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LV 12|Culinary Novice

Let me start with the conclusion. I have been here three or four times. This time I tried some dishes that I have never tasted before. Most of the dishes this time are not to your liking, but those who have never been here can still come and try the classic dishes.

Snails with Green Sauce NT490
It is different from ordinary snails. They are not separated one by one in the snail baking pan. The ones here are placed in a baking pot with a lot of mushrooms in it. The snails are very few and chopped very fine. The taste is green sauce and The garlic flavor is very strong. It is recommended that the name of the dish be changed to Green Sauce Garlic Mushrooms to be more consistent with the actual dish.

White wine lemon garlic flavor medium roll NT690
The top is garnished with shredded burdock, which looks very Thai. The red bottom is romesco sauce, which is made with red pepper and almonds. Unfortunately, the taste is very bland. The quality of the medium rolls is average, and the whole dish tastes like Taiwanese hot medium rolls.

French onion beef soup NT390
The onions are very sweet, but the soup has an inexplicable bitter taste. Although it is a small bowl, you can still eat a few pieces of beef. It may be because the meat is very old due to the long cooking time. To be honest, it would be better if there is no beef in the soup.

Colorful Tomato Cheese Salad Argentinian Pesto Sauce NT490
Different tomatoes and mozzarella cheese are chosen. The tomatoes are fresh, sour and sweet, and very appetizing. The cheeses of two different sizes also have different textures. When you bite into it, the fragrant frankincense bursts out.

Zucchini fries NT390
Of course I will not miss this dish as I love zucchini. I have eaten the same dish at Moonshine before, but the dough there was not wrapped well and all the skin and flesh separated in one go. But there won’t be that problem here, highly recommended!

Mentaiko Miso Wild Rice Bamboo Shoots NT390
I didn’t like this dish very much. The wild rice shoots themselves were not sweet enough, and the flavors of mentaiko and miso were not outstanding. Moreover, the Japanese seasoning did not match the other dishes on the menu.

After so many steps, we finally came to the highlight of the day.

Chateaubriand Steak 32oz NT8990
Let’s talk about the conclusion first. Please order dry-aged steak when you come here. Don’t mess with it like me😂
This steak is for four people, but we insisted on ordering it for two of us. Whiskey is poured and seared tableside before serving. The texture is similar to the tenderness of filet, but I personally don't like filet. I think the meat is too soft and tender, without the feeling of eating meat, and there is no aroma of oil. There are many side dishes on the side. The beef bone marrow is very fragrant, but it is very oily, as if drinking oil directly. After one small bite, I can't eat anymore. I finally packed it home and brought it to fried rice. I didn't like the other side dishes either. The stir-fried mushrooms were ordinary, and the potatoes tasted bitter and inedible because of the whiskey dripping on them.

Birthday Cakes for Hospitality Free
I have been here so many times to celebrate birthdays, and I have ordered other desserts before. No matter whether they are a la carte desserts or as a treat, they are not delicious! If you really want something sweet after the meal, go to other restaurants in Xinyi District and don't waste your money here.

This time I was not satisfied with the food. If I want to visit again, I will only consider the classic dishes. Another disappointing point is that the waiter I met this time hardly introduced the dishes when serving the food. With a meal at this price, I would like the waiter to introduce more dishes.

escargot with pesto sauce
There are more mushrooms 😅
White wine lemon garlic flavor medium roll
Colorful tomato cheese salad
French Onion Beef Soup
Zucchini fries
Mentaiko Wild Rice Bamboo Shoot Miso
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LV 22Fooday Adventurer
LV 30Bronze Foodie
LV 30Bronze Foodie

Spot Info

史密斯華倫斯基牛排館 Smith & Wollensky110台北市信義區松智路17號47F
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$3500
12 days ago
菲力牛排很嫩,越嚼越好吃,熟度調理的很好,放涼了也好吃 布拉塔起司很軟甚至有點水,比較喜歡有彈性嚼感的,有點可惜,但芝麻葉非常軟嫩,口感我很喜歡,芝麻味很濃,搭配火腿很搭 唯一吃不懂的就是馬鈴薯洋蔥煎餅,名字很洋但吃起來很...台?上面的綠蔥讓整個餅吃起來很像蔥油餅,跟上面的醬配起來也怪,不推 烤蘆筍可點,新鮮又脆甜,配合荷蘭醬微酸口感很讚 生日贈送的巧克力蛋糕很普通,但擺盤很上相😂 氣氛很好,服務也不錯,但整體不到非常經艷,個人覺得試過即可
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Dinner4 ppl$4000
4 months ago
總結:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘狄克森的Fooday嘴炮食記更新囉! 這次來到的是高檔台北景觀牛排店! 到底這間是吃景觀 還是吃牛排 還是吃氣氛呢! 還是缺一不可呢! 讓我這愛吃牛排卻又木舌的在地嚮導好期待阿~~😚😚😚 當天是與朋友們四人來用餐 一到門口便感受到高雅的氣氛 一開始就給人高級餐廳的感受 多麼適合約會和慶祝重要節日啊! 門口大大的餐廳名 許多人也在此與餐廳合照 大剌剌的表示 到此一遊的概念 當日我們還特地帶了紅白酒 打算慶祝吃貨們的平日高級享受 正好店家有一些活動 可以免收開瓶費 👍的啦~~ 食物:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘 酒飲:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 氣氛:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖 服務:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 價格:🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 位置:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 接下來開始分析啦! 以座位方面 四人入座的是沙發圓桌 坐起來其實還算舒適且不壅擠 圓桌區互相的距離也有拉開 不會被隔壁區的人輕易影響到用餐體驗 不過圓桌區距離落地窗的景觀就有點距離 當日窗邊的二人小桌也是不斷的翻桌換人呢! 看來大家對於高空景觀算是十分的喜愛~ 而食物方面 當然來到牛排主打的牛排館 不好好享受牛排要吃什麼呢! 當天四人我們點了兩份主餐牛排 由於想要體會到底乾式熟成差在哪 因此小孩子才做選擇 我全都要! 當下吃進嘴裡決勝負吧! 的確乾式的熟成法 吃起來稍微稍微的表面略酥或硬 裡面一樣軟嫩且有反差感 但以這個價差 乾式略好吃一些 但價格卻是貴上許多呢 整體來說 乾式的牛排確實有不一樣的風味 但此間的一般濕式熟成 雖然也是頂級好吃了 但卻並沒有讓人特別驚豔的部分🥺🥺🥺 另外當天還點了前菜的憤怒蝦~ 算是一般中規中矩的蝦前菜 嚐個味道🥺🥺 最後大家來史密斯必點的! 巧克力蛋糕怎麼能錯過呢 果然蛋糕超級龐大 四個人一起吃可能還吃不太完呢~ 以巧克力蛋糕來說很讚 但太大太甜了吧~~~ 此外因為有當月壽星 店家也附上了生日蛋糕~ 雖然比起巧克力蛋糕稍微差了一點 但生日蛋糕本身的味道也是很棒的! 服務方面 服務十分周到 不管是在點菜時的介紹 上菜時如何食用 以及在上水 幫忙補酒的部分 都是十分專業且即時 以服務面來說算是可圈可點 此外還會跟客人適當的閒聊 介紹了一下牛排酒 以及其他餐廳的資訊呢! 以台北頂級高檔牛排景觀餐廳來說 個人覺得這裡十分適合約會或是慶祝一些重大節日前來 但景觀 氣氛 佔這了的七分重要 食物大概就三分影響力吧~ 畢竟在某些時候 氣氛比食物更重要 所以我說~ 重要的時節可來 畢竟充滿了儀式感耶~❤️❤️ 吃一吃有人下跪求婚我可能都不意外囉! 價格方面 頂級牛排景觀餐廳 還想要多便宜呢~🥲 🤪🤪狄克森嘴砲🤪🤪 重大節日阿各位男性同胞各位台男 要如何有儀式感 錢花下去砸下去就可以打出基本的儀式感的啦! 不要再被妹子們嫌直男啦! 看看高檔餐廳的氣氛 服務生的態度 從窗戶望出去的景觀 這就是儀式感! 帶著妹子來這種地方 莫名的就心花怒放 儀式感不就出來了嗎 妹子莫名也變得好說話 溫柔體貼了起來呢~~~ 可能妹子還心裡偷偷的想 耶 來這邊吃 難道他等等要.... 拿出鑽戒?拿出鮮花? 阿 我今天穿的太隨便 要是等等一堆相機鏡頭跑出來 我該怎麼辦~~🫠🫠🫠 這些影片會長久留存欸 可能還會被投影出來 給大家看! 哇!妹子你也想太多了吧~ 這可能只是帥哥渣男們想要給你滿滿的儀式感 才帶你來的 不過各位台男! 儀式感真的需要$$堆疊阿 沒有特別原因別隨便來這種地方消費! 由儉入奢易 由奢入儉難阿! 可不能養大妹仔的胃口 覺得隨便一個小節日 就需要這種等級的餐廳起跳RRR 想想這樣一餐 得花掉你工作幾小時的薪水 從早到晚被老闆狗幹 只為了堆疊出這個儀式感 我想 這就是愛吧! 不過也正好可以審視 妹仔對你的心意 你帶了妹仔請吃如此大餐 那她的表現和感受如何呢~~ 同樣的她有沒有互相對你也好呢🥺🥺 哎呀 如果是公主就快逃吧!!!! 扯遠了~ 最後誠心推薦 可以將此間餐廳列入 重大節日之候選名單 並且在重大節日來臨之前 事先上網訂位 並且最好選擇靠窗的位置 這樣不只氣氛有了 景有了 牛排也有了 女人有了這些感覺 還不心花怒放嗎~~ OK的! 約會餐廳 check ! 但是錢包也要帶好喔😚😚
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Dinner2 ppl$4000
4 months ago
久仰大名的乾式熟成牛排,終於來吃了~這次兩個人點的主餐是乾式熟成帶骨肋眼24oz 入口肉質帶有奶油香,是沒吃過的香氣,可能是乾式熟成特有的香氣,也能感受到牛肉原本的味道。不過這次點三分熟沒有想像中嫩,中間較少油花的部分個人認為有點乾,蠻可惜的! 這次最喜歡的反而是蟹肉餅,不是裹厚粉炸的那種,滿滿的原味蟹肉非常好吃! 另外還有加點了鮑魚一顆跟干貝,都處理得蠻好吃的! 最後溶岩巧克力竟然是有玫瑰醬的⋯不太喜歡🥹 有訂位的話,通常都會提供窗邊的位置! 服務態度很好👍🏻 布里歐麵包可以續~
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