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非常泰 復興店

3 months ago
Lunch4 pplNT$550

During a weekday lunchtime visit to Very Thai - Fuxing Branch, I was able to sit down without any reservation. The high triangular sloped roof decoration and pure white tabletops made the entire dining experience very comfortable, and I think Wacang has the edge in terms of food.


The meal included:

  • Moon shrimp cakes
  • Spicy stir-fried pork 👍
  • Thai-style sizzling sour and spicy seafood
  • Green curry chicken in coconut milk
  • Shrimp paste water spinach 👍
  • Chilled lemon-flavored green tea

Except for the moon shrimp cakes, the other dishes were super suitable for pairing with rice. Very Thai also uses Thai rice; the grains are long and distinct, making it delicious! (Not trying to compare too much! But I feel that the Thai rice from Wacang tastes a little bit better.)


The restaurant's Thai-style decor is quite atmospheric, with modern walls and furnishings. The high sloped roof gives it a spacious feel. The space is bright and roomy, with comfortable seating and soft lighting, making it perfect for a relaxed meal with friends. The Fuxing Branch is conveniently located near Zhongshan Junior High School Station on the MRT. The overall environment is clean and tidy, providing a comfortable experience.


The servers were relatively friendly, but I don't have much of an impression of them. The dishes arrived at a good pace, in about 5-10 minutes, without making me wait too long. Although some dishes didn't quite suit my taste, the servers maintained a professional attitude.

Shrimp Moon Cake $398 The Shrimp Moon Cake is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a strong shrimp flavor. It is one of my favorite appetizers. The special sour plum sauce can be used for dipping or not, and the sweet-and-sour sauce is quite good.
Spicy Stir-Fried Pork $320 I especially like the spicy stir-fried pork; the spiciness is just right, and the meat is on the lean side. The biggest advantage is that it's super delicious with rice; pairing it with Thai rice is simply a perfect match! I end up eating a lot of bowls of rice 🍚.
Green Curry Coconut Chicken $320 It's quite good, the soup base is rich, and the chicken is tender and not dry. It's perfect drizzled over rice.
Shrimp Paste Water Spinach $230 The shrimp paste sauce is heavy, but the water spinach remains very green and crisp. Personally, this is also my favorite dish; it's delicious and goes well with rice!
Thai-style iron plate spicy and sour seafood $450 This dish was too salty for me, especially the clams, which were super strong in flavor. I had to secretly wipe the dish with a wet napkin just to manage eating it, haha. But most people should really enjoy it.
Iced Lemon Fragrant Green Tea $140 A bit disappointed; the drink is too sweet, and I couldn't finish it because the sweetness is too high. I can tell they wanted to combine the acidity of the lemon, but I think it would be better if it were a bit more refreshing.
The spacious dining area with a high slanted roof is quite impressive, and I really like this design – dining here feels very comfortable.
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Spot Info

非常泰 復興店105台北市松山區復興北路319號
3 reviews
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2 months ago
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Lunch5 ppl500
2 months ago
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