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非常泰 復興店

11 days ago
Lunch4 ppl$250

The restaurant's appearance is magnificent, and the interior is spacious, resembling a high-end restaurant. However, the prices of the dishes are quite reasonable, making it a great option for sharing when going with a large group 🙆.

[Atmosphere Inside the Restaurant]
The space was spacious, allowing us to sit comfortably! The seating was also very comfortable! The staff was very kind, bringing us replacement chopsticks for those we dropped without us having to say anything!

[Food Evaluation]
The dishes had the unique spiciness of Thai cuisine, allowing us to enjoy authentic flavors♪ Each dish had a substantial amount, making it perfect for sharing!
A recommendation is the crispy dish that looks like a triangular pie, which I’m sorry I don’t know the name of 😂! The sweet and spicy sauce paired perfectly with the fragrant crust◎.

This is a perfect place to enjoy Thai food at a reasonable price or to make plans with someone special♪

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Spot Info

非常泰 復興店105台北市松山區復興北路319號
3 reviews
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Lunch5 ppl$500
11 days ago
這次白飯警察來到了瓦城集團旗下的非常泰,感覺很多人不知道瓦城跟非常泰其實是同一家🤣 有蠻多菜色是雷同的,不過非常泰的口味更偏向泰式一點。另外我特別愛的一點是非常泰提供更多樣的酒精可以攝取。 今天點的菜都是常見的泰國菜,口味也都在水準之上。另外不論是瓦城或是非常泰,他的白飯泰國米都煮得非常好,品質很穩定,可以無限續加。想要白飯吃到飽的絕對沒問題。 這家店在中山國中站旁邊,值得一提的是這家復興店的空間非常開闊,一樓走的是挑高的設計,用餐起來非常的舒適。要聚餐或是商業午餐都非常推薦!
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Lunch4 ppl$550
about 1 month ago
平日中午造訪 非常泰 - 復興店,完全不用訂位即可入座。挑高的三角斜屋頂裝潢跟純白桌面讓整個用餐體驗非常舒適,食物上我覺得瓦城更勝。 《餐點》 此次用餐內容: * 月亮蝦餅 * 辣炒豬肉 👍 * 泰式鐵板酸辣海鮮 * 綠咖哩椰汁雞肉 * 蝦醬空心菜 👍 * 冰鎮檸檬香綠茶 除了月亮蝦餅之外,以下餐點都超適合配飯,非常泰也是使用泰國米,米粒細長粒粒分明,是好吃的!(沒有要踩一捧一!但我覺得瓦城的泰國米吃起來更美味一點點點) 《環境》 餐廳的泰式風格裝潢頗有氛圍,牆面和擺設都很現代,挑高的斜屋頂裝潢很大器。空間寬敞明亮,座位舒適,燈光柔和,很適合和朋友們輕鬆用餐。復興店的地理位置不錯,就在 #捷運中山國中站 附近。整體環境乾淨整潔,給人舒適的感受。 《服務》 服務生的態度算親切,但沒太大印象。餐點上桌的速度剛好,大約5-10分鐘分鐘,不會讓人等太久。雖然有些菜品不太符合我的口味,但服務生的態度依然專業。
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