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6 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$1700

Overall rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
The famous roast pork Zhongshan in Xinyi District
It is often difficult to find a position
You even need to be on the waiting list

Various BBQ set menu combinations
You can choose the combination you want to match
Whether you want to eat a lot of meat
Or you can take the more sophisticated route
You can also choose the set meal content according to your appetite

In addition to the food, what’s more important is that you can sit and enjoy the scenery of Xinyi District
Although I don’t think the landscape is very good at the moment
But after all, it’s still a barbecue restaurant with a view.

In addition, the waiters will be responsible for helping with the barbecue
Tableside service is also one of his selling points.
Food: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
Drinks: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑
Atmosphere: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
Service: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
Price: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
Location: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

⭐️Food section
The set meal ordered that day was the beef set meal for two people
The set menu is divided into yellow and red parts
The yellow part is divided into pork and beef
The red part is the more delicate part, so its weight will be smaller.
The waiters on these days will very carefully introduce to you the differences between the different menu packages.

The wagyu portion tastes pretty good. Although it's not amazing, the quality is also very good.
The beef tongue is thickly cut and tastes a bit too much.
It is best to use scissors to cut the beef tongue
Otherwise, if you eat the whole beef tongue in one bite, it will actually be a bit hard to bite.

The beef short ribs were well prepared and tasted juicy and flavorful
The pork and chicken in the middle are particularly delicious.

As for the signature dish of Zhongshan Roast Pork, one of them is his beef puffs.
It comes with a syringe and you can add some sauce into it. It will taste juicy, flavorful and delicious.

In addition, you can also choose the appearance of the side dishes you want.
I chose tofu hot pot that day
But personally I think his tofu pot is actually pretty good🤣🤣🤣

The desserts are basically ice products
If you want to exchange ice products other than popsicles, you will need to pay extra.
But in fact, in terms of C P value, I think eating popsicles is enough

In addition, you can also purchase some other meat products at an additional price for the set meal.
I had a headache that day
Also a good choice
I'm afraid if you want to eat more meat, just order more.

⭐️Drink section
Originally, the package included a drink.
The most basic thing is probably that there is no special price increase for Sprite and Coke.
But if you want to drink some wine or other drinks, you will need to pay extra.
Because I drank Coke and Sprite that day, I didn’t feel anything special.

⭐️Atmosphere part
Overall, the atmosphere is quite good.
Upstairs at ATT
Although it is not a very tall building, there is still a certain view that can be seen outside.
The seating arrangement is also 10 minutes spacious.
The distance between tables is also very large
For two or four people, the seats are basically the same size
So for two people to eat, the location is basically quite spacious.
And it’s very suitable for a date
After all, the lights are dim and there is a view outside the window. How happy it is to eat barbecue together.

Basically, the waiters and in-house staff will help with the barbecue throughout the entire process. Before starting, they will ask about the preferred degree of doneness.
If you have any special requirements for doneness, you can also ask the waiter here.

My friend and I ate at different degrees of doneness that day.
The service staff was very considerate in separating the meat according to different needs and grilling it at different degrees of doneness.
So in terms of barbecue skills for tableside service, I personally think it’s pretty good.

In fact, considering there are so many barbecue restaurants outside,
Roast pork Zhongshan is actually not expensive
If two people eat like this, it will only cost less than $3,000 if they choose a cheaper set meal.
If you want to eat more, it’s only $3500 for two people.
Considering the current moment when prices are soaring,
There are not many restaurants where you can enjoy this level of dining experience and tableside service for $1,500 per person.

Therefore, the C P value is actually quite high.

⭐️Location aspect
Located above ATT in Xinyi District
This lively and lively area
There shouldn't be much to say about the convenient transportation, right?

Overall, it’s a place worth coming here to eat barbecued meat.
But the first thing is to be able to book it in place
At present, it should be around midnight and early in the morning when you can go up and check it out.
Check to see if there are any newly released quotas. You can grab them as soon as possible.

Although when we ate that day, the tables inside the store did not seem to be full.
But it may also be due to lack of manpower that limits the number of tables that can be reserved.

Overall, the food is above the standard.
Although not very stunning
But it’s already a 10-star good place for friends to have dinner or for couples to go on a date.
But first we have to make a reservation~~~

Side dishes
Tofu hot pot
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3 reviews
Yakiniku restaurantNT$1,650~NT$3,880
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Dinner2 ppl$5000
2 months ago
一直知道燒肉中山這家餐廳,最近終於來吃了❣️一定要早一點預約,這次我提早兩週預約, 還是只剩晚上八點的位子比較接近吃飯時間, 其他都要九點、十點😭 🔸Inline訂位會酌收$1000的訂金。 這次點的是$4080的雙人套餐, 首先上的凱薩沙拉是我近期吃過調味最優的, 醬也不會淋的太多搞的整盤濕濕的, 所有的生菜都還保留了原來的脆度, 清爽又帶點不膩的起司,我們大概5分鐘光盤🤣 接下來是和牛拼盤, 都會有專人幫忙烤,不用自己動手,優雅吃飯就好❣️ 而且還會很貼心詢問平常吃的熟度, 我平常都吃大約3分、5分熟,專員代烤的熟度都剛剛好~ 和牛拼盤裡我最喜歡的是霜降跟牛舌, 前者入口即化,後者脆脆有口感, 非常滿足🩵 牛排的部分也是油脂分布很漂亮, 口感也很不錯,厚度也有~ 甜點點了需要另外加價的蘋果派, 但我納悶的是蘋果在哪裡哈哈哈, 也沒有蘋果的味道, 只能說是千層派麵包的口感, 客人覺得這個還好。 但整個吃下來其實真的滿飽的, 是一定會在回訪的燒肉餐廳!
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Dinner2 ppl$1600
3 months ago
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