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雞吉君拉麵 西門店

Taipei CityRamen
8 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$310

One of the most well-known chicken soup ramen restaurants in Taiwan is probably Jijijun. It was originally located on Huanshan Road in Neihu, which is quite far from the city. It is really not easy to get there to eat.
This is the official branch of Jijijun that has not been around for about ten years. It is located in Ximending, which is extremely convenient in location.

Today I enjoyed light chicken jelly, thick chicken jelly, and barbecued pork rice. The total cost was NT$620.

Tanli Chicken Jijun: The soup is chicken clear soup, which is quite refreshing and delicious.
The noodle is thin, with just the right amount of softness and hardness, and the onions add to the refreshing feeling.

Thick Chicken Jijun: The soup is changed to chicken white soup, which has a rich flavor.
The noodle body has also been changed to thick noodles that are elastic enough to hold the soup.
In addition to onions, the vegetables included include pomelo slices, shredded chives and pomelo pepper.
As the key to changing the taste, it functions effectively.

Whether it is chicken barbecued pork or pork barbecued pork, they are very tender and of consistent quality.

Barbecued pork rice: It is a combination of chicken barbecued pork, diced pork barbecued pork and mayonnaise sauce.
The grilled aroma is very rich, and as a garnish for the main meal of ramen, the amount of rice is just right.
If there is still rice left after eating the barbecued pork, you can mix it into the thick chicken soup to try the third taste.
You will be satisfied.

Clear soup: If you think the soup is too salty, you can ask the store for clear soup to reduce the saltiness. Of course, if you just want to drink more soup, you can’t lie about it being too salty and ask for a bowl...😅

Overall, since the Ximen store does not sell the thick chicken Jijun, I will go to Neihu to taste it again if I have the chance.
But this does not change my opinion of Jijijun Ximen, especially considering the extremely convenient transportation, it is definitely worth a special trip to have a meal.

Recommended to everyone!

Tanli Chicken Jijun
Thick Chicken Jijun
Barbecue pork rice
Tableware and seven-spice powder
A corner of the store
By the time we were full, the store had already closed, and the doorway was changed to "Under preparation"
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Spot Info

雞吉君拉麵 西門店台北市萬華區昆明街172號
4 reviews
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Dinner1 ppl$260
3 months ago
用餐環境: 每個座位都貼心地提供了七味粉、冰水和衛生紙,讓顧客可以根據自己的喜好調整口味,享受舒適的用餐體驗。 餐點心得🍜: 我點選淡麗,這碗拉麵是店內的招牌之一,採用醬油清湯的雞湯拉麵。從第一口開始,就能感受到它與傳統濃厚口味拉麵的不同。 湯頭: 清澈見底的湯頭散發著誘人的醬油香氣,入口後卻驚喜地發現雞湯的鮮美在舌尖綻放。 清爽濃郁的口感,平衡了醬油的鹹香與雞湯的鮮甜,讓人忍不住一口接一口。 麵條: 搭配的細麵完美契合這種清淡的湯頭。麵條彈性十足,吸附了適量的湯汁,每一口都能同時品嘗到麵條的嚼勁和湯頭的美味。 整體評價: 「淡麗雞吉君」證明了拉麵不一定要走濃厚路線才能令人印象深刻。 它的清爽口感非常適合不喜歡過於油膩口味的人,也是炎熱夏日的絕佳選擇,巧妙地平衡了口感和味道,為傳統的醬油拉麵帶來了新的可能性。
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Lunch1 ppl$300
4 months ago
📍台北西門站 位於離捷運站步行約 6 分鐘的昆陽街上,門口整體的裝潢非常的日式,在週遭的店面之中顯得特別搶眼。 之前有吃過雞吉君位於內湖的店,還記得那時候爬完金面山就直接前往,開店前40分鐘就抵達了,還是沒辦法第一批入場,大概等了一個小時左右,那時候吃完覺得蠻好吃的,不過考量到等候時間非常長,稍微降低了一點想回訪的意願,好險位於西門的新分店目前平日中午來吃還不用排隊喔! 餐點🥘 - 鹽味雞白湯拉麵 / 300 元: 雞吉君主要就是販售以雞湯基底的拉麵,主要分為三種,較濃的雞白湯,比較清爽的雞清湯,和湯頭層次更豐富的淡麗,接下來請參考圖片
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Lunch2 ppl$300
4 months ago
📍位於西門商圈內,內湖有名的拉麵店在西門的分店。 🍽️環境 裝潢採日式拉麵裝潢風格,牆壁為水泥牆式樣的木板。跟一般日式拉麵一樣,在外使用點餐機點完後再入內,不過店員會出來介紹一下菜單。 店內約可容納20人,冷氣強度適中,沒有廁所。 🍜餐點 ▪️鹽味雞白湯拉麵 $300 店內麵類餐點分三種:鹽味雞清湯、鹽味雞白湯、淡麗雞吉君。 店員說中午的雞白湯會比晚上的淡些,所以便點了鹽味雞白湯拉麵,只有不蔥不蒜可以選擇,麵條的軟硬程度則是固定的。 雞白湯的湯頭帶有濃郁的雞味,初步喝起來也不會覺得很膩,不過湯頭較濃量偏少。舒肥雞胸肉的部分比較沒有味道,不過沾著雞白湯吃倒也不錯。不過叉燒本身的表現就非常好了,軟嫩也有入味。 這次來有多送兩塊隨機叉燒,整體肉的份量變得足夠多了🤣 另外桌上白色瓶蓋裝的是辣粉,有吃辣的人可以加一些,原本濃厚的雞白湯帶點辣味之後會更加順口,也可以預防湯頭喝到最後會膩口。 總結來說是不錯的拉麵店,西門店也不用像內湖店一樣排隊排很久,喜歡吃拉麵的人值得來嘗試看看
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