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Ryan Yang
LV 7Fooday Intern

鼎泰豐 板橋店

7 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$1000

Our meal time was around three in the afternoon. The waiting time was a bit long, about an hour and a half. The service staff at the venue were very kind. They asked us to order side dishes at the entrance. We ordered beef tripe and cold dried tofu and kelp shreds. , the taste is quite satisfactory. Then we also ordered spinach and bean curd as an appetizer. The taste was a little different from ordinary spinach, and the combination of bean curd made people want to finish it all at once.

We were served truffle steamed buns at the beginning. Each one costs 90 yuan, which is not cheap, but it is full of truffle flavor and tastes great. Then came the braised beef noodles. The noodles were very ordinary, no different from the thin beef noodles in the market. The beef part was not bad, at least it was tender and delicious and melted in your mouth, and the soup was not bad. Then they successively launched three highlights: fresh fish steamed dumplings, shrimp fried dumplings and mutton steamed dumplings. The fresh fish and shrimp parts are very sweet and can be regarded as the second recommended dish eaten today, but the mutton is a bit too strong. Yes, it has a peculiar fragrance that may be difficult for most people to accept. Next is the spicy hot and sour soup, which is just right and perfect for dumplings. It’s neither too salty nor too sour. I couldn’t help but finish a big bowl. The last dessert served to us was mini chocolate buns. The feeling of bursting with chocolate was really enjoyable! But be aware that the chocolate is a little too hot and you may burn your mouth if you're not careful. The chocolate part is also delicious, as if it is of Godiva quality.

This time I ate more than 2,000 yuan with my wife. The overall feeling is that it is above average. I highly recommend foreign friends to try it. If Chinese people want to experience different fillings from ordinary dumplings, it is also worth going to taste it.

Cold Dried Tofu and Shredded Seaweed
Spinach and Bean Curd
Braised beef noodles
Truffle Xiao Long Bao
Fresh fish steamed dumplings
Shrimp and meat fried dumplings
Lamb Steamed Dumplings
Spicy hot and sour soup
mini chocolate bag
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Spot Info

鼎泰豐 板橋店
4 reviews
Taiwanese restaurantNT$460~NT$750
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Dinner2 ppl$330
5 months ago
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Lou Wang
Lunch3 ppl$650
5 months ago
只能線上看號碼不能線上取號預計時間每次都蠻精確的真的很厲害 假日最少都要等80-120分鐘 真的要快的話只能開店前就來或是改點外帶 等號的時候就能先用手機點餐省去叫到號之後還要看菜單的時間 冷菜的乾煸四季豆和紹興醉雞都很好吃 小籠包也是水準之上 炒飯最厲害的是不用非常油也能粒粒分明 只能說鼎泰豐的東西可能別的地方也有差不多好吃的但是能每次吃都差不多那就是鼎泰豐厲害的地方
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Lunch4 ppl$450
9 months ago
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