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3 months ago
Lunch2 ppl$390

📍Taipei Yongchun Station

The entire decor of the shop has a camping vibe, creating a slow-living atmosphere amidst the bustling city. The seating arrangement is just right, making it feel cozy without being crowded. The menu is designed with a magazine-like feel, and the descriptions of the dishes are detailed, showing a lot of thoughtfulness.

Dishes 🥘

  • Pink Mushroom Salmon Noodles / NT$300:
    The pink sauce is a blend of tomato and cream sauce, with a subtle tomato aroma but a rich creamy texture. There are plenty of salmon chunks, but I personally find the fishy taste a bit strong, overshadowing the sauce's flavor, which affects the overall dining experience.

  • Cheddar Bacon Soft Boiled Egg / NT$220:
    This dish feels somewhat like a fresher version of Carbonara. Although there is an egg yolk, the sauce isn’t very thick, and overall, there's a bit too much sauce for my liking. It’s not the type of sauce that perfectly coats the pasta, but for this price point, it’s still quite refreshing and tasty.

  • D Set Meal / Sinful Cheese Fries / NT$195:
    This dish is a definite calorie bomb, featuring skin-on freshly fried French fries topped with melted cheese and small pieces of bacon. It’s impossible not to enjoy the flavor when you eat it, but having too much can be quite overwhelming, so it's better to share with a group.

  • D Set Meal / Creamy Mushroom Soup / Rosemary Crispy Bread:
    Both the soup and bread are thoughtfully prepared. The mushroom aroma in the soup is strong, and the bread is great on its own or for dipping in the soup.

Overall, it’s a pretty good place for gatherings, with a comfortable space, decent dishes, and after eating, there are little games where you can take home small gifts.

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Spot Info

PROMETTENTE 義大利麵 永春店 11060台北市信義區忠孝東路五段372巷27弄75號1樓
4 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$390
4 months ago
📍台北市信義區(捷運永春站附近)慵懶露營風的精緻義大利麵店⛺️🍝 假日前一天深夜突然想吃義大利麵,還能線上訂位的到的店☺️ 店家從外觀到店內裝潢的佈置都蠻用心,有像在露營的氛圍,不過個人覺得露營椅不是太方便坐著面對面聊天 菜單設計的很用心,是報紙的風格📰,並會註記清楚所有餐點的細節 🥘 點餐品項 💗 粉紅菇菇鮭魚麵($300): 麵食類的表現算中規中矩,醬料口味更偏奶香一些,是可以想像中的味道、不會有驚艷感,吃多了會膩口 不錯的是鮭魚給的量很多、而且都切的蠻大塊,麵也煮的剛剛好Q彈 🥓 切達培根半熟蛋($220): 表現普通,比上一款麵食更突出一些 🌼 桂花烏龍(點義大利麵附)微糖去冰: 店內有一區專門調製手搖,很好喝!!!是花香味非常濃郁的烏龍,回甘的味道很有甘甜感 🤍 D套餐($195) 副餐的表現非常突出!推薦要點 - 奶油蘑菇濃湯: 是奶香濃郁感十足、感覺有額外加鮮奶油的濃湯! 上桌時店員會詢問要不要黑胡椒,加上現磨粗顆粒的黑胡椒更是棒❤️‍🔥 - 迷迭香脆皮麵包: 麵包體很有嚼勁、韌性,也真的有迷迭香的香氣 - 罪惡起司薯條: 帶皮的現炸薯條,加上烤過融化的起色跟培根碎,真的非常罪惡,需要多人分食,不然吃到最後真的會偏膩 🍄 是否回訪:Yes! 用餐氛圍蠻舒適的,副餐表現很優秀!下次會想試試其他主餐 ✏️ 小註記: 🔸 店家還有給一些小遊戲,結帳的時候如果能五星好評,並準確壓到 8.8 秒,可以有額外優惠(是要小數點後三位也都是0!超難😅 感覺幾乎不可能) 🔸 另外活動是消費滿 500,可以一手抓可樂(鋁罐裝)店家會再給塑膠袋給大家帶回家🤣
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Dinner3 ppl$250
9 months ago
今天來到捷運永春站附近,虎林街巷弄內的餐廳可是臥虎藏龍,許多排隊美食都隱藏在這裡,而今天來到的「PROMETTENTE」當然也是啦! 今天的餐點是~ 粉紅菇菇鮭魚麵 $280 (主餐附飲料紅茶/烏龍/花茶擇一,或是加購其他飲品-20$) 這碗粉紅菇菇鮭魚麵讓人回味無窮。首先,鮭魚大塊肉質紮實,每一口都是鮮美的享受。粉紅醬的味道獨特,帶著微妙的蕃茄風味,搭配著奶油的濃郁口感,讓人停不下來。令人驚艷的是,雖然醬汁濃郁,但並不膩口,每一口都讓人感受到美味與清新的結合。這碗義大利麵絕對值得一試的美味啊!🤤 PROMETTENTE 還有個與眾不同的特色是~整家餐廳是以露營作為主題🏕️ 裝潢擺設都帶有滿滿的露營氛圍,就連部分碗盤都是露營專用的。🤣 很適合在忙碌的生活中想體驗休閒的露營氛圍的你!
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Dinner3 ppl$200
9 months ago
🍝 PROMETTENTE = 義大利文『年輕有為』 最近Jerry非常喜歡去永春捷運站附近的巷子裡找美食,這次要分享藏在口袋名單很久的餐廳介紹給大家!最有特色的地方就是內部裝潢很像在室內露營一樣🏕️讓沒有露營過的朋友可以稍微體驗一下那樣的氛圍~WakuWaku!店內非常寬敞、明亮整潔,店員也非常親切有禮貌,在熱鬧的星期五晚上當然也是座無虛席啦~ 奶油菲力鮭魚麵 $220 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 +C套餐(真手作麵包+奶油蘑菇濃湯) $75 鮭魚肉質非常新鮮,每一口的肉都很紮實,還會有點QQ的感覺,然後麵體的部分也很好吃,不會太硬,也不會過軟,口感是很剛好的軟Q,配上奶油醬,整體非常滑順,很厲害的是奶油醬不會膩口,而且份量也剛剛好,如果有吃不飽的朋友們還可以免費加麵!也可以換筆管麵😍套餐的麵包很酥脆,也很香,然後再配上濃醇香的奶油蘑菇濃湯,真的很完美!必點!!(Jerry妹妹筆) 黑松露奶油雞肉麵 $190 🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 黑松露的香氣和奶油的滑順口感讓麵更加美味,雞肉的嫩滑與黑松露奶油的香濃相融合,奶油醬吃到最後也不會很膩,麵體也煮的恰到好處,鹹度也是非常剛好,雖然沒有蔬菜做點綴,不過依然是非常划算又好吃的經典口味! 粉紅菇菇鮭魚麵 $280 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 除了鮭魚的大塊口感和紮實的食用感,粉紅菇菇鮭魚麵的粉紅醬清爽不膩,蕃茄味道的清新與奶油的濃郁完美融合,讓每一口都充滿了滿足感。此外,還搭配新鮮的蔬菜和香料,增添了口感的層次和飽足感,非常推薦在茄汁與奶油口味抉擇不定的朋友們~
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