Fooday Logo for Mobile
LV 19|Fooday Squad Leader

#台北 #双连

If you happen to be passing by, you will be craving for some sweets after you are full.
The logo is very cute. It looks like they have just opened not long ago. They also have a very cute wall. I feel like it may start to become popular if an internet celebrity posts a video on IG soon😅

I ordered original and walnut flavors. I took the original flavor home to eat, and asked them to heat the walnuts on site.

The cinnamon flavor is quite strong, but the bread has a homely taste😅
It’s not that it’s not delicious, but it’s hard to describe what a home-cooked taste is. You may want to try the best cinnamon rolls in the world in Iceland before you can appreciate the difference🤣

But for ordinary cinnamon rolls, they are pretty good. The bread is generally delicious and the cinnamon filling is generous. It is a relatively delicious cinnamon roll!

It is recommended that if you happen to be nearby, you can buy it and eat it.

Walnut cinnamon rolls pictured with LOGO
Original cinnamon rolls
Walnut Cinnamon Rolls
Apple Cinnamon Rolls
Berry Cinnamon Rolls
The takeaway packaging has been specially designed and is very thoughtful and cute.
Take a photo of your food with the Fooca camera, and write a genuine dining review to earn extra income. Every meal comes with a reward!

Spot Info

肉桂捲シナモンロール製作所 雙連門市
1 review
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