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台北市Taiwanese restaurant
7 months ago
Lunch1 ppl$110

There are quite a lot of foreign tourists, and you basically have to queue up during meal times. However, the table turnover rate is high, and the waiting time is acceptable.
This time I ordered the Ecstasy Pork Knuckle Rice, which is divided into tendons and meat. The tendons are pig trotters or bone-in parts, so I always order more meat.
The pig's feet were braised quite flavorful and soft and easy to eat. Overall it was good, and it came with a delicious piece of braised tofu, but the side dishes were just a little sauerkraut and cucumber which were a bit shabby😅.
In recent times, I feel that the rice has not been drizzled with marinade, and it tastes bland and dry. I need to find a chef outside to pour the marinade myself, so that it tastes more delicious.

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Taiwanese restaurantNT$90~NT$100
3 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$95
about 2 months ago
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Lunch1 ppl$80
7 months ago
用餐時間人比較多需到隔壁騎樓排隊,但翻桌率蠻快的不用等候太久,人數較少的話可能需要跟陌生人併桌 這次點了蛋包滷肉飯額外再加一顆半熟蛋,價格是$65+$15元,蠻入味的滷肉配上半熟的蛋包流出的蛋黃,整體偏濕潤好入口,滷肉是肥肉為主的那種,但是配上配菜的小黃瓜、酸菜和辣味蘿蔔,整體來說不會有很膩的感覺,吃完一整碗是沒有問題的。
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