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LV 20|Fooday Adventurer


2 months ago
Midnight Snack2 pplNT$850

As soon as I arrived at the entrance, I heard some customers speaking Japanese and thought it would be worth looking forward to. The decor and furnishings are quite Japanese-style. The space isn't large, but there is a wide variety of dishes, and the drinks are abundant with an all-you-can-drink promotion. The environment is also nice.

The beer is served in highball glasses, so the portion is slightly less than usual, making the all-you-can-drink offer a good deal. It's a two-hour limit, which is perfect for those who can drink quickly. The food is all standard fare, but I tried the fried chili for the first time, which was quite unique and I really liked it. The staff seemed very enthusiastic, often inviting customers to play games and drink a few rounds. There was a nice atmosphere with many regulars around.

The translated text is "entrance."
The translated text is "Signboard" or "Sign."
The translation of "公仔" to English is "figurine" or "doll," depending on the context.
Eat, eat, eat.
Unlimited drinks
Fruit wine
The translation of "吧台" to English is "bar counter."
The translation of "座位區" to English is "seating area."
Beef tongue, chicken cartilage
The translation of "雞心" to English is "chicken heart."
Chicken thigh meat
Sausage, yam
Loofah, fried chili
One bite of oyster.
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Midnight Snack3 ppl855
7 months ago
最愛帶朋友來吃的居酒屋 大鶴青田位於劍潭站-士林站中間 避開夜市繁雜的人流 算是鬧中取靜的位置 附近就有捷運橋下的停車場,很方便 整間店雖不大,可容納的客數不多 真的有種一秒來到日本街頭 又隨意挑了一間居酒屋小酌聊天的感覺 / [ 每來必點 ] • 明太子奶油烏龍麵 (可惜今天沒拍到 濃郁的白醬香、軟Q恰好的烏龍麵條 在盛盤上桌的時候看得見一坨明太子 均勻攪拌進麵裡面,每一口都充滿幸福!!! • 明太子雞腿串 香濃美乃滋和明太子完美融合 鋪在鮮嫩多汁的雞腿肉上炙烤 香氣、美味、口感都是第一名!!!!!! • 月見豚肉水蓮 絕對是我吃過居酒屋裡 炒的最完美的水蓮🤤 保留了絕佳的脆度 很特別的調味,上桌即秒殺的那種 • 鹽烤奶油櫛瓜 櫛瓜愛好者必點的一道 每次來都是兩串起跳🤣 有偷偷問店長到底怎麼烤得那麼好吃 原來是在鹽烤之前先刷過奶油 外層有燒烤過的焦痕 咬下後滿口鮮甜juicy超幸福 • 胡麻龍鬚菜 是我最推薦的開胃小菜 也是我吃過最濃最爽口的胡麻醬 可能有多加一些醋嗎?不確定🤣 總之是個能保留胡麻香氣卻不至於膩口 超級開胃!!!!!!! [ 首次嘗試 ] • 揚出豆腐 應該是日式料理/居酒屋中的必出餐點 店家給的日式沾醬量恰好 大概有1/4微微浸濕酥脆的外皮 一口嫩豆腐,直接在嘴裡化開 • 醬燒牛肉丼飯 這次剛好朋友有點丼飯類 米飯軟硬恰好 不會因淋上醬料後太軟太黏 牛肉非常夠味!!!! 重口味者會愛的 • 辣味秘制毛豆 本來以為就是常見的黑胡椒毛豆 沒想到…是椒麻口味!!!!!! 太特別了🥹很涮嘴 也是被秒殺的開胃系列 / 從開幕至今,來吃過4-5次 每次都和不同的朋友來 每次都會被誇獎好懂吃🤓 最後推推他們家的酒類 雖然有暢飲的選擇 但我們實力不足(慚愧🤣 就選了店長推薦的 — 梅柚啤酒 結合微酸的梅酒+生啤!!!!! 超過癮的啦 期待下次再來吃吃看新品項 by不務正業的包子臉妍三
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Midnight Snack3 ppl500
7 months ago
位於士林文林路上的大鶴青田是一間日式居酒屋 雖然小小的一間 但店內菜品種類滿多 各式清酒啤酒沙瓦都有 明太子炒烏龍麵很香濃爽口 份量剛好 再點一些串燒就很滿足 串燒主要是以炭火為主 吃得到師父精巧的烤功 首推明太子系列 都很好吃
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