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LV 12|Culinary Novice


11 months ago
Dinner4 pplNT$1,000

This place is great. As far as barbeque places go, service is good, switching the grill frequently as well as dirty plates, and the meat is delicious. Seating was comfortable, suitable for catching up with friends. We also got the three person set for four people, and found that there was plenty of food and we all were pretty full after. There's also the seafood congee which was really good (I forgot to take a picture of it). Pretty happy with the experience overall.

Garden salad, drenched in salad dressing, I think sesame sauce based but not sure. It's good, but it's maybe just a bit too much sauce.
Roasted mackerel, pretty decent
Chicken, pork, steak, ready to cook
Chicken takes a while. Nice pork slices cooking.
Pork shoulder and steak pieces.
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Dinner2 ppl1417
10 months ago
吃不懂的屋馬燒肉 七八年前吃過一次,那時候吃不懂。這次是女朋友想吃吃看,所以才又再次到訪。一起吃不懂。 --- 環境 吵雜且壅擠,不是個舒服的用餐環境 --- 服務 少數服務生服務很好,但大部分連講話都沒辦法講到讓客人聽清楚。不斷的換烤網,已經到干擾用餐的程度。 --- 食物 如果老乾杯給 10 分,那屋馬我會給 6 分,不到難吃但就普普,名不符實。 雞湯 - 還不錯,有蔬菜的甜味,但我上一篇評論的三峽一條雞湯火鍋的雞湯遠勝屋馬。 凱薩沙拉 - 難吃,醬有夠多,味道也不太對,不太像凱薩醬。還有一些出戲的配料。 海鮮粥 - 還不錯,蛤蠣很飽滿新鮮 肉類 - 只能說品質不差,但醃料的味道我不喜歡 醬料 - 完全沒特點,不如給我個胡椒鹽 份量 - 份量倒是很足夠 --- 結論 希望一樣價格,份量少一半,食物、醬料品質再提升一點。目前來說不如去吃老乾杯,雖然比較貴。
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Dinner3 ppl1000
12 months ago
於公益路一級戰區的燒肉屋馬算是台中最知名的品牌之一 這次點了三人餐的組合, 其中包含了安格斯牛肉、雞腿肉與豬肉 肉質都非常的可口,且應該是有泡過醬醃過的 所以部分肉品吃起來甜甜的 和牛壽司:這次加點了這個,肉質入口即化,當作開胃菜非常的棒! 結論:推薦可以來吃看看,但記得要提早訂位
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