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LV 50|Fooday Taste Master


about 1 year ago
Dinner2 pplNT$115

The space in the store is not large, and the iron plate department can only seat 6 people. However, the store has another space next to it (called the hot pot department), which has about 4 tables, which can accommodate more people. When the iron plate department is full, The clerk will guide you to the hotpot section.

The boss cooks the meal alone, and the other two prepare the ingredients and deliver the food. If you come to eat or take out during dinner time, you need to wait for a while. The boss is also quite personal and cool, and he doesn't know how to greet you when he comes in, but don't I missed this delicious restaurant because of this

Roast pork set with black pepper sauce $130
Teppanyaki is considered affordable. The common roasted pig/beef set with black pepper sauce is only 130 yuan, and the garlic and dry-fried chicken leg steak set is only 180 yuan.
The set meal includes a staple food, a bowl of rice, a cabbage, and some side dishes (this time I had corn shoots; I usually don’t eat corn shoots, but the boss fried them so well!)
Compared with other teppanyaki, it is really cheap, but the boss is not sloppy in making it. It is not the kind of teppanyaki that you just stir-fry.

Teppanyaki fried rice $100
You can choose pork or beef, both cost 100 yuan. This time, I ordered pork, which is not shredded pork but similar to sliced ​​meat. The portion of meat is enough. The fried rice smells and tastes very fragrant and tastes very good (but the comparison is better) People with mild taste may find it a bit salty, but it suits my taste.) Adding a little spiciness is also a plus.

There is also an all-you-can-eat soup in the store. The soup is not sloppy and you can even eat chicken.

Overall, in terms of price and quality, it is a teppanyaki dish with a good cp value. I particularly like the fried rice. I will recommend it to friends and I will continue to come back (I like it so much that I want to have a piece of teppanyaki fried rice every week). Hahaha)

However, it is not possible to reserve a table. If you see a table when you pass by, you can give it a try; you can also choose takeout, which is 10 yuan cheaper than eating in~

Teppanyaki fried rice (pork) $100 This fried rice is delicious and the price is also very good
Roast pork set with black pepper sauce $130
It’s not easy to take your own soup. You can also get chicken.
There is not much space inside the iron plate department and it can only seat 6 people.
There is a big pot of soup here, you can help yourself
The boss is cool and concentrates on cooking.
The pot shop next to it can seat more people
You can only pay in cash. Then you have to ask the waiter to order.
In addition to Teppanyaki, it looks like you can also order udon noodles and hotpot dishes.
This little shop is really secretive, hidden in the Qingqin Building
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每個人都在找他的貓LV 26Fooday Chief
明水然・樂 遠百信義店
📍座標:臺灣臺北 感謝Fooday AI讚嘆Fooday AI, 讓我找到了為家人慶祝的餐廳,關鍵字是🔍「推薦無菜單料理」, 一開始籠統的要求🔍「推薦適合慶祝的餐廳」,給出的建議都不太符合我想要的,下了具體明確一點的指令就找到合適的餐廳了!給大家一點參考。 評估了價錢、有無檔期、停車方便度及有無消費折抵,最後選擇了這間「明水然・樂」,考慮到離家遠近,我選擇的是「遠百信義分店」。 第一次吃無菜單料理對流程都很生疏,訂位的時候必須在期限內先預付「全額餐費+10%服務費」才算下訂成功,僅限匯款,訂位前一天還會再打電話確認✅。 💰只有1600及2400兩種套餐,訂位可以先預付1600的餐費,到現場想加價換套餐可詢問店員是否有食材可升級。 總共兩位鐵板燒師傅,一人服務6位客人,在出每道菜時,都會跟我們講解菜名。 我們這邊的師傅感覺比較害羞,在說明的時候不太會和客人對視,講話也比較小聲;對比隔壁桌師傅講話較大聲,也比較會和客人互動有說有笑。 這部分就看個人喜好和運氣,看你喜歡安靜的吃飯還是歡樂的吃飯🙂。 撇除這個,邊吃飯邊看師傅準備餐點還是蠻有趣的不會無聊,總共14道菜,一道道上這樣竟然也吃了2個小時。 店員服務很好,會很勤快的幫你添茶水跟加小菜。 餐點部分於圖片處分享,裏面最喜歡的有: ⭐️蜆湯 ⭐️金沙龍蝦螯 ⭐️龍蝦 ⭐️和牛漢堡 ⭐️主菜A5和牛 整體來說菜品調味都偏清淡,可能是用新鮮食材所以想體現食物的原味,列了列自己喜歡的菜色好像都是裡面相對較重口味的😂 餐點好吃是好吃,但沒有到非常驚艷,網路溫度計評選為”此生必嚐”無菜單料理覺得有些過譽了。 訂位時填寫生日或結婚紀念日慶祝會再送一塊乳酪蛋糕,大家都有填的樣子,每組人都送上一塊就我們沒寫到就沒有,覺得有點小虧😅 店長很用心的在最後送上一小段烏克麗麗的自彈自唱生日快樂歌,遞上名片時開玩笑說自己是駐唱歌手很逗趣。 這次體驗算是還不錯的,環境和服務都適合來慶祝,用餐也可折抵A13地下停車大概3-4小時,詳細時間有點記不太清楚了,但吃完在百貨裡稍微逛一下都還綽綽有餘,推薦給大家。
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凱莉LV 3Fooday Newbie
ROBIN’S鐵板燒位於晶華酒店二樓雖然晶華酒店有附設地下停車場,不過用餐時間停車位可能都是滿的狀況,如果沒有提早到達應該沒辦法停到地下停車場(用餐這天停車場排隊大概排了25-30分鐘左右) 開胃小點是一口就可吃掉的份量,完全勾出食慾迫不及待想吃下一道菜! 沙拉的部分用蔬菜們做成菜凍的口感很不錯,完全可以吃出蔬菜的鮮甜,干貝煎到外圍有漂亮的顏色,但裡面卻又能維持生食級干貝的水分及口感! 法式起司焗洋蔥湯非常濃醇,起司份量剛好不會讓人覺得過膩(我本人沒有特別喜歡起司) 麵包部分也有上鐵板煎過,搭配上炒過的紅藜麥+奶油,算是蠻特別的的食感(不過我本人比較習慣沒有加上紅藜麥的味道) 菲力牛排是建議三分或是五分熟,後來我選了五分熟,分別附上蒜醬、胡椒以及阿里山的山葵,蒜醬的味道感覺最特別,跟牛肉一起入口並不會喧賓奪主的搶了牛排的味道,反倒跟牛排搭配的很好,胡椒部分搭配牛排吃起來就比較平常一點,山葵並不會太辣,嗆鼻程度也沒有太強,可以沾一點嘗試看看 由於沒有另外加點(如果覺得份量不夠的話也可以加點和牛炒飯之類的),用完主餐之後就可以等待他們整理飲料區之後去用甜點跟飲料。 今日甜點設計是水果凍裡面還有冰淇淋以及應該是用果汁打成的泡泡,整體口感很清爽融合,飲料的部分(忘記拍照了)我選的是洋甘菊茶,溫度適中舒服不會過燙。 可能因為訂位的時候有標明是慶生聚餐,最後還有提供一個慶生小蛋糕,上面的冰淇淋非常好吃下面感覺搭配的是鹽焦糖乳酪蛋糕,算是滿特別的風味! 整體來說用餐體驗不錯,不過如果考慮餐費整體CP值來說的話,可能比較低一點點!如果一起用餐有比較會吃的朋友,可能會需要另外加點炒飯份量會比較剛好!
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AnaLV 29Fooday Chief
📍日本 廣島廣島燒一番街大排長龍的廣島必吃⛩️🦪 廣島新幹線車站很寬敞氣派,旁邊連接的 ekie 百貨非常好逛,有超市、百貨、伴手禮 吃飯時間最多人潮的就是1樓的廣島燒一番街,約有四五間廣島燒店都在大排長龍 挑了一間聞起來很香🤤 座位也是比較寬敞,不需跟別人對坐的店來排隊 禮拜六晚上的排隊時間,從排隊到吃到餐點大約花了30分鐘 🥘 點餐品項 🥠 福ちゃん廣島燒(¥1,380): 這家店的廣島燒菜單很簡單 點了兩個店內人氣 No.1 的品項 配料含有魷魚天婦羅、青蔥、太陽蛋 廣島燒跟大阪燒的差異,就是廣島燒內有麵條,不同於大阪燒都是麵糊,這次各點了一份內含蕎麥麵 / 烏龍麵的麵條來嘗試 一上桌被這款廣島燒的尺寸嚇到🤯 真的非常非常大!滿滿的青蔥與麵條,吃不太完🤣 個人比較喜歡蕎麥麵多一點,隨著鐵板烤過之後會增添一點脆脆的口感 配料中除了魷魚天婦羅的炸皮太多,口感不太好之外,其他的配料都非常好吃,青蔥是很粗的蔥,每一口都是濃郁的新鮮蔥味 🦪 奶油醬油燒牡蠣(¥1,200): 來到廣島了一定要吃爆牡蠣,幾乎每桌都有點的品項 牡蠣炒工與調味恰到好處,保留了牡蠣非常肥美的一刻,一入口品嚐到奶油與醬油調味、以及牡蠣的奶香味,滋味實在是非常棒! 而且這家店的分工很細,有一位師傅就專門忙著在炒牡蠣,看他一次下了大量的牡蠣實在是非常療癒 🍄 是否回訪:Yes! ✏️ 小註記: 🔸 支援百貨的多元支付 🔸 使用每桌的點餐機自助點餐、附有英文與大圖片
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