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鼎泰豐 高雄店

Dinner2 ppl$517
8 months ago

Din Tai Fung is currently one of the must-eat restaurants for Japanese travelers to Taiwan, and Din Tai Fung has its own history... Mr. Yang Bingyi, who founded Din Tai Fung, was born in Shanxi Province, China, in 1927, and came to Taiwan in 1948. He initially worked at Heng Tai Fung Oil Store, which later collapsed due to his boss's investment mistakes. The couple decided to start a business and named it "Din Tai Fung" in memory of Heng Tai Fung. Their business had a difficult start, but when faced with changes in the oil market in 1972, they switched to selling xiaolongbao, which brought great success. "Din Tai Fung" has become an internationally renowned brand for its Xiao Long Bao...

✅Side dishes (cold dishes): Crisp bean sprouts, paired with soft and fragrant winter noodles, as well as shredded kelp and dried tofu, making the taste rich and refreshing.

✅ Stir-fried green beans (cold dish): Stir-fry the dried shrimps and minced pork with chili and taste it with the green beans. You can not only taste the sweetness of the green beans, but also the aroma of the stir-fried green beans. This dish has a crisp texture and a salty flavor.

✅Dandan noodles: Use thin noodles and mix them with a special slightly spicy sesame sauce. It exudes a light garlic flavor and a rich peanut sesame sauce aroma. Every noodle can be coated with the sauce, making people more mouth-watering the more they eat.

✅Luffa and Shrimp Xiao Long Bao: The Xiao Long Bao contains horned melon, loofah and fresh shrimp, and has a thin skin and lots of ingredients. Once you take a bite, the soup of the loofah and horned melon will burst out. The crispy loofah and horned melon are paired with the springy shrimp, very delicious!

✅Fresh fish steamed dumplings: The filling is made of chunky snapper with Chinese cabbage, celery and water chestnuts. The meat of the sea bream is delicate, and the crispness of the celery brings out the freshness and sweetness of the fish. The overall taste is very refreshing and full of fish flavor.

✅Sesame buns: The sesame seeds are mellow and rich, and not too sweet. Although the skin is thick, it doesn't feel too burdensome to eat it overall.
*An additional 10% service fee is required

Side dishes (100 yuan)
Stir-fried green beans (180 yuan)
Dandan noodles (120 yuan) - original photo
Dandan noodles (120 yuan) - mix well and take photos
Luffa and Shrimp Xiao Long Bao (180 yuan/5 pieces) - original photo
Luffa and Shrimp Xiao Long Bao (180 yuan/5 pieces) - Photo of the fillings
Fresh fish steamed dumplings (270 yuan/10 pieces) - original photo
Fresh fish steamed dumplings (270 yuan/10 pieces) - photos of the fillings
Sesame bun (90 yuan/2 pieces) - original photo
Sesame buns (NT$90/2 pieces) - photos of the fillings
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鼎泰豐 高雄店813高雄市左營區博愛二路777號B1
4 reviews
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Lunch4 ppl$400
5 months ago
高雄唯一一間鼎泰豐,每次經過都是人潮滿滿。連平日用餐時間路過想吃都要拿號碼牌,但是我願意🥺。餐點的品質和服務都很穩定,環境也是乾乾淨淨的。先說我最愛的前三名:#黃金流沙包、#蛋炒飯、#小籠包。 🍽️辣味黃瓜$120 🍽️乾煸四季豆$200 小菜的部分原本 #乾煸四季豆 就是每次必點,可以料理得脆脆的又不會爛,搭配鹹中帶甜的肉末真的很讚。#辣味黃瓜 則是有一次朋友點的,吃完驚為天人,不知道怎麼把簡單的黃瓜做得如此涮嘴,不會很辣卻又帶點辣油香氣。 🍽️酸辣湯(小)$120 我覺得小的 #酸辣湯就可以盛好多碗了,CP值蠻高的,豆干、豬血、木耳的配料都切的很細,總之口感很好,湯也夠味~也可以自己再加辣油或醋。 🍽️蝦肉紅油抄手 蝦肉很大塊也很脆,紅油真的是這道菜的靈魂! 🍽️肉絲蛋炒飯(白米)$250 🍽️排骨蛋炒飯(白米)$310 雖然 #排骨蛋炒飯 很受歡迎,但我對排骨還好。不過炒飯是真的很好吃,不會太油太鹹、粒粒分明又能吃到蛋的香氣,難怪大家都超愛。 🍽️小籠包5顆$140 蔬食小籠包5顆$155 鼎泰豐的招牌,皮薄多汁,一定要用湯匙接著❤️然後薑絲+醋和醬油比例3:1,完美! 🍽️黃金流沙包2顆$110 吃完飯一定要點這個當結尾才算完整,他跟別人家不一樣的地方是流沙帶有鹹蛋黃的香氣,而且餡料很多,我超愛。 之前點的: 🍽️元盅雞湯 $250 湯頭不錯,肉的份量滿多的,但我覺得有點柴。 🍽️油豆腐細粉 $170 推推,也是高cp值的餐點,真的很大一碗,粉絲很細、油豆腐會噴汁! 打到這裡我又吞了吞口水,過幾天又適合去排隊吃鼎泰豐了。
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Dinner2 ppl$450
9 months ago
難得提早下班,趕緊來抽大排長龍的鼎泰豐!這次因為只有兩人,我才知道原來店家很貼心提供部分主食可以選擇小份量😍 今天點了絲瓜小籠包,小份180元,因為是絲瓜蝦仁組合單價較高,但是咬下去和吸到的湯汁是絲瓜的甜,一切都值了!突然後悔只點小份,胃口整個大開呀! 另外菜肉大包售完,只好點個同餡料的菜肉蒸餃,雖是蒸餃但一樣菜汁都鎖好鎖滿,口感較為紮實,好吃😋 最後是必點的菠菜腐竹,紹興酒和蒜頭的調味堪稱一絕,讓菠菜染上另一種鍋氣,搭配腐竹的口感,提升整道菜的層次和口感。 今天點鼎泰豐的每樣菜都有做出自己的風格,不論小籠包或者蒸餃的皮都非常高水準,難怪永遠是要排隊起跳40分鐘以上,但真的吃到的開心感會取代排隊的辛勞~
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Lunch2 ppl$335
10 months ago
高雄唯一的鼎泰豐座落在漢神巨蛋每次一開門就立刻大排長龍 今日餐點 紅油燃麵$120 燃麵是第一次吃,紅油跟抄手應該是一樣的 不過燃麵吃起來比抄手辣,也比較麻,麵很Q彈 鼎泰豐真的是連這麼簡單的麵都這麼不簡單 紅油抄手(蝦肉)$210 必點的抄手,皮很薄很滑,看得到裡面的餡 紅油跟蔥調味超級好吃 排骨蛋炒飯$280 粒粒分明的蛋炒飯,佐蛋與蔥花 淋上紅油抄手的醬美味更升級 排骨厚但不老,還有彈性 紅油抄手跟蛋炒飯是每次到鼎泰豐必點組合 吃得很滿足 服務也很貼心仔細 隨時注意客人是否要加茶 用完的餐盤儘快收走 值得一訪再訪
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