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This is a curry specialty shop that I come here for. The interior is decorated like a bar, and the atmosphere is very chill.
The shop assistants are also all handsome and trendy men.
Ordering from the menu is very simple:
Choose a main meal and pair it with a curry sauce
A bowl of hot, spicy curry rice will be served to you.
Each bowl of curry rice comes with sun-cooked eggs and seasonal vegetables.


🍛Orange Pork Curry $250

There are about 6-7 slices of thinly sliced ​​pork belly. The meat slices themselves are soaked in wine and seasoned. You can taste the aroma of wine similar to sorghum, which is a very unique taste.
It's a pity that the portion we ordered seemed to have a high proportion of fat. There were several slices of fat under the skin, which made me feel a little nauseous after eating...
It would be more ideal if the ratio of cooked fat distribution in each portion of pork could be properly controlled.

The secret dark roasted curry is a must-recommend curry flavor. The layers of spices are very rich. You can taste the rich taste of deep roasted spices, fruits and vegetables in every bite. The spiciness is slightly spicy, but very smooth!

The curry sauce can be refilled for free once, so you can enjoy their special curry sauce.

🥗Chicken Breast Salad $250

The chicken breast is seasoned with rosemary and other spices. The meat is very tender and not sticky at all. The chicken breast is large and can be dipped in the curry sauce on the side (if there is a bit of curry)

The dishes are relatively simple, mainly ordinary lettuce, with some bell peppers on the side. It's a pity that there is no variety, but the salad bowl is quite large, and you will be very full after eating it.


This is a curry specialty store that you can definitely visit again
Whether you want to get together with friends after get off work or you are tired of shopping, it is a good time to come to Tiancai Curry to try their unique and delicious curry!

#东区吃 #CURYRICE #TaipeiCurry #Streetfood #天菜CURY # Shufei #curry specialty store #Yanji Street Food

🍛Orange Pork Curry $250 There are about 6-7 slices of thinly sliced ​​pork belly. The meat slices themselves are soaked in wine and seasoned. You can taste the aroma of wine similar to sorghum, which is a very unique taste. It's a pity that the portion we ordered seemed to have a high proportion of fat. There were several slices of fat under the skin, which made me feel a little nauseous after eating... It would be more ideal if the ratio of cooked fat distribution in each portion of pork could be properly controlled.
🥗Chicken Breast Salad $250 The chicken breast is seasoned with rosemary and other spices. The meat is very tender and not sticky at all. The chicken breast is large and can be dipped in the curry sauce on the side (if there is a bit of curry) The dishes are relatively simple, mainly ordinary lettuce, with some bell peppers on the side. It's a pity that there is no variety, but the salad bowl is quite large, and you will be very full after eating it.
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LV 5Fooday Intern

Spot Info

天菜咖哩Tienfood 秘制熟成咖喱專賣106台北市大安區延吉街62巷9號
Japanese curryNT$290-NT$350
5 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl350
9 months ago
大家好,我是小青蛙🐸每天都在煩惱:「今天要吃什麼?」 既然來到了東區附近,那就來吃吃看朋友推薦的<天菜咖哩>,這是一家咖哩專賣店喔,主打秘製的熟成咖哩,先選主餐再選咖哩醬。 ▪️主餐部分選擇很多,大致種類有:牛/豬/雞/海/素 ▪️咖哩醬有三種可以選: 秘制深焙咖哩(微辣)/秘制日式咖哩(微甜)/秘制蔬果咖哩(酸甜) 店內裝潢採暗色調,搭配木桌及棕色椅,再撥放著嘻哈搖滾音樂,整體有餐酒館的氛圍(但卻是咖哩專賣店😂),牆壁及筷子上都有店內標語”胖瘦在天,減肥改天”,這真的很有趣耶,好像蠻能降低一點點享用美食的罪惡感🤣 ⭐️牛鬼舌咖哩/秘制深焙咖哩 $350 牛舌肉質很軟嫩,熟度大約5分熟,不是特別有嚼勁的那種,口感很特別,上面的蔥鹽可以微微的提味,搭配秘制深焙咖哩醬,味道很搭~ 秘制深焙咖哩是選用多種辛香料煎焙再熟成的,濃厚香辣味道多層次偏重口味很下飯,黑胡椒的後勁很強,感覺起來是有點接近小辣程度了呢!將盤內的蒜酥拌進咖哩醬汁中,也能使得整體味道層次更豐富~ ⭐️炸GG咖哩/秘制日式咖哩 $260 這家白飯煮的很剛好,粒粒分明 不會太過於濕軟! 每份咖哩飯都有搭配太陽蛋、櫛瓜和生菜,雞肉炸得很好吃,大塊肉不柴,不過它是屬於皮厚的那種炸雞,搭配日式咖哩,這是屬於比較甜口的咖哩味。 ⭐️可樂 加購價$30 ⭐️可樂餅 $60 趁熱吃 我覺得很好吃耶,外酥內綿密,而且它還有帶點蒜香,整體很搭👍 ⭐️炸麻糬 $0 (原價$70) 因為等候餐點比較久,所以這個是老闆主動招待的喔,熱呼呼剛炸出爐的麻糬,沾滿了花生粉,蓬鬆的口感,一口咬下,軟糯軟糯的非常好吃😋 ‼️結論: 如果有再來到東區,會考慮回訪的咖哩飯店,整體來說,餐點是好吃的,但…店內桌距很近,其實座位會有點卡卡的喔,容易撞到人或是撞到東西…要非常小心🫣
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Lunch6 ppl350
9 months ago
繼續來咖哩探店,這次的店是外送叫過幾次的天菜咖哩。在外送時就覺得他非常好吃,這次特別到店內品嚐。 他的咖哩醬有三種可選,我選的是深焙牛肋條。原本想點店內限定的翼板牛,但居然被告知當天沒收到貨🥲 最喜歡天菜咖哩的地方是他的醬味道非常深邃,可以感受到多層次的變化,包含了許多不同風味。帶點微辣的口感更是配合很好,讓人配著飯一口接一口不斷地吃,一下就吃光了。 非常推薦住台北的人有機會一定要來試試!
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Lunch1 ppl260
10 months ago
咖哩醬味道不錯,但有點難以形容,可能這就是「熟成」咖哩的特有風味。醬多,不會膩,鹹、辣等口味都很平衡。另外他的咖哩飯有配生菜,濃郁的咖哩與清爽的生菜確實是不錯的搭配,畫龍點睛。 炸雞我覺得還好,味道是不錯,但不是我偏好的日式炸雞類型。他的皮比較薄,所以原本就較不酥脆。然後又直接放在醬上,面朝醬料的部分濕濕軟軟的,有點扣分。如果跟我一樣喜歡酥脆外皮的話,可能可以請店家把炸雞放在另一個盤子裡。 價位的部分應該算是偏貴一些。四塊炸雞的咖哩 260 元。
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