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Freddy Liu
LV 30|Bronze Foodie

Taipei Guanghua Sanchuang - The portion of sashimi in the rice bowl is so generous that it fills you up. The fish is fresh, and the soup is extremely hearty and free to drink!

📍 Full Fish Rice Bowl NT$390
The sashimi and rice are served separately! I don't really consider this a rice bowl XD It’s more like a platter of sashimi with a bowl of rice?
The sashimi portion is generous, with four types of fish, about 20 slices, plus two fresh shrimp and some salmon roe. I was genuinely surprised towards the end!
There’s also a soft-boiled egg served on the side, which you can mix with the rice—so delicious!

Unfortunately, a few pieces of fish I had some bones in them, as the chef didn’t clean them properly while cutting the sashimi.
Overall, it’s still very worth it, and the fish is quite fresh!

▶️ Environment
🔹 There are two floors, with plenty of seating for dining. The seating consists of semi-open private booths.
🔻 The tables and chairs are not ergonomic; the table is too low, so you must lean down or hold your bowl while eating.
🔹 The decor style is very seafood Japanese.
🔹 Cutlery is self-service.
🔹 Soup is self-serve for free.
🔹 Ice lemon water is available for self-service.

▶️ Friendly Reminder
🔹 Scan the QR Code to check the menu and place orders.
🔹 Pay in cash after the meal, a 10% service charge will be added.

▶️ Overall Evaluation
🔹 If you want to indulge in sashimi, I highly recommend this place! The fish is mostly fresh, but the quality of preparation is a bit regrettable, as some pieces had bones and sinews that weren't properly cleaned! The soup is very rich, made with fish and shrimp heads, definitely a recommended restaurant!

"Full Fish Bowl NT$390"
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Spot Info

今日魚市 光華三創店100台北市中正區八德路一段39號
4 reviews
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Lunch1 ppl429
5 months ago
📍位於光華三創商圈,店面裝潢挺有意思,海鮮新鮮價格實在,生意不錯。 🍽️環境 店內位置不少,也有二樓可以坐,由於裝潢的關係,各桌彼此間的距離及隱私性都相當不錯,不過這椅子與桌子的高度配合的不是很好,需要多彎腰一些。可以提前網路訂位或現場候位。入座後使用QR Code點餐,若有加入店家群組可以出示手機畫面便可以獲得當天的群組贈品。 出餐速度不算快,但可以先喝味增湯與檸檬水等候,內用需加10%服務費。 🍣餐點 ▪️爆魚滿滿丼 $390 這次點的是爆魚滿滿丼,原本以為是跟丼賞的海景丼相似,沒想到上桌後更為浮誇,有四種品項的生魚片共計20片,兩隻蝦與一些鮭魚卵以及一顆溫泉蛋。魚肉與醋飯是分開放的,好像不太能稱為丼飯了🤣 可能是預期消費者沒吃那麼快,生魚片下方鋪滿了碎冰以保持新鮮,魚肉的部分都有不錯的表現,不會有咬不爛或是筋感,油脂分布也不錯,只是20片對我來說太多,吃到後期有點膩了,最後跟店家要了盒子外帶了五片回家煮麵😅 溫泉蛋的部分也是相當不錯,淋在醋飯上一下就把飯吃完了,而味增湯雖然味道偏重,但也不會到太鹹的地步。 😁整體來說體驗相當不錯,除了椅子不好坐的部分,整體的餐點及氛圍都讓人願意回訪!
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Dinner2 ppl600
9 months ago
店家位於光華商場與三創在八德路方向的出口旁,外觀非常醒目到幾乎不可能無視的程度。 今天享用的餐點有些多,分別是爆魚滿滿丼、蒜烤大魷魚丼、海葡萄刺身、魚白子沙拉、海膽干貝山藥細麵,合計約1200元。 爆魚滿滿丼: 從照片中就可以看得出生魚片的份量跟種類都相當驚人,而品嚐的滋味則是各個充滿了新鮮與美味。 蒜烤大魷魚丼: 餐點送上時蒜香撲鼻而來。 魷魚大隻,蒜烤相當入味,配菜的海帶絲與牛蒡也相當美味,附溫泉蛋。 海葡萄刺身: 稀有貨,入口咬開時那種啵啵啵的口感非常難得,當然,除了有趣之外,也很好吃。 魚白子沙拉: 這個是買一送一的品項,魚白子是魚類的精巢,也是難得一見的高檔貨,有相當優秀的營養價值。 嚐起來的口感相當有趣,入口瞬間的口感像是魚卵,但隨即不屬於魚卵的強烈風味很明顯的表現了自我主張。 海膽干貝山藥細麵: 幾乎把所有豪華的食材濃縮成一杯。 干貝、海膽、烏魚子、蟹膏、魚卵、魚肝,細麵是山藥絲。 完全是高級食材的大集合。 味道也同樣奢華,且相當和諧。 干貝海膽烏魚子一次入口就可嘗出三種明顯不同取向的滋味。 而蟹膏魚卵魚肝則提供了不同濃郁感。 真的是很瘋狂的組合。 店內提供自助麥茶與味噌湯,味噌湯用料蠻紮實,雖然撈取時的視覺效果很差,但滋味是好的。 整體而言,純粹論吃,這家店的水準確實夠讓人多次再訪,但我這邊得扣一星。 從進門到離場,一樓座位區的腥味都非常明顯,雖然如入鮑魚之肆,久而不聞其臭。 但以用餐體驗來說,真心不是什麼太好的感覺。 說不定上二樓會比較好吧。 而食物方面確實無可挑剔。 推薦給大家。
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Lunch2 ppl484
12 months ago
-環境位於熱鬧的三創外面,地點好找、搭捷運方便。 內用空間有一、二樓,本次入座一樓,有提供免費味噌湯及檸檬冰水。 -食物 1. 鮭魚親子丼 450 👍 很好吃!食材非常的新鮮,鮭魚超級鮮甜,沒有咬不動的筋,醋飯稍微不夠酸,有撒一點點的海苔粉,也有附贈一顆溫泉蛋,口感變化上很多元。 2. 烤魷魚丼 220 魷魚份量充足,有提供牛蒡絲及海帶絲,飯本身稍微有點黏,沒有醋飯來的好吃,也有提供溫泉蛋可以把飯拌在一起吃。 -缺點 座位區的椅子有點小,不太適合久坐。
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