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LV 47|Foodie Critic

The store is located next to the exit of Guanghua Shopping Center and Sanchuang on Bade Road. Its appearance is so eye-catching that it is almost impossible to ignore it.

Today I enjoyed a lot of meals, including fried fish bowl, garlic grilled squid bowl, sea grape sashimi, fish salad, and sea urchin, scallop and yam noodles, totaling about 1,200 yuan.

Explosive Fish Donburi:
As you can see from the photos, the portions and types of raw fish fillets are quite amazing, and the taste is full of freshness and deliciousness.

Garlic Grilled Squid Don:
The aroma of garlic hits your nose when the meal is served.
The squid is large and grilled with garlic, which is quite delicious. The shredded kelp and burdock as a side are also quite delicious, and it comes with a hot spring egg.

Sea grape sashimi:
It is a rare product, and the pop-pop texture when you bite into it is very rare. Of course, in addition to being interesting, it is also delicious.

Fish salad:
This is a buy-one-get-one-free item. Yubaizi is the testis of fish. It is also a rare high-end product and has excellent nutritional value.
The taste is quite interesting. It tastes like fish eggs at the moment of entry, but then the strong flavor that is not fish eggs clearly shows its self-assertion.

Sea urchin, scallops and yam noodles:
Almost all the luxurious ingredients condensed into one cup.
Scallops, sea urchin, mullet roe, crab paste, fish eggs, fish liver, and thin noodles made of shredded yam.
It's a complete collection of high-end ingredients.
The taste is equally luxurious and quite harmonious.
You can taste three distinct flavors of scallops, sea urchin and mullet roe in one bite.
The crab paste fish roe and fish liver provide a different richness.
It's a really crazy combination.

The store provides self-service barley tea and miso soup. The miso soup is made with solid ingredients. Although the visual effect is poor when you take it out, the taste is good.

Overall, purely in terms of food, the quality of this restaurant is indeed enough to make people visit again many times, but I have to deduct one star here.
From entering to leaving, the fishy smell in the seating area on the first floor is very obvious. Although it is like entering an abalone restaurant, you will not smell the smell for a long time.
But in terms of dining experience, it's really not a good feeling.
Maybe it would be better to go to the second floor.

And the food is really impeccable.
Recommended to everyone.

Explosive Fish Donburi
Garlic Grilled Squid Don
Large sea grape sashimi
Fish white salad
Seaweed, scallops and yam noodles
self serve
A corner of the store
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Spot Info

今日魚市 光華三創店100台北市中正區八德路一段39號
4 reviews
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Freddy Liu
Dinner2 ppl429
5 months ago
台北光華三創 - 丼飯的生魚片份量多吃到很撐,肉質新鮮,湯品非常有料免費喝! 📍爆魚滿滿丼 NT$390 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘 生魚片跟飯是分開放的!我覺得的這稱不上是丼飯 XD 比較是一盤刺身加一碗飯? 生魚片份量十足,有四種魚肉約 20塊+兩隻鮮蝦+一些鮭魚卵,吃到後面真的被嚇到! 有另外附上一顆半熟蛋,打在飯上吃,太讚! 可惜的是有幾塊魚肉我吃到有刺,師傅在切魚片的時候沒有處理乾淨。 整體來說還是很超值,魚肉也都很新鮮! ▶️ 環境 🔹共有兩層樓,內用座位很多,座位是半開放式的包廂 🔻桌子跟椅子不符合人體工學,桌子太低,吃飯的時候必須彎身,或是手要端著碗吃 🔹裝潢風格很海鮮日式 🔹餐具自取 🔹湯品免費自取 🔹有提供 冰檸檬水 自取 ▶️ 貼心提醒 🔹 掃 QR Code 看菜單點餐 🔹 餐後結帳,只收現金,會多收10%服務費 
 ▶️ 整體評價 🔹 如果想爽吃生魚片,真的很推這一間!魚肉也都算是很新鮮,不過料理品質就稍嫌可惜,吃的時候有幾塊魚肉沒處理好有刺跟筋!湯品很有料,有用魚肉跟蝦頭下去煮,很推薦的一間店!
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Lunch1 ppl429
5 months ago
📍位於光華三創商圈,店面裝潢挺有意思,海鮮新鮮價格實在,生意不錯。 🍽️環境 店內位置不少,也有二樓可以坐,由於裝潢的關係,各桌彼此間的距離及隱私性都相當不錯,不過這椅子與桌子的高度配合的不是很好,需要多彎腰一些。可以提前網路訂位或現場候位。入座後使用QR Code點餐,若有加入店家群組可以出示手機畫面便可以獲得當天的群組贈品。 出餐速度不算快,但可以先喝味增湯與檸檬水等候,內用需加10%服務費。 🍣餐點 ▪️爆魚滿滿丼 $390 這次點的是爆魚滿滿丼,原本以為是跟丼賞的海景丼相似,沒想到上桌後更為浮誇,有四種品項的生魚片共計20片,兩隻蝦與一些鮭魚卵以及一顆溫泉蛋。魚肉與醋飯是分開放的,好像不太能稱為丼飯了🤣 可能是預期消費者沒吃那麼快,生魚片下方鋪滿了碎冰以保持新鮮,魚肉的部分都有不錯的表現,不會有咬不爛或是筋感,油脂分布也不錯,只是20片對我來說太多,吃到後期有點膩了,最後跟店家要了盒子外帶了五片回家煮麵😅 溫泉蛋的部分也是相當不錯,淋在醋飯上一下就把飯吃完了,而味增湯雖然味道偏重,但也不會到太鹹的地步。 😁整體來說體驗相當不錯,除了椅子不好坐的部分,整體的餐點及氛圍都讓人願意回訪!
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Lunch2 ppl484
12 months ago
-環境位於熱鬧的三創外面,地點好找、搭捷運方便。 內用空間有一、二樓,本次入座一樓,有提供免費味噌湯及檸檬冰水。 -食物 1. 鮭魚親子丼 450 👍 很好吃!食材非常的新鮮,鮭魚超級鮮甜,沒有咬不動的筋,醋飯稍微不夠酸,有撒一點點的海苔粉,也有附贈一顆溫泉蛋,口感變化上很多元。 2. 烤魷魚丼 220 魷魚份量充足,有提供牛蒡絲及海帶絲,飯本身稍微有點黏,沒有醋飯來的好吃,也有提供溫泉蛋可以把飯拌在一起吃。 -缺點 座位區的椅子有點小,不太適合久坐。
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