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LV 12|Culinary Novice


台北市Dim sum
4 months ago
Lunch4 ppl$230

The staff is enthusiastic; as soon as you walk in, someone asks how many people are in your party, so you won't be left waiting. The food is served quickly, and they offer lemonade.

I ordered the pork liver tossed noodles that have recently become popular, but since I don't like tossed noodles, I switched to tossed rice noodles. The pork liver is crispy and tender! It's indeed delicious—the rice noodles are seasoned just right and have the perfect texture! The clear soup is a bit salty, giving it a strong Hong Kong flavor.

The turnip cake is soft and tender with a crispy exterior! The steamed pork ribs are savory and delicious, very tender! A colleague ordered the Hong Kong-style cured meat rice; she said the sausage is quite tough and made her mouth sour. Next time, she wants to try the beef brisket rice, which is very tender!

Beef Brisket Rice Noodles
Pork liver with rice noodles
Braised Beef Brisket Rice
Hong Kong-style cured meat rice
Radish cake
Steamed Pork Ribs in Black Bean Sauce
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Dim sumNT$230~NT$280
3 reviews
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Lunch6 ppl$232.5
3 months ago
🚩台北東區老字號港式餐廳 美味又道地 1976香港美食在台北東區營業多年(比我還大!),雖然是老店家但是整體裝潢非常新,廚房區由玻璃隔斷,整潔乾淨而且沒有油煙味。座位區空間大,裝潢為日系色調,白色和淺木色搭配,氣氛蠻好的,沒有東區餐廳常有的那種侷促感。他們的豬肝撈麵入選2024年的500碗(但我沒點😅) 入座後由店員桌邊口頭點餐,用餐後結帳,僅可使用現金,開立傳統紙本發票。 用餐區後方有檸檬水和調料可自行取用。 今天點的比較多心得寫在照片下方⬇️ 這間店來過2-3次,我覺得是附近港式餐廳中最好吃的,份量也能吃飽,用餐空間和店家的服務態度都很不錯,推薦給大家
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Food Scouter
Lunch1 ppl$300
7 months ago
看到這店名,腦裡就哼起 1976 樂團的歌:「我並不想成為誰的指南針/也許妳該學習相信自己的方向感」,但其實是餐廳創立的年份。店內播放的歌曲,倒是草東沒有派對的爛泥:「我想要說的前人們都說過了/我想要做的有錢人都做過了」 但找美食嘛,進一間沒試過的餐廳,都是一次新的冒險,只能相信自己的方向感,沒有人能代替你體驗。 這間店的服務生會來點餐,雖是港式餐廳,卻沒有乾炒牛河。僅收現金與開立一般發票,平日中午時段就幾乎客滿。 薑蔥撈麵,有高麗菜(非清燙,有油拌),口味近似蔥油拌麵,薑絲味十足,麵條份量亦足。 鮮蝦腸粉,蝦仁頗大且鮮,醬油亦為清甜口味,唯腸粉口感一般。 不知是哪道餐附上清湯,口味則略重,較適合用於中途轉移口味。 整體來說,餐點品質是相當不錯,只不過作為日常快餐來說,單價仍是稍嫌貴了些,或許下次有機會再試試其他品項。
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