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Dinner2 ppl$1507
8 months ago

Today I made a rare reservation at LV-Orange Shabu Shabu, which is known as the world of shabu shabu. After eating, I found that there were already two great reviews. I would like to give it a three star rating. Haha, the reason for the three star rating is because of its Australian M9 Wagyu Shoulder Roll. really tasty! It was still very tender after cooking, which raised it to one star!

This restaurant is really good. When you make a reservation, you can reserve a seat at the bar. The difference between sitting at the bar is that you have a personal pot and then a high chair. However, the bar has a place designed to step on, so it is quite comfortable to sit on.

Two tips can be used:

  1. For two people, one person can order a set meal. There are quite a lot of dishes for two people to share. Appetizers and desserts will still be given if you don’t order a set meal, so the difference is only 250 yuan per plate.

  2. When ordering meat, you can order half portion, allowing you to enjoy more choices. (The store clerk was also very curious as to why we knew we could order half portion🤣. There are many online sharings about this)

As an appetizer, I ordered Japanese-style asparagus and tofu. The tofu was quite eggy! I highly recommend it. The chef’s appetizer that day was yam and mustard, which was delicious together! Highly recommended if you like the slimy feel of yam!

I ordered rice as a side dish today, and forgot to order noodles. I saw the waiter making noodles, and they looked delicious! It’s not bad with sesame and seaweed sprinkled on top of the rice! Pass!

As for the meat, as mentioned earlier, the Wagyu beef is really awesome! If your budget is not enough, this 1550 price point is enough! This restaurant is really here to eat beef. Those who don’t eat beef are advised to avoid it🤣.
The main downgrade this time is for his Matsusaka pig and plum blossom sheep. The plum blossom sheep is good but not astonishing. The Matsusaka pig is probably because it is too thin, so it is a bit hard to cook and the meat taste is not as good as that of Matsusaka pig. A sense of high-end. (My personal suggestion is to ask the store if they can help with cooking)

I originally wanted to order seafood and asked about it. The price is quite high and you can only buy one piece. One piece costs 5,000 or 6,000 per day, so it is more suitable for multiple people!

The bartending section is pretty cheap at 250 yuan a cup, and it tastes like a plum wine highbar, which is pretty good~

Personally, you can give it a try, but with the same budget, I would recommend going to Wangpin’s Xunyu. With Wangpin’s shareholder coupons, the average price per person is about 1,700, and you can eat the same grade of Wagyu beef plus lobster, and there is boiled lobster liver. The porridge is much better!

Ami’s food sharing notes, see you next time!

Orange shabu shabu house menu
On that day, the bar counter provided personal hot pots, and the sauce section provided radish soy sauce with a bit of yuzu sourness, and fragrant peanut sauce.
Half Matsusaka pig and half plum lamb
Australian M9 Wagyu Shoulder Roll
Plum Temper Mixing Drinks
Cook porridge
Dessert Almond Tofu
Caramel pudding
Consumption on the day
Served with rice on the day
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Spot Info

Hot potNT$1,760~NT$3,340
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$1997
5 months ago
先說「橘色涮涮鍋」沒有什麼生日優惠🤪不過當天詢問店員之後 店員有招待一小盤雞翅 好吃😋! 橘色肉品可以單點 也可以點套餐~ 套餐有:主菜、開胃前菜、總和菜盤、粥跟甜點 當天點了兩個主餐 本來想說肉會不會吃不夠 想要再加點一盤肉 結果店員說兩個人這樣應該蠻夠吃 結果當天吃超飽! 好險當天沒加點🤣 菜盤品項還蠻多的欸! 新鮮蔬菜份量蠻多 也有一些火鍋料~ 店員會幫你下菜盤 吃完我覺得就蠻飽了🤣 主菜我們點美國頂級小牛排跟御海海鮮 我覺得小牛排份量不多 肉質很軟嫩、厚度也剛好 牛味不重~蠻好吃 但以這個價格沒有吃起來表現特別突出🤣 海鮮倒是蠻大一盤 也很豐盛 海鮮也是店員幫忙著 吃起來都很新鮮! 推海鮮 最後店家還會幫煮粥~ 所有料都吃完之後 把飯丟下去煮到湯底乾 超級好吃! 推薦大家要留胃給海鮮粥🥰 整體而言我覺得服務蠻不錯的 海鮮也好吃~ 但是價格真的蠻高🤣
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Dinner2 ppl$4900
9 months ago
常常聽大家提起橘色,晚上餐廳附近也聚集好多人,想說也來踩點看看,訂了下午五點的位子, (當天訂位直接用電話預約比較方便~ 今天來到一館的位子, 感覺位子安排挺神秘的,雖然在走道位,但不會有很多人經過打擾到的問題,都是服務生走過而已。 但比起包廂隱蔽性還是低了一點。 點餐方式以一個人一份套餐為主,然後可以再單點其他喜歡的食材, 今天點了他們的日本頂級和牛套餐跟日本黑毛和牛板腱套餐, 套餐包含前菜、主食跟甜點, 主食部分可以選擇煮粥~ 前菜我選了蘆筍豆腐,看不到蘆筍在哪裡,但是豆腐真的要好好稱讚,咬下去的口感很綿像布丁,然後是濃濃的雞蛋味,單吃豆腐就很好吃,再搭配他們的和風醬好清爽🩵 菜盤的部分中規中矩,但都是那種頭好壯壯新鮮的蔬菜🥬 湯頭是那種很淡不咸的昆布湯,搭配青菜吃起來就是很清爽的菜湯,但越到煮後面就變成那種日式關東煮的感覺! 再來就是今天的主角,我們的和牛肉片! 日本頂級和牛是取自肋眼的部分,吃起來非常軟嫩,雖然只有四塊,但因為真的蠻油的,所以吃完四塊就會蠻膩的,但牛肉的味道還是很香很好吃! 另一個板腱的部分比較吃的到牛肉的口感,油花相對比較少一點,也比較不容易膩~ 雖然橘色是走比較精緻火鍋的路線,但我覺得他們服務剛剛好,不會到全場桌邊服務,跟朋友聊天還要擔心店員全部聽光光,但也因此煮肉要自己控制時間,我喜歡涮到牛肉中間還帶著淡粉色的狀態,口感與香氣都融合的恰到好處😍 海鮮我有單點了蛤蠣跟新鮮魚片,魚片由三種不同種類的組合,有的魚皮膠質很多,算是有不同口感,海鮮都很新鮮~ 差不多後半段就可以開始煮粥了,但真的吃太飽,粥已經很難評到底有多美味哈哈哈 只記得再煮完這麼多東西之後,粥不會太鹹,可以吃到米的香~ 甜點選了招牌的杏仁豆腐,口感像泡在水裡的麻吉!糖水只是提味,不會太死甜搶走杏仁的味道,但我個人比較喜歡焦糖布丁~ 整體來說我會列入再次回訪的餐廳,但應該會嘗試其他的肉類品項~ (我對海鮮沒什麼興趣哈哈哈哈
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$1800
11 months ago
這次狠下心朋友生日陪他一起吃,對散戶來說算是高消費,但整體來說推薦給要慶祝的朋友體驗。幾乎可以說是火鍋版的王品,最特別的其實是整體的用餐氛圍是舒適的,加上服務是親切度很高的走向,在用餐之前就會感覺到氣氛是好的。 最讓我驚訝的是,菜盤也是服務生幫忙煮的,原來煮高麗菜也可以請人服務。 我們的主餐是選擇海鮮拼盤、松阪豬,松阪豬的油花分布真的是很神奇,平常不太吃豬肉的我覺得很喜歡,可能又搭上他的醬料是清爽的柑橘醬油,並有蒜頭跟蘿蔔泥搭配的口味很剛好。 海鮮拼盤的新鮮度是9分,雖然沒有海港吃到的新鮮,但是沒什麼腥味搭配他們清爽的高湯我覺得是很美味的,並可以吃到不同種海鮮的味道(海鮮的種類是他們挑選的)。 這一家最有名的就是最後的湯頭會煮成粥,因為海鮮煮到最後湯頭變得超級好喝,我自己覺得粥煮起來很有特色,平常在外面很少吃到這麼濃的粥,如果肚子本來有點空間,到這裡應該會被擊敗了,超飽。 甜點的部分本來是選兩個,但是因為生日的關係加上服務生好心招待(不知道是不是每個人都有這種好處?)但總之非常滿足。 雖然價位以火鍋來說是高級版,但體驗上,我個人覺得是新奇驚喜的,若是以創意料理的心情來吃這家火鍋應該是會符合期待的。
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