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LV 13|Culinary Novice

I often hear that Din Tai Fung’s xiaolongbao and fried rice are great.
This time I finally tasted it for the first time

·Braised eggplant (cold dish) (140 yuan):
The eggplant is moderately soft and hard, put some garlic, nine-layer tower, minced pepper and minced meat, and paired with a delicious sauce, quite appetizing

✨Pork ribs and egg fried rice (280 yuan):
The simple presentation is satisfying. The eggs and rice are evenly distributed, and the taste is relatively light.
The pork ribs are slightly fried so that the outside is slightly crispy, but they are so tender that you can easily pinch them with chopsticks. If it weren't for the price, I could probably eat two or three plates at a time🤤

·Xiaolongbao (5 pieces) (125 yuan):
I was a little disappointed when the xiaolongbao first arrived. Maybe I’m used to fried dumplings or other steamed dumplings, so Din Tai Fung’s was a little smaller.
But only after entering the mouth did you realize that the skin is thin but it can lock in the meat juice, and it explodes in your mouth as soon as you bite it. Maybe this is the strength of it.

·Mini sesame buns (2 pieces) (60 yuan):
The literal word is mini, I thought it was really mini, but in fact it is about the size of two billiard balls.
When you bite it gently, the sesame filling will flow out, not a small amount of filling.
It is full of sesame seeds and has a slightly sweet and rich taste but not greasy. It is very suitable for drinking with tea.

The shop assistants are very polite and will replenish tea regularly👍

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Spot Info

鼎泰豐 板橋店220新北市板橋區新站路28號b1
Taiwanese restaurantNT$460-NT$750
4 reviews
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Lou Wang
Lunch3 ppl650
10 months ago
只能線上看號碼不能線上取號預計時間每次都蠻精確的真的很厲害 假日最少都要等80-120分鐘 真的要快的話只能開店前就來或是改點外帶 等號的時候就能先用手機點餐省去叫到號之後還要看菜單的時間 冷菜的乾煸四季豆和紹興醉雞都很好吃 小籠包也是水準之上 炒飯最厲害的是不用非常油也能粒粒分明 只能說鼎泰豐的東西可能別的地方也有差不多好吃的但是能每次吃都差不多那就是鼎泰豐厲害的地方
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Ryan Yang
Dinner2 ppl1000
12 months ago
我們用餐的時間是下午三點左右,候位時間有點久,需時一個半小時,場內的服務人員都很親切,入口處讓我們先點小菜,我們點了牛肚以及涼拌豆乾海帶絲,味道中規中矩。隨後我們也點了菠菜腐竹做為開胃菜,味道與一般菠菜有那麼一點不同,加上腐竹的搭配,讓人忍不住想一次吃完。 開場為我們端上的是松露小籠包,一顆要價九十元,著實不便宜,但入口盡是滿滿的松露味,口感極佳。隨後是紅燒牛肉麵,麵體十分普通,跟坊間的牛肉細麵沒有差別,牛肉的部分還算可以,至少鮮嫩美味入口即化,湯頭也算不錯。緊接著連續推出鮮魚蒸餃、蝦肉煎餃以及羊肉蒸餃三大亮點,鮮魚及蝦肉的部分十分甜美,也算是今天吃到的推薦料理其二,但是羊肉就稍嫌重口味了點,有一種奇特的香味,恐怕一般人難以接受。再來便是辣味酸辣湯,辣得真是恰到好處,對於餃子來說真是絕配,既不會太鹹也不會太酸,忍不住就喝完一大碗。最後為我們上的甜點是迷你巧克力包,巧克力爆漿的感覺真是痛快!但要留意巧克力有點太燙,一不小心便會燙嘴。巧克力的部分也算好吃,彷彿Godiva的品質一般。 本次和內人兩位一起吃了兩千多元,整體的感覺算是中上,挺推薦外國朋友嚐試,國人若想體驗不同於一般餃類內餡,也值得前往品嚐。
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Lunch4 ppl450
about 1 year ago
推薦朋友或家人聚餐的餐廳,環境整潔,服務也很好且有禮貌,會一直幫忙倒茶。餐點有著名的小籠包,也有其他中式料理如炒飯、紅油抄手、麵類、酸辣湯、燙青菜...等。 缺點是排隊真的很久,尤其是假日的用餐時間,要提早幾個小時來抽號碼牌,等待的時間也可以到樓上逛逛百貨公司。
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