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隱家拉麵 赤峰店

Lunch2 ppl$260
11 months ago

Let’s talk about the conclusion first: it takes time to queue, but it’s really great.

We arrived at about 11:25 on Sunday and were seated at 12:08. While waiting in line, the staff took the initiative to ask about the number of people and paid careful attention to the status of the queue. Their attitude was very cordial, which is commendable.

When the queue is almost over, I go to the vending machine to order. There are many options for adjusting the ramen, including noodle type, hardness, portion size, soup thickness, scallions and onions. There are so many options.

We were then guided to the second floor to sit down. There are 9 seats on the second floor. The space is not large but it does not feel crowded. The meals will be brought out by the service staff. At the same time, they will carefully ask whether we need other services and whether we are satisfied with the taste of the meals.

I tried the golden chicken soup ramen (pork) and ordered a chicken leg barbecued pork. The chicken soup tastes sweet, the chicken leg barbecued pork is tender and fragrant, while the pork barbecued pork is relatively ordinary. If you choose a medium portion (180g) of noodles, you will feel full. It is recommended that those with average appetites choose medium portions.

Everything from the service attitude to the meal experience is satisfactory. It is especially recommended to order the chicken drumsticks and barbecued pork to try.

Queuing rules
Food ordering machine screen
Add point area
Beverages and sodas are in glass bottles
$220 Tonkotsu Soy Sauce Ramen
$230 Golden Chicken Ramen (Pig)
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隱家拉麵 赤峰店103台北市大同區南京西路25巷28號
3 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$265
9 months ago
#台北 #雙連 因為中午吃太少,晚餐也很晚吃,整個超餓的,加上生理期無形中消耗許多熱量,決定來吃個超有飽足感的拉麵。 這附近的拉麵店就屬隱家營業時間最長,大概晚上快八點來,過了用餐時間都還是有大概快 10個人在排隊,不過拉麵翻桌率很快,等了大概15分鐘就可以點餐入座了。 店家服務態度整體來說都很親切,不論是指引候位還是安排點餐入座都很仔細。覺得蠻加分的,因為蠻多熱門的店家就是會靠勢覺得不缺客人,服務態度就很差還自以為是有個性。 這次點了兩種口味的麵, 「豚骨醬油拉麵」跟「真鯛魚白湯拉麵」,麵的硬度還有湯頭口味都沒有特別調整成淡一點軟一點的。 豚骨醬油拉麵我只有喝一口湯,覺得有點普通,可能因為我本身就比較沒有特別偏愛豚骨風味,這部分的感想可能稍微不準一點。 點到當天最後一碗的真鯛魚白湯拉麵覺得很幸運,因為真的蠻好吃的!! 雖然一開始端上桌覺得魚味蠻濃烈的有點腥,但實際上喝了一口湯之後覺得很清甜!! 麵體是細麵,叉燒有雞肉跟豬肉,我覺得他們家的雞肉叉燒是我目前吃過最好吃的!因為他們家的雞肉叉燒有調味,不像其他家就是單純的舒肥雞,雞腥味比較明顯。 豬肉叉燒的部分就覺得還好,覺得沒什麼味道,肉也稱不上軟嫩。 同樣覺得沒什麼味道的還有溏心蛋,順便一提現在有活動是IG轉發文章到限動可以免費加一顆蛋或者換一杯飲料。 整體來說是不錯的一碗拉麵,不過我個人來說回訪的機率是比較低,因為沒有熱愛豚骨,就比較沒有回訪的動力,畢竟台北的拉麵店太多沒吃過的了,會想先把有興趣的吃過一輪。
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Dinner2 ppl$300
11 months ago
台北拉麵愛店 儘管每次都要排隊一陣子但定期造訪最愛辛豚骨的口味 我喜歡粗麵偏硬 濃度正常 配蔥花 不加肉 醇厚的豚骨湯頭加上一坨辣豆瓣口味的肉末 攪開之後湯頭會添上一層辣油香 真的超讚! 內建大量的蔥絲跟海苔很加分 能起到解膩的作用 也可以自己加上蒜泥跟七味粉提味 雞腿叉燒有至少過 帶皮 又嫩又香 不會有過油的感覺 推推👍🏼
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