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LV 31Bronze Foodie


5 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$150

I knew about the store when the epidemic started. At that time, there was no internal use. The store seemed to have just opened. It was small and not many people knew about it. In fact, I was worried that they would close it because Korean restaurants are better in Hualien. I really didn’t eat much. but! ! ! This home is exceptional.
The owner and his wife are a combination of an oppa and an Ami girl, so the Korean food they make is not only authentic but also very in line with Taiwanese tastes. This time I came to eat again. Not only did the store have an internal space, it was also quite spacious and bright, and there were quite a lot of people in it.
It is recommended to order their rice cakes and hand roll series of products, which are easy and simple to pair with Korean red sauce and are not too burdensome on the body. There are also oden-style foods such as fish plates. I hope they can continue to operate and one day they will definitely become the leading Korean snack in Hualien.

The sign at the entrance of the store.
Menu, if you are a group of people, you can order the platter below to eat together.
The dining area is neatly arranged.
Ordering and checkout area.
Hand rolls and spicy radish and squid platter.
Fried instant noodles served with spicy rice cake.
Small portions for one person on the left side of the menu.
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3 reviews
Korean restaurantNT$150~NT$160
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Lunch1 ppl$150
about 1 month ago
今天一個人來用餐,點太多怕吃不完,所以點了一份有飯捲也有辣炒年糕的辣炒年糕拼盤 整體下來是很不錯的,飯捲總共有三種:韓式小飯捲、五花肉飯捲和夏威夷壽司,我還有另外加10元會多一碗蘿蔔湯 三種飯捲我個人比較喜歡五花肉飯捲,裡面包感覺是有先辣炒過的五花肉和青蔥,比其他兩種飯捲還要有味道但又不會膩 韓式小飯捲裡包的是切成條狀的醃小黃瓜、火腿、紅蘿蔔等等食材,小黃瓜酸酸甜甜算是飯捲的主要味道來源,味道十分清爽 夏威夷壽司則是包有韓式火腿和蛋,韓式火腿有兩塊。而這個壽司是方形的,吃起來的感覺與前兩種不一樣 辣炒年糕中規中矩,辣醬帶有甜味,也不會到太辣,不吃辣的人也可以點。年糕軟糯,沾辣醬一起吃簡直絕配 加十元多的蘿蔔湯比想像中多一些,裡面會有三塊蘿蔔,都是有燉爛的好吃蘿蔔,湯頭部分感覺像是關東煮高湯,但也是不錯喝
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Dinner2 ppl$160
3 months ago
夫婦韓食堂位於花蓮市博愛街內,附近有知名的一心泡泡冰、博愛街米粉湯、包心粉圓等等。是相當多美食的集中地。 今天享用的是辣炒年糕加炒泡麵、韓式關東煮與兩杯紅茶,合計320元。 辣炒年糕加炒泡麵: 濃郁的韓式辣醬配上麵體較粗的韓式泡麵可以說是絕配,年糕條的數量相當多,大約有12條以上。 好的韓式年糕吃起來的口感可說是Q彈與軟嫩的大雜燴,如果料理的不好,就會像是煮失敗的柱狀麵疙瘩。 當然,店家這道菜的料理水準相當不錯。 韓式關東煮: 魚板、魚球、白蘿蔔與高湯。 乍看之下蠻平凡的,但有時候吃了刺激的之後,簡單的美味也能令人相當滿足。 魚板、魚球的口感相當脆彈,吸飽了湯汁的白蘿蔔則入口即化,口感溫潤。 享用重口味的韓式辣醬後,以清淡甘醇的韓式關東煮跟清湯做為收尾,是頗為滿足的一餐。 整體而言,是間美味的韓式小店。 這次造訪沒有享用到魷魚蘿蔔泡菜有些可惜,或許下次有機會會再次造訪吧? 推薦給大家。
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