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LV 16|Fooday Squad Leader

The Japanese steakhouse that my friends highly recommend is an eye-opener for me, a country bumpkin.
On the left hand side of the entrance is the salad bar. In L-shaped order, there are fruit desserts/salads/soups/curry sauces/rice/breads. The beverage cabinet has hot and cold drinks, as well as smoothies and ice cream! Incredibly rich.
After taking a seat, you decide on your main meal first. The hamburger steak contains beef, which tastes tender and juicy, and the dipping sauce gives it a different flavor. The outside of the fish fillet was fried a little hard, but the fish meat inside tasted solid and elastic, and it was just right with the tartar sauce.
There are many choices of salad side dishes and they are all fresh. I chose black vinegar, which is very refreshing. There are two choices of thick soup. Tomato soup is slightly sour and full of ingredients, which is very appetizing. My favorite is curry rice and ice cream. ! The curry rice tastes slightly spicy, and paired with the rice with distinct grains, it really makes people hate how small their stomachs are! The ice cream also performs very well ~ the passion fruit and mango sauce is really the perfect ending! Warabi mochi is a matter of opinion. I like the taste of soybean powder and brown sugar, so it is a dessert that I must eat desperately.
Please come to eat and empty your stomach first, otherwise it would be a shame not to try it!

Drink bar
Toast and salted butter
There are two kinds of soup to choose from
At the fruit dessert bar, you can choose from warabi mochi~
Bake delicious bread
Grape vinegar, salad and tomato soup
Hamburger steak and fish steak. The hamburger steak contains beef and tastes very tender and juicy. The fish steak is served with tartar sauce.
The side dish comes with curry sauce and rice, which makes you happy enough
Dessert ice cream with mango and passion fruit jam
warabi mochi
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橫濱牛排 LaLaport台中市店台中市東區進德路600號5樓
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Lunch4 ppl500
6 months ago
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Lunch5 ppl550
7 months ago
感謝Fooday🥳 讓我想去嘗試更多不同的美食🍽🚩地理位置🧭 位於台中市東區,LALAPORT商場的北館5F 🪑關於整體氛圍的部分🎡 北館5F有非常多餐廳,橫濱牛排自成一間而不是在開放座位區,座位目測20桌左右,用餐時間100分鐘 💰關於價位的部分💰 嫩肩牛排150g $500,牛排的部分都是提供五分熟出餐 🍴關於餐點的部分☕ 上餐速度頗慢,在等主餐的時候可以先享用自助Bar,光是咖哩飯我就不小心先吃了三碗,滿下飯的雖然沒有料。一旁還有開胃沙拉、水果、冰沙、咖啡、飲品、湯品以及冰淇淋可用;麵包有兩種可選,冰淇淋旁邊有玉米脆片及巧克力醬可添加。 先填了胃壁之後終於來了主餐,肉塊本身滿厚的所以不大,切開可以看見裡面還呈現紅色的,好在餐盤上有提供一個黑色的東西,可以把肉片切下之後放在上面用餘溫加熱自己控制熟度。如果直接切下吃,我覺得有點難咬;稍作加熱熟一點大約7分好咬多了,搭配旁邊的沾醬很入口。配菜有洋蔥、綠花椰、地瓜、切片番茄。 🤨結論♥ 以這個價位來說,口味我覺得沒有到優秀,不過這次是跟家人來吃的,平常應該是不會再來光顧;除非有聚餐需求。
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