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about 1 month ago
Lunch1 ppl$150

Today, I came alone to dine and was afraid that I ordered too much, so I opted for a spicy rice cake platter that includes both rice rolls and spicy rice cakes.

Overall, it was quite good. There are three types of rice rolls: Korean small rice rolls, pork belly rice rolls, and Hawaiian sushi. I also added 10 yuan for an extra bowl of radish soup.

Of the three types of rice rolls, I personally prefer the pork belly rice roll, which contains what seems to be stir-fried pork belly and green onions, making it more flavorful than the other two rice rolls without being overly greasy.

The Korean small rice roll includes ingredients like sliced pickled cucumbers, ham, and carrots. The pickled cucumbers add a sweet and sour punch, making it the main flavor of the roll, which is very refreshing.

The Hawaiian sushi is filled with Korean ham and egg, with two pieces of Korean ham inside. This sushi is square-shaped and has a different texture compared to the first two types.

The spicy rice cakes are standard, with the spicy sauce having a hint of sweetness and not being too spicy, so those who don't eat spicy food can also enjoy it. The rice cakes are soft and chewy, and they pair perfectly with the spicy sauce.

The radish soup, which was just an extra 10 yuan, turned out to be more than I expected, containing three pieces of delicious, well-stewed radish. The broth tasted somewhat like oden stock, which was also quite tasty.

Spicy Fried Rice Cake Platter
Spicy Stir-Fried Rice Cake Platter
Radish soup
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3 reviews
Korean restaurantNT$150~NT$160
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Dinner2 ppl$160
3 months ago
夫婦韓食堂位於花蓮市博愛街內,附近有知名的一心泡泡冰、博愛街米粉湯、包心粉圓等等。是相當多美食的集中地。 今天享用的是辣炒年糕加炒泡麵、韓式關東煮與兩杯紅茶,合計320元。 辣炒年糕加炒泡麵: 濃郁的韓式辣醬配上麵體較粗的韓式泡麵可以說是絕配,年糕條的數量相當多,大約有12條以上。 好的韓式年糕吃起來的口感可說是Q彈與軟嫩的大雜燴,如果料理的不好,就會像是煮失敗的柱狀麵疙瘩。 當然,店家這道菜的料理水準相當不錯。 韓式關東煮: 魚板、魚球、白蘿蔔與高湯。 乍看之下蠻平凡的,但有時候吃了刺激的之後,簡單的美味也能令人相當滿足。 魚板、魚球的口感相當脆彈,吸飽了湯汁的白蘿蔔則入口即化,口感溫潤。 享用重口味的韓式辣醬後,以清淡甘醇的韓式關東煮跟清湯做為收尾,是頗為滿足的一餐。 整體而言,是間美味的韓式小店。 這次造訪沒有享用到魷魚蘿蔔泡菜有些可惜,或許下次有機會會再次造訪吧? 推薦給大家。
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Dinner2 ppl$150
5 months ago
從疫情開始的時候知道家店,那個時候沒有內用,店好像也剛開,店小小的,知道的人也不多,其實還滿擔心他們會收掉的,因為韓式餐廳在花蓮好吃的真的不多。但是!!!這家是例外。老闆夫婦是歐巴跟阿美女孩的結合,所以做出來的韓式不但道地也非常符合台灣人的口味。這一次再來吃,店面的不但有了內用空間,空間內不相當寬敞且明亮,人潮的部分也相當的多。 推薦點他們的年糕還有手卷系列的產品,輕鬆簡單搭配韓式紅醬,對身體也沒有太多的的負擔。另外還有魚板等關東煮類的食物,希望他們可以繼續經營下去,有朝一日一定會成為花蓮韓國小吃的扛壩子。
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