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鼎泰豐 新光A4店

8 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$602

Crispy Shrimp Cake:
The outer skin is light and crispy, while the shrimp pulp inside remains elastic when chewed.

Taro paste Xiaolong Bao:
The skin is thin, the filling is full of taro aroma, and the taste is delicate but not too sweet.

Luffa and Shrimp Xiao Long Bao:
The skin is thin and the filling is filled with soup. When you put the whole shrimp into your mouth and bite it, the shrimp also has a slightly silky texture due to the luffa inside, making the whole shrimp taste light and hassle-free.

Fried noodles:
The noodles are thin and chewy. The saltiness of the fried sauce is just right when you put it in your mouth. The minced meat in the fried sauce is finely minced and more delicate.

Pork Ribs and Egg Fried Rice:
The ribs are thick and tender, without any meat essence, and the saltiness is moderate. The rice grains are distinctly chewy, and the aroma of egg in your mouth and the aroma of oil on the rice mix just right when chewing. (If you have fried hands with some red oil at the same time, you can mix the sauce from the fried hands into the fried rice, and the aroma will be more salty and rich)

Taro Paste Xiao Long Bao
fried noodles
Luffa and Shrimp Xiao Long Bao
Pork Ribs and Egg Fried Rice
Crispy Shrimp Cake
Appetizers-side dishes
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Spot Info

鼎泰豐 新光A4店
5 reviews
Taiwanese restaurantNT$460~NT$560
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NALA eat
Dinner2 ppl$500
3 months ago
𓌉◯𓇋 鼎泰豐 來吃吃看漲價後的鼎泰豐有什麼不一樣 不管是服務還是餐點都還是維持一樣的水準 分量沒有變多也沒有縮水 唯一改變的真的就只有價錢🤣 ⸝⸝ ⁕ 小籠包(10顆) $280 ⁕ 鮮蝦紅油抄手 $210 ⁕ 酸辣湯(小)$110 ⁕ 空心菜 $230 ⁕ 豆沙粽子 $100 ⸝⸝ ꊞ 小籠包 鼎泰豐的小籠包沒什麼好說的 經典中的經典 黃金十八摺和嚴格講究的二十一公克 潮薄的均勻麵皮 加上多汁的豬肉內餡 一咬開飽滿的肉汁就會流出來 如果很喜歡小籠包兩個人10顆滿剛好 ꊞ 鮮蝦紅油抄手 這款意外點到超驚豔 跟小籠包比起來我更愛這個🤣 紅油的香氣逼人辣度適中 還有一點點花椒的香氣以及麻感 裡面可以吃到完整的一隻蝦 紅油醬汁不管拌在炒飯還是白麵裡都超適合 ꊞ 酸辣湯 看似平凡無奇的酸辣湯 但他們家真的有花時間和功夫在做 料超級無敵多 可以看到他們精湛的刀工 每樣食材都切成細絲 酸度喝辣度適中 ꊞ 空心菜 超愛鼎泰豐的青菜 雖然單價有點高 大火快炒的鑊氣 超級無敵香 清脆爽口 一個人就可以嗑掉一整盤 ꊞ 豆沙粽子 第一次吃! 口感還不錯外面是糯米 裡面是紅豆沙 軟軟糯糯的 甜度也不會太高 𓂃𓂃𓂃*‪‪𖧷 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙤ᝰ✍︎ ㅤˎˊ˗ 𓂃𓂃𓂃 𖨂 鼎泰豐 新光A4店 𖨂 台北市信義區松高路19號B2 𖨂 11:00 ~ 20:30 照片可能不漂亮但文字是真誠的ʕ”̮ॽु Ig搜尋 nala_eat.diary 跟著我一起吃喝玩樂
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Billy eater
Lunch5 ppl$350
8 months ago
鼎泰豐相信各位老饕都不陌生,餐點品質穩定,服務到位且價位合理。 這次來吃一些網友推薦的隱藏吃法,炒飯搭配紅油抄手醬,點餐時可以要求店員將醬汁分開。 鮮蝦絲瓜小籠包,不需沾醬,靠本身蝦子跟絲瓜的甜味是一道很「清」的餐點。 點心選擇巧克力小包,第一次吃非常驚艷,巧克力的香味四溢,搭配隨餐茶品非常解膩。 千層油糕有點甜甜的但不會很膩,會一口接一口停不下來。
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Dinner2 ppl$600
8 months ago
鼎泰豐就是好吃又安心的味道! 必點排骨炒飯跟芋泥小籠包,炒飯粒粒分明,排骨香酥且有厚度;第一次點芋泥小籠包時想說會不會很怪,結果一試成主顧,每次都會點來當飯後甜點,細緻的芋泥香,配小籠包皮中和甜度,超推,紅豆也不錯,但還是最愛芋泥口味 這次第一次點蝦餅,就是蝦捲被打扁的版本,一盤280 ,雖然好吃但CP不高 品質穩定,不用多考慮可常回訪的餐廳~
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