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Near Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station, there is a ramen shop where there is always a queue. This time I came at early 11 o'clock in the morning, and the store was still very empty. If one person is seated, he will be seated at an empty seat. The store staff are very gentle and friendly.

There is self-service cold water on the table, but there is no ice in the pot, so it won't be overly frozen.

The thick chicken white soup ramen, I chose a hard noodle, but it is actually just chewy; the soup is full of flavor in the mouth, very fresh and slightly salty; the pork barbecued pork has a consistent strong aroma from the soup, and the chicken barbecued pork is delicious after chewing , full of salty flavor.

Overall, this bowl of ramen is "fresh and salty". Since it is a V-shaped narrow bowl, it doesn't hold much soup, so I almost finished it without realizing it. After letting it sit for a short period of time, a thin layer of solidified chicken broth fat will appear on the surface of the soup.

Grilled barbecued pork rice, each piece of barbecued pork is rich in soy and salty flavor, worth savoring one piece at a time. This flavor extends down to the soy sauce flavor at the bottom of the rice, which will appear salty if not stirred.

It was almost noon when we left, and there was already a queue outside the restaurant, which showed that coming early was the right choice!

According to research, when you eat too much salt, you should not only drink water, but also eat potassium to eliminate sodium, such as bananas 🍌.

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Spot Info

麵屋 千雲 光華店No. 1, Lane 3, Linyi St, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl350
5 months ago
其實一開始完全不知道忠孝新生這裡有一家拉麵店,是我跟朋友在附近繞了好幾圈發現都沒什麼好吃的之後,才默默發現有這一家店。 看了一下時間,誒才16:30!還沒到尖峰晚餐時間,剛好店裡面也有空位,於是不用候位就可以帶入座了,不用排隊的感覺很讚。 後來發現人越來越多,等我們吃完要離開時已經要排隊候位了,突然覺得下午離峰時段有營業的拉麵店真的很佛心❤️ 後來上網查發現這家拉麵店主打宵夜場,更是營業到凌晨2點,所以說夜貓子半夜肚子餓超適合來麵屋千雲,吃碗熱呼呼的拉麵。 店內明亮舒適,而且裝潢很新很簡約,天花板掛的白燈籠讓整個空間充滿了日式純淨的風格,座位之間空間很寬敞,用餐起來也不會有侷促感,很舒適。 —- 🍜 雞白湯 招牌 全部盛り 4/5 我點的是招牌拉麵,全部的料都有,包含豬叉燒2片、雞叉燒3片、雞肉丸3顆,溫泉蛋1顆,以及1片海苔。 點全部盛的好處就是每樣東西都可以吃到幾口,而且份量不會太多,雖然價格上是相較起來比較貴,但如果想嚐鮮的話非常推薦點喔! 豬叉燒的肉質很鮮嫩,整體顏色偏生紅,有點像舒肥過的口感跟色澤,但吃起來絲毫不會有奇怪的味道,非常好吃。 雞肉的話則是很嫩的雞胸肉片,我個人也是非常喜歡。泡著雞白湯的雞胸肉更是增添了更香濃高湯的口味。 雞肉丸我就比較不太理解了,也許我本身比較喜歡吃原型的肉類吧,雞肉丸給我感覺比較像是一般的火鍋料裡會出現的丸子。 拉麵的高湯是精髓,喜歡雞白湯的朋友一定會愛上他們的湯頭,非常濃郁且充滿濃濃的雞汁香。雖然口味偏鹹,但我也是不自覺的喝了好幾口,都快見底了! 他們的生洋蔥碎加的有點多,所以喝到後來如果有咬到洋蔥可能會有些許嗆辣,要稍微注意一下。 麵條我很喜歡,偏硬的口感絕對是必推! —- 整體而言不用排隊的離峰時段就已經為這家拉麵店加了很多分,而且從中午跨到半夜的營業時間,基本上不用怕需要排隊排到死。拉麵整體的口感跟味道都有在水準以上,下次一定會願意再造訪。
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Dinner2 ppl405
9 months ago
平日下班時間前往,很幸運可以直接入座,吃完出來的時候外面已經有點小排隊。本身就蠻喜歡雞白湯拉麵,他的湯味道不錯,雞白湯很濃郁,搭配細麵,硬度選正常覺得很剛好,裡面的肉有給兩種,雞肉和豬肉,兩個搭配比較不會膩,還不錯。 有另外點雞肉紫蘇煎餃,煎餃放入紫蘇蠻特別的,喜歡紫蘇的人可以試試。 還另外點了蓮藕美乃滋(有點忘記品項完整名稱),第一次這樣吃蓮藕,也是蠻特別的,外面有炸過,再加上美乃滋,我自己是覺得吃起來有點負擔,吃到後面有點膩😅 整體來說,是想吃雞白湯拉麵時會想光顧的店!
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Dinner1 ppl350
about 1 year ago
忠孝新生附近拉麵好多家,但都各有特色🍜千雲的點餐流程是最友善的,桌上有一本菜單,QR code點餐,餐後再到櫃檯結帳(可以用信用卡),不是大部分拉麵店用的點餐機,這點好評!位置比較開闊,內用大概可以容納30人。 這次依然選擇雞白湯拉麵!選擇招牌的話有豬&雞叉燒、雞肉丸和溏心蛋,除了雞肉丸可以和附近其他拉麵店做出區隔之外,麵裡還有一點柚子切絲很讚,吃麵喝湯的時候一起吃會有柚子皮的苦味,突出的味道會讓人更容易記住。雞白湯有點鹹,但還是一口接著一口快喝完。加一點桌上的辣油也很讚。 平日晚上一人來剛好有零星的位置可以直接入座,如果多人的話可能就要排一下隊~ 下次也想吃吃看柚子鹽口味!
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