腿庫飯那麼油膩。 ✅豬腳肉:外皮口感與腿庫相比,更為有韌性與嚼勁,不過這款是要骨頭中挑肉吃,因此較推薦給愛啃骨頭的人。 ✅滷白菜:一般小吃店的味道,可以吃到淡淡的醬香與蔬菜的清甜。 ✅筍乾:口感脆口又充滿了醬油香氣。搭配白飯蠻下飯的。 ✅苦瓜:搭配美乃滋食用,入口時並不會感受到苦味,但在吞咽後會逐漸散發出淡淡的苦味。 ———————————— 「君腿庫飯」不論是內用或是外帶都需要排隊,點完餐、結完帳後店員會給號碼單,並依序取餐及叫號入座。而這次吃下來其實所有餐點都偏鹹,雖然腿庫外皮確實滷得相當軟嫩、口感非常好,不過整體來說卻十分不耐吃,非常可惜。 *滿500元即可享2公里內外送服務
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