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about 1 month ago
Dinner2 ppl$1000

🔅Actual dining date: 2024/08/09
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This is a well-established spicy hot pot place in Banqiao. I haven't eaten here since about 8 years ago, and my impression back then was that it was a very traditional hot pot without anything special, and the decor was basic. However, I felt that my perspective changed this time.

▪️Dual-flavor hot pot small pot $320
There were quite a few pieces of duck blood, which I don’t really eat, but my friend thought they were good. The spicy hot pot has a mild level of spiciness, and the chili oil really does pack a punch. I heard it uses traditional Chinese medicinal ingredients, so the flavor is quite rich but not bitter, although it is pretty salty.

▪️US beef short ribs $520 ▪️Pork $300
I must highly praise the quality of their meat; it's delicious! Especially the pork, which surprised me with its marbling (I had seen others mention that the meat wasn’t fresh, but we didn’t encounter this issue at all).

▪️Fresh shiitake mushrooms $80 ▪️Cauliflower $60 ▪️Cabbage $70
You get a lot of shiitake mushrooms, the vegetable portions are normal, and the cabbage has a hint of sweetness.
▪️Egg dumplings $70 ▪️Squid paste $200 ▪️Sweet and spicy fish cake $60
The egg dumplings tend to fall apart easily, but the squid paste is a generous portion and also tasty. The sweet and spicy fish cake is very fragrant and comes in a large serving.
▪️Beef balls $180 ▪️Pork rib crisps $120 ▪️Fried dough sticks $30
The beef balls come with 8 large pieces, which are firm and juicy when you bite into them. The pork rib crisps are well-seasoned, but the meat is a bit tough with many small bones. The fried dough sticks are typically good with the spicy hot pot.
▪️Taro meatballs half portion $40 ▪️Tofu skin $50
My friend who doesn’t eat salty food said the taro meatballs were very good (the table next to us kept raving about them). The tofu skin was average.
▪️White rice $10
Standard white rice, nothing memorable.

Everything on the menu without a “*” can be ordered in half portions.

Overall, I really liked it! The ingredients completely shattered my previous impressions, and it was really delicious. The portions were quite ample, and later on, I felt that many of the meatball items should have been ordered in half portions to avoid excess. The service staff were quite casual 😂, not particularly asking to refill the soup, and clearing plates was quick, but the overall experience was still quite good.

·No service fee / Reservations recommended.

The dishes from the table ordered that day were served quickly.
Pork $300 I have to say this marbling surprised me, it's also very delicious.
The portions of the meals are quite large. It is recommended to order half portions for some items.
Beef balls $180, very big!
· Duck Blood and Tofu Hot Pot $320 It already includes duck blood and tofu. The bone broth will have a bit of vegetables, along with meatballs and tender short ribs.
The decoration has been updated in recent years, but it still remains quite traditional and simple.
The tableware is also very simple.
The spicy hot pot is flavorful enough, and you actually don't need any dipping sauces. However, the sauces in the seasoning area are not specially labeled, so it's not clear what they are.
Any item that is not marked with "*" can be ordered in half portions.
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3 reviews
Hot pot restaurantNT$670~NT$1,000
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Dinner2 ppl$1000
about 1 month ago
牙套人評論:廁所很大 洗手台兩個 非常之方便 這間是板橋著名的麻辣火鍋 臨近板橋車站 這次兩人用餐 點了十四樣 鴛鴦鍋小鍋 $320 (點了小辣 我覺得辣度剛好但有點鹹 小份裡面的鴨血豆腐還蠻多的 鴨血蠻嫩且多汁 豆腐也軟嫩👍 美國牛小排 $520(肉質不錯有厚度 推 豬肉 $300(應該是梅花豬也是不錯 鮮香菇 $80(切四分一看起來很多 花椰菜 $60(放在辣鍋吸滿湯汁舒服 蛋餃 $70(煮一煮就散了不錯吃 高麗菜 $70(蠻甜的 花枝漿 $200(裡面花枝蠻多的還有芹菜在裡面 推 牛肉丸 $180(咬下去Q彈多汁 推 排骨酥 $120(對矯正牙齒的我有點硬 但味道不錯 芋頭貢丸半份 $40(最愛這道 有夠好吃一定要點 推 甜不辣 $60(屬於厚片不規則形狀的 好吃 豆皮 $50(中規中矩 油條 $30(放到辣鍋絕配 白飯 $10(就白飯 吃辣鍋可以不用沾醬就很有味道了 芋頭貢丸、牛小排、牛肉丸、花枝漿都推推 禮拜五晚上人潮也是蠻多的 下次還會再訪
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Dinner5 ppl$510
7 months ago
#板橋 #板橋車站 齊味是我個人最推薦的麻辣火鍋店,光顧快10年了,從以前舊舊的內裝吃到把隔壁店面也吃下來到現在裝潢大翻新,還是覺得北部最強麻辣鍋是齊味! 是單點式的麻辣火鍋,他們家的紅鍋湯底溫醇,可以直接喝湯! 鍋底超級好吃!!!!!每次都會再加點鍋底來吃。 白鍋裡面本來就有放一些白菜跟排骨酥,湯也很好喝。 我不吃牛,每次來都點豬肉,他們家的豬肉真的是好吃的豬肉,而且我現在比較不吃辣,鍋底以外大部分都吃白鍋,豬肉沒有什麼腥味。 他們家的餐點有一個優點是部分商品可以點半分,這樣就可以吃到比較多種不同的食物,辨識方法就是看菜單上的蛋前面是否有星號,有的話就表示星號是不能點半分的商品。 每次來必點芋頭貢丸,但我本人不吃芋頭,所以我沒吃過這個商品😂 但同行者每個人都超愛,一定會點。 我個人偏愛油條,吸飽紅鍋湯汁煮的軟軟的油條真的超讚! 其他就中規中矩,畢竟湯底好的話,食材基本上有新鮮都不會差到哪裡。 他們家據說是詹記的親族出來開的,被說是平價版的詹記,價格也真的很平實,所以我才最喜歡這家麻辣火鍋。 推薦沒吃過的人可以去吃看看! (小聲地說,曾經吃過外縣市的齊味分店,超難吃,真的要吃還是來吃這家比較好!) 啊、不過現在年紀大了,不太能吃太重口味的食物,最近幾次用餐是有覺得吃起來偏鹹,所以有降低用餐的次數。
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