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五之神製作所 台灣

Taipei CityRamen
8 months ago
Lunch2 ppl360


It has been famous for a long time, and I also love eating tsukemen. I happened to be playing in Songyan this time and came here to have a try. The appearance and interior have the feeling of a Japanese izakaya and a Western cafe, so I feel relaxed physically and mentally even before I eat. Come down😂
There is almost no queue when you come to eat at noon on weekdays. You can be seated immediately. The tsukemen are available in classic shrimp and tomato shrimp. My friend and I ordered one. The whole store is full of strong shrimp flavor, which makes people feel comfortable from the moment they enter the store. I was full of expectations while ordering.
The full name of the item I ordered is thick tonkotsu, tomato and shrimp tsukemen. The difference from the classic item is that it lacks cabbage and seaweed, adds a slice of French bread and a small dollop of pesto, and there are two more tsukemen in the dipping sauce. A small tomato~ Let’s talk about the piece of French bread first. I was surprised. It was baked just right, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It was very delicious whether dipped in shrimp soup or pesto. Frankly speaking, I really wanted to have another piece at the moment🤤
The tsukemen noodles are slightly thicker, medium-rolled noodles. They are very spicy and chewy. The tsukemen soup itself is really rich in shrimp flavor and embellished with a little sour and sweet tomato. I can't help but think, "If someone is allergic to shrimp, they would be so excited after just one bite." It's so rich and rich.
As for the ingredients of the deluxe version, the candied eggs and barbecued pork, I think they are very ordinary. I probably won’t order the deluxe version next time. Just save the 90 yuan and focus on the shrimp flavor. Besides, there are three of them in the original soup and they are quite delicious. The chunks of barbecued pork are not big, but they should be enough for those who want to eat some meat🤣

After finishing the meal, the lazy person said: It's not bad, but I don't want to eat it often. I will feel full if I order the deluxe medium bowl. Next time I should order the basic medium bowl.

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Spot Info

五之神製作所 台灣台北市信義區忠孝東路四段553巷6弄6號
3 reviews
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Food Scouter
Lunch1 ppl429
3 months ago
源自日本東京新宿,2017 年來台開店後便成經典至今,每週末都會在 Instagram 上貼出限定款拉麵,引發排隊熱潮。 不過平日白天只要避開用餐高峰時段,不太需要排隊。平日此店也僅專注供應三個拉麵品項。 這回點了濃厚豚骨蝦沾麵(超值豪華版,中份麵量)加B套餐(高麗菜與可樂),沾湯鹹度不過鹹,蝦味足,濃稠度也適中,不致吃起來過鹹。 麵吃完後店員有來問要不要加湯,考慮鈉含量攝取問題便算了。高麗菜份量滿多,吃起來也很清甜,推薦追加。
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Lunch2 ppl400
9 months ago
五之神製作所應該是北市最知名的幾間拉麵店之一,平常是以蝦系列拉麵與沾麵為主打。而每當假日,店家會不定時的推出各種限定商品讓客人嘗鮮。 今天是特地為了限定的沾麵造訪的,享用的是極!!濃厚螃蟹王樣沾麵!!! 除此之外還點了濃厚番茄蝦沾麵及限定飯。 這樣合計約800元左右。 極!!濃厚螃蟹王樣沾麵!!!:真的就是超濃厚,沒第二句話。 沾麵麵體都是厚實的粗蕎麥麵,Q彈又極度抓湯,裝飾的蟹殼中塞滿了處理過的蟹肉,濃郁的蟹膏熬成的沾麵湯底紮實至極。 雖然料理方式簡單暴力,但處理過程想必絕不輕鬆。 濃厚番茄蝦沾麵:每天都有的基本款。 沾麵麵體同樣是粗蕎麥麵,沾麵湯改為番茄跟大量的蝦汁精製出的精華。 要說螃蟹王樣沾麵吃完了滿腦子都會是蟹,那麼這碗吃完了,滿腦都會是蝦。 沾麵湯如果太濃厚,可以跟店家要求加清湯調淡再喝,沾麵湯中還有大塊的角煮可以吃,可不要浪費囉! 限定飯:是咖哩味的叉燒飯。 原本以為有蟹含量,結果沒有老實說有些尷尬... 不過當然是瑕不掩瑜,依舊好吃,頂多就是下次記得問限定飯的內容是什麼。 整體而言,每週都會在臉書上關注這週有什麼滋味的限定拉麵。 除了偶有阮囊羞澀的情況外,已經沒有什麼可以阻止我一再來訪了。 絕對強力的推薦給大家!
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