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旭集 和食集錦 天母店

about 2 months ago
Lunch4 ppl$1529

It was my first time to try the Japanese all-you-can-eat buffet under the Xibin Group. I chose Xuji Tianmu store as my first store visit experience. The restaurant is located on the 5th floor of Tianmu Daye Takashimaya. There is a parking lot for convenient parking. You can reach it directly by taking the escalator or elevator. It can only be said that Xuji is also a very popular all-you-can-eat Japanese restaurant in recent years. It is very crowded no matter on weekdays or holidays. You must make an online reservation and pay a deposit first!

Here are Xuji’s dining times and weekend and holiday pricing (prices increased after 8/12)

⍟ Weekdays Monday to Friday
⏐Lunch 11:30 ~ 14:00 $1390⏐
⏐Lunch 14:30 ~ 16:30 $1090⏐
⏐Dinner 17:30 ~ 21:00 $1690⏐

⍟ Weekends and holidays
⏐Lunch 11:30 ~ 14:00 $1690⏐
⏐Lunch 14:30 ~ 16:30 $1390⏐
⏐Dinner 17:30 ~ 21:30 $1990⏐

Charges are different on weekdays/holidays and for each meal period, divided into lunch/lunch/dinner.

The meal time for lunch is 2.5 hours, the afternoon tea is 2 hours, and the meal time for dinner is 3.5-4 hours. I personally think that the two and a half hours for lunch on weekdays is just right, and the CP value is also the highest, although the lunch items are better than those for dinner. There is a little less (such as beef tongue), but it has far more high-end ingredients than afternoon tea (I heard that there are no fried scallops in afternoon tea!!), and the two and a half hours of lunch can be eaten slowly and leisurely, without so much I had to queue up to get a lot of food.

There will be two queues when entering. First, queue from the right to check in and collect the tickets, then queue from the seat side to enter and take your seats in order. The entire admission process is very smooth. If your friends come later, it doesn’t matter, you can enter first. Sit on the spot, and friends who come later can just report their table number and the on-site staff will register and take them to their seats👌

✏️ Environment and service evaluation

The circulation plan of Tianmu Xuji store is relatively good after checking online. After actually dining, I felt that the overall circulation of food is very comfortable. The space between each area is very spacious. Even if there are queues in some areas, there will be no circulation. Fighting with each other or blocking the road. Moreover, the dining table environment is also very comfortable, and the service staff will come to clear the table from time to time. Their attitude is friendly and I am very satisfied.

✏️ Meal review

Sushi (nigiri sushi section):
This area is full of nigiri sushi made freshly by the chef, including sakura sea bream, wagyu beef, salmon belly, yellowtail, crab paste, scallops and sole fin. You can choose three kinds of sushi at one time. You can choose repeatedly. It doesn’t matter. I chose scallops, salmon and For sea bream, the chef will add different seasonings to each different nigiri sushi. The visual and taste sensations are different and diverse. I feel that it is not inferior to the a la carte sushi outside. I have to queue up multiple times to enjoy it.

Personally recommend the "Scallop and Sea Urchin Burger"
Super large raw food-grade scallops, cut in the middle and added with sea urchin, and then wrapped with seaweed grilled on site, taste very refreshing and satisfying, and there is no fishy smell at all!
Tips for ordering: You can ask the chef not to add vinegar rice. I think the scallop and sea urchin burger without vinegar rice is more refreshing and delicious. (Update: The chef will suggest you eat the version with vinegar rice first. You can just say that you have eaten it before and want to try the burger without vinegar rice. Maybe too many people have told the chef not to add vinegar rice recently. (XD)

Shengsheng (raw seafood area):
Xuji's sashimi all tastes fresh, the salmon and tuna are of a very high standard, and the fat distribution is also very good. The fresh snow crab legs are very big. Each leg feels very long, and the meat is quite plump. You can taste the fresh and sweet taste of the crab legs without excessive cooking. I personally don’t know much about eating crabs, but I can tell it’s really fresh.

Xun Chui (grilled steak and roasted pork ribs):
The grilled steak and pork ribs are freshly cut by the chef, and you can specify how many slices you want at one time. The grilled steak is pretty good. The meat is pink when cut and is not overcooked. The chef is also very considerate in trimming off the fatter parts, making it taste tender and delicious. I feel a little disappointed with the pork ribs. The barbecue sauce was not very flavourful, and the pork and ribs did not have the refreshing feeling of peeling off as soon as they were eaten, and it felt not that complete.

Lizuo (drink bar):
As soon as you enter the door, you can see the beverage area, which offers KIRIN Ichiban draft beer, 4 types of Savat special blends, hot and cold drinks and a variety of freshly squeezed juices. In addition, there are some special pure liquors such as Dassai and other sake. If you don’t want to spend extra money, I suggest you just order the 4 cocktails listed on the brand! My personal favorite is Yamabuki YAMABUKI, which is based on plum wine. The aroma of plum wine tastes sweet and is perfect to enjoy with the seafood of Asahi!

Heyang (fried food area):
There are many choices in the fried food section, but in order to avoid eating too much fried food and making me full, I only took the fried shrimp that is most recommended on the Internet. The coating of the fried shrimp is not too thick, it is fried very crispy, and the shrimp meat is also delicious. Quite big, tender and juicy.

Yingzhi (grilled food area):
I highly recommend the BBQ beef (grilled pork belly) in the grilled food area. It is very tender, rich in fat, and has a full roasted aroma. Highly recommended! The middle section of the charcoal grilled chicken wings is also very good. The charred skin and soft and tender chicken are really delicious.

Sauce cooking (freshly cooked soup area):
There are two freshly cooked seafood soups on site: crab leg miso soup and clam consommé. I enjoyed the clam consommé. The three oversized clams were very delicious and the soup was also very sweet. It can be used as a soup to change the taste during a break. Enjoy, I really like it!

Ice cream area:
Xuji's ice cream is homemade and advertises no added emulsifiers. I think it tastes more natural than some famous brands. I ate almond oatmeal and matcha. The almond oatmeal is really like pureed oatmeal. Every time You can taste the solid texture of oats and the full flavor of almonds in your mouth. Personally, I think it’s amazing, but I’m still pleasantly surprised. If you don’t reject the almond flavor, you can give it a try. Matcha is quite satisfactory. I also tried a few chocolate and caramel milk tea flavors. The chocolate is not too sweet. The caramel milk tea has a strong tea aroma and is sweet but not greasy. This flavor should be more acceptable. , recommended to everyone.

✏️Overall evaluation

Xuji really provides a lot of exquisite high-end ingredients to enjoy. The circulation plan of Tianmu store is also very comfortable. The overall dining experience is quite good. However, as I get older, I really can’t stuff so much food at once. I can only say that I can eat it. The full buffet is more suitable for big eaters. If you have a small appetite, you can try the weekday price. During this meal, there were a lot of dishes that I skipped because of my appetite, so I’ll leave it to others to evaluate!

Pan-fried scallops are provided during lunch, which are super big and delicious! You can get up to 3 pieces at a time, I repeated it for several rounds 😂
Xun Chui (grilled steak and roasted pork ribs): The grilled steak is quite good. The meat is pink when cut and is not overcooked. The chef is also considerate in trimming off the fatter parts, making it tender and delicious.
Sushi (nigiri sushi area) The chef adds different seasonings to each type of nigiri sushi, which gives different visual and taste layers. I feel that it is not inferior to the a la carte sushi outside, so I have to queue up multiple times to enjoy it.
Personally recommended "Scallop and Sea Urchin Burger" You can choose three flavors of burgers at one time. You can choose again. It doesn’t matter. I chose extra-large raw-grade scallops, cut them in the middle and added sea urchin, and then wrapped them with seaweed grilled on site. They tasted very refreshing and satisfying, and there was no fishy smell at all! Tips for ordering: You can ask the chef not to add vinegar rice. I think the scallop and sea urchin burger without vinegar rice is more refreshing and delicious. (Update: The chef will suggest you eat the version with vinegar rice first. You can just say that you have eaten it before and want to try the burger without vinegar rice. Maybe too many people have told the chef not to add vinegar rice recently. (XD)
Lizuo (drink bar) As soon as you enter the door, you can see the beverage area, which offers KIRIN Ichiban draft beer, 4 types of Savat special blends, hot and cold drinks and a variety of freshly squeezed juices. In addition, there are some special pure liquors such as Dassai and other sake. If you don’t want to spend extra money, I suggest you just order the 4 cocktails listed on the brand!
Heyang (fried food area)
Sushi (nigiri sushi area) The chef is grilling nigiri sushi with a blowtorch
Teppanyaki area
Dessert area, there are dozens of desserts to choose from The shapes are all cute, and there are many kinds of Japanese-style wagashi. I personally like the classic Kariro. It has a light wine aroma and a springy filling. It is not too big and can be eaten in one bite. It is very suitable. The perfect end to a meal
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旭集 和食集錦 天母店
4 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$1859
2 months ago
旭集每個餐期&平日/假日的收費都不相同,分為午餐/下午茶/晚餐,午餐的用餐時間是兩個半小時,下午茶兩個小時,晚餐的用餐時間最長有四個小時,每個餐期的提供的餐點也略有不同,有興趣知道差異的可以在訂位之前上網搜尋一下比較表,各人覺得假日午餐兩個半小時的時間蠻剛好的,可以比較悠閒地慢慢吃,品項也只比假日晚餐少了一些選項,但如果是講求 CP 值的話,就可以考慮假日的下午茶,用餐的時間雖然比較緊湊一點,但一些高人氣的品項,如煎台的干貝之類的品項也都有提供,價格更是便宜不少。 身為旭集的粉絲,北中南各地的分店都有造訪過,相比台北信義店的狹長地形,新開的天母旭集店的動線規劃比較好,餐區跟餐區之間的過道比較大,不會因為太多人排隊顯得很擁擠,用餐環境很舒服,服務人員也會時常來收拾桌面,態度很親切。 PS:天母旭集是開在大葉高島屋內部,支援多種支付方式,但回饋最高的是聯邦吉鶴卡,目前公告到 113/7/31 日有 4% 的回饋,近期有想去踩點的朋友可以留意一下。 餐點🥘 - 干貝海膽漢堡:大顆的生食級干貝切開,中間加上少許的海膽,配上現場炙燒的海苔,吃起來實在是非常的滿足,如果怕太飽可以跟師傅說不要飯哦! - 生魚片:旭集的生魚片都很有水準非常的新鮮,除了基本款鮭魚鮪魚之外,假日中午也有兩種當日現流的品項可以做選擇,當天是紅甘和青甘。 - 現切爐烤牛排和豬肋排:豬肋排醃製的非常入味,烤的非常軟嫩,牙齒輕輕一咬就脫骨了,非常推薦可以試試看,爐烤牛排也非常有水準,呈現誘人的粉紅色,師傅還會貼心地幫你把太肥的地方修掉,吃起來軟嫩適中,配上旁邊調味區的奶油蒜頭,也是一大享受。 - 煎台區的牛小排/生食級干貝/大明蝦:這區的料理是師傅在現場現煎的,排隊一次只能選擇三樣,牛小排的肉質很不錯,但調味稍微淡了一點,現煎干貝加上奶油並經過高溫鐵板的料理,吃起來奶油香氣很足,跟生食級是完全不一樣的感受,推薦干貝愛好者一定要嘗試一下,但要特別注意有些餐期是沒有提供干貝的哦!大明蝦處理得很好,泥腸已經被剔除乾淨,並且殼已經是撥開的,吃起來彈牙且胡椒的香氣很夠。 - 白蝦:簡單料理方式的蝦子最考驗新鮮程度,旭集的白蝦吃起來很鮮甜彈牙,配上南部辦桌的靈魂五味醬,真的是每次去都拿一大盤。 - 麗酌區:一進門口是現做的飲料區,有提供啤酒/調酒/氣泡飲/咖啡/熱茶/現榨果汁,某些餐期還有紅白酒,點調酒的話有個小撇步,如果喜歡酒味重的可以特別跟服務生說,他會幫你加濃,這次拿了西西里咖啡,氣泡水配上已經預先弄好的濃縮咖啡再加一片檸檬和糖漿,我覺得普通,有咖啡香但沒有檸檬味,略可惜。 - 和揚區:炸物區的選擇很多,其中最喜歡海老春雨揚,麵衣不會太厚,炸得很酥脆,很像餅乾的口感,蝦肉也多汁彈牙,配上旁邊的百香果醬非常的過癮,炸生蠔也非常新鮮。 - 巧鮨區:這區有現做的握壽司,炙燒和牛/炙燒櫻花鯛/炙燒鮭魚肚/炙燒獅魚柚子胡椒/蟹膏炙燒干貝/炙燒比目魚鰭,師傅會讓你在六種品項裡面選三個,也可以重複做選擇,我是排隊了兩次每種都拿了一個,個人最喜歡炙燒獅魚跟比目魚,炙燒後充滿油脂的香氣,配上不同的佐料,不輸外面的一些單點壽司店。 - 蜷尾家聯名的東方美人聖代:吃起來是茶味很濃的霜淇淋,配上玄米脆粒、茶凍、蛋白霜餅堆疊層次,還不錯。 - 冰淇淋:旭集的冰淇淋是自製的而且標榜沒有添加乳化劑,我覺得比一些著名品牌吃起來還天然的感覺,像是黑芝麻/燕麥/香蕉等都很不錯,推薦可以試試看。 隨著年紀越大,總覺得胃越來越小🤣,脫離了對份量的追求,吃到飽類型的餐廳也很少會是現階段的餐廳選項,但偶爾也有想吃自助餐的時候,這時候旭集就是我的首選(真的好難訂位),雖然有很多精緻的餐點可以選擇,但是肚子得留給篩選過的食物🤣,以上就是個人來旭集會吃的品項,就留給大家參考。
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Lunch2 ppl$1859
3 months ago
第二次吃天母店的旭集,也是我最喜歡的吃到飽餐廳 去年才剛新開幕天母店的動線十分流暢,比起信義店大排長龍時會擠在一起的情況改善很多,不管坐在哪個位置,到各個區域的走路路線都不會太遠 下次回訪還是會再選擇天母店! 以下是比較有記憶點的,依照推薦的餐點順序排序 🍔干貝海膽漢堡:干貝很大顆新鮮,外面裹著現烤海苔,可以跟師傅說不要飯,很貼心的服務 🐟生魚片:最喜歡鮭魚肉質鮮嫩,吃的出來是比較高級的鮭魚😆油脂算多,可以分次拿比較不會膩;其次是現流的品項都好吃,這次的是日本青甘跟紅甘 🍣握壽司:這次吃了鰭邊肉跟和牛,師傅會炙燒一下再分別加不同的佐料 🥣蛤蜊湯:一碗有三顆蛤蜊,很清甜好喝,師傅會仔細確認每顆蛤蜊有沒有打開,這次總共拿了五碗😀 🍤炸蝦:有兩款,外面裹著春雨、比較大隻的炸蝦更推🥰 口感吃起來更豐富有層次,沾醬可以選擇百香果醬,或是炸物區的日式天婦羅醬 🥤飲料:黑糖奶茶拿了兩杯很喜歡,以前很愛的西西里這次變的咖啡味太重了
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Lunch11 ppl$1529
6 months ago
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