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スシロー壽司郎 台北館前路店

4 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$350


Among the many chain Japanese conveyor belt sushi restaurants in Taiwan, I prefer Sushi Lang the most. The price is cheaper than Meriton and Hedian Sushi, and the taste is better than Zhengxian, Tibetan Sushi and Hama Sushi. The location is large and spacious, and it is very comfortable for two people to eat. , although the space is not specially divided into boxes, one group of seats will basically not affect each other with another group of seats. It is worth recommending whether it is a gathering of friends or a family gathering.
There are not many items on the menu that are worth mentioning. The only thing that I have noticed so far is that the squid that was limited to a certain season in the past tasted quite fishy. Other than that, most of them are just the difference between liking it very much and not liking it that much. The ingredients themselves All relatively fresh. The most commonly ordered dishes are probably three kinds of shrimp platter, large-cut raw salmon, fresh shrimp with avocado, grilled tuna belly (after going to Japan to eat real belly, I found that it is better to eat belly in Taiwan) and various seasonal specialties Whenever I see something, I will pick a few to eat.
The ramen actually doesn't taste bad, but the portion size is a bit unsatisfactory. The tempura is delicious and goes well with the sweet soy sauce on the side.
Chawanmushi is also a must-try, with plenty of ingredients.
Fresh milk ice cream can be combined with matcha powder to turn it into tea-flavored ice cream. If you love tea ice cream, we highly recommend this!

If you see sea urchin at Sushiro, you will probably only be able to eat sea urchin white sauce udon. If you order gunship directly, I don’t want to be too direct, but it’s just not worth it...

Pickled special tuna naked (mini vinegar rice)
Seasonal limited shellfish
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Spot Info

スシロー壽司郎 台北館前路店
3 reviews
Conveyor belt sushiNT$360~NT$450
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Dinner2 ppl$500
about 2 months ago
🍣スシロー壽司郎 台北館前路店🍣 壽司郎🐺大家應該都吃過吧 我個人超喜歡來吃壽司郎的🍣 壽司郎應該可以算是 我心目中台灣迴轉壽司第一名☝️ 今天剛好不知道要吃什麼看到壽司郎還有位置 就手刀來吃了!雖然壽司郎也是有些食安問題 但不減他在我心中的熱愛 期許不要讓我遇到對他信心破滅🥲 這次來發現也很對新的東西 第一個是拉麵 全新口味的拉麵 麵的部分我覺得不算多 但畢竟人家不是專門賣拉麵的😂 所以也不能要求太多 裡面還有一塊豬叉燒跟雞叉燒跟蛋 配菜算是充足的 口味上吃起來也還不錯 竟然破例拿了兩碗 多愛拉麵🍜 另一個讓我驚艷的是 炸海老壽司🍣🦐 各位有看到那蝦子的大小嗎 不誇張超級大一隻 麵衣也不會果的很重 蝦子大肉質也超級Q彈 這個我也破例拿了兩個 超級好吃大家下次有看到一定要試試看! 另外來壽司郎不能不吃的還有他們的黑鮪魚 我通常都會點一塊黑鮪魚大腹跟黑鮪魚中腹 雖然跟真的好吃的黑鮪魚比有落差 但價格也落差不小 所以也不能太苛求
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Dinner2 ppl$370
6 months ago
壽司郎大概是我平常想要吃迴轉壽司時在腦袋中出現的第一選項,台北蠻多分店的,館前路店位在人來人往的台北車站附近 壽司郎有出app,強力建議一定要先用app預約或抽號,這樣就可以號碼快到時再到店,因為如果是正餐時間到現場抽號可是要等一兩個小時 不同顏色的盤子是不同價格,例如紅色盤是$40,銀色盤是$60,我們兩人總共吃了11個紅盤5個銀盤,結帳$740 推薦的品項: 1. 蔥滿鮪魚海苔包- 碎鮪魚泥加上美乃滋,好吃到又再多點一個來吃 2. 炙烤鹽味生鮭- 炙烤的香氣有出來,比一般的炙燒鮭魚肚好吃 3. 蒜香花枝天婦羅- 我每次都會點這個,炸得很酥很好吃(不過這次送上來居然是溫的,不是點餐後才炸,有點失望) 4. 炙燒明太子生鮭魚- 明太子給滿多的,喜歡明太子的人應該都會喜歡 5. 蒜香酥炸狹鱈- 超級大一塊,就是在吃一塊炸魚,但我就愛炸物(可惜的是美乃滋似乎有點擠太多了) 不推薦的品項; 1. 北海道產花枝鰭- 圖文不符,送上來時還懷疑我們是點錯,只能說不好吃到直接不想吃第二貫 2. 炙烤半生鮪魚- 可能因為有蠻高期待,吃完覺得超普通,沒有炙烤香氣 3. 醬烤日本產貝柱- 一樣覺得沒有烤出香氣,且溫溫的影響美味程度 整體而言,壽司郎的品質算是有維持在中上,生魚片吃起來都新鮮,價格也不算太貴,未來會持續回訪! ps 現在居然有茄子品項,期待未來壽司郎有更多新產品
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