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麵屋武藏 神山

7 months ago
Dinner1 pplNT$450

This is a ramen shop located near Zhongshan Station. Although it is a chain store, the menu of each store is different.

The taste of this restaurant is salty and greasy, the soup is rich and salty, and the barbecued pork is made of grilled pork belly and diced pork. The barbecued pork rice is a delicious dish in this restaurant. You can taste the aroma of sauce and the satisfying feeling of large pieces of barbecue. The sesame dandan noodles have a relatively unusual flavor. The soup is very thick, almost like tsukemen, and the rich ingredients are intertwined in the bowl. You can eat onions, peanuts, shredded chives, minced pork, and diced barbecued pork. Rich flavors are constantly intertwined, and the taste buds can always be stimulated by heavy flavors. You will be very full after eating two bowls of this.

Although the price is a bit high, it is also because you can eat it just by lining up a little at meal time. If it suits the taste, it is worth coming back to dine again. After all, taste is everything in a ramen shop.

Flax Dandan Noodles 2.0
Flax Dandan Noodles 2.0
Barbecue pork rice
Dining bar
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麵屋武藏 神山台北市中山區中山北路一段121巷18號
3 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl500
7 months ago
中午11點半左右來排隊,做吧台區(會比較熱)點了限定麵,喜歡偏硬的口感。 麵體是細硬麵,我個人很喜歡的口感。 炙燒的魚片口感很讚,吃起來很新鮮✨️ 螃蟹餅外酥內嫩,不過螃蟹味沒有很重。 湯有海鮮類的甘甜,所以吃完麵直接湯清空,然後才喝到魚卵😂 後來加點豬叉燒,是偏甜的口感,很軟嫩但對我來說單吃小油要配著麵吃才ok 對了,加麵講在前面的話是免錢,後面追加好像要$$
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl450
9 months ago
繼上次吃了麵屋武藏光復的魚介醬油後決定每個分店都要吃吃看 這次趁著平日下午沒什麼人潮前往無需排隊 即使是開放式廚房但進店時沒有油煙味 坐吧台吃完出來依舊沒有味道很棒 今天一樣點了單人套餐 內容物有味玉神山拉麵、泡菜、唐揚雞、美粒果 拉麵的麵體是類似沾麵的粗麵 我個人較不偏好 吃起來沾麵感太重了 湯頭喝的出筍乾味很香 叉燒沒有冰箱味也沒有肉腥味 整體偏鹹甚至連溏心蛋也很鹹 豚骨較魚介沒什麼記憶點 (也有可能是個人偏好魚介哈哈) (而且他們的魚介還是偏甜的魚介 愛爆🤣) 重點! 他們其他小單品也都非常讚 特別是唐揚雞!! 超多汁!炸得剛好!調味也剛好! 泡菜跟我在大阪河童拉麵吃到的味道很像!滿意 然後飲料依舊非常大杯🤣🤣 ご馳走様でした!
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