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丸舢拉麵 光華店

Taipei CityRamen
6 months ago
Dinner2 pplNT$220

On weekdays in September, you don’t have to queue at 17:00.

First, buy a meal voucher at the machine at the entrance, and once inside, you can just press the "stone pet" on the high bar table in front of you👌 There are coat hooks and storage baskets behind you, which is a thoughtful touch.

  • Chicken and Shellfish Salt Ramen
    It has a sweetness from the seafood, with no fishy smell. The salt flavor is refreshing but not bland; it belongs to a summer light soup that you can drink all the way to the bottom without feeling burdened.

  • Super Rich Tonkotsu Ramen
    Honest and true, it truly is super rich. It flows slowly, has a high noodle strength, and the richness is close to the level of curry sauce. You could say it’s at the dipping noodle level. While it isn’t spicy enough to cause stomach pain or numbness in the mouth, your taste buds can subtly sense its presence, adding layers to the rich broth. The meat slices are thinly cut, not burdensome, with no greasy mouthfeel, pairing well with the thick soup. The broth underneath retains heat well and can be hot, so please be careful😇
    Before reaching the oily limit, you can have a bite of bean sprouts to change up the flavor—

  • Unlimited noodle refills, with both handmade noodles and fine noodles available. The handmade noodles are thicker, and both have their merits. The noodle refill provided is fine noodles; it's recommended that big eaters start with handmade noodles to try both types🫶

  • The table and floor have no stickiness, and the space is large, so you won’t bump elbows with the next table. The air conditioning looks like it’s working hard (there are three units), but it still can’t compete with the heat from the open kitchen, which is a bit unfortunate.

The translation of "雞貝鹽拉麵" to English is "Chicken Clam Salt Ramen."
Super Rich Tonkotsu Ramen
Used for pressure details.
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Spot Info

丸舢拉麵 光華店No. 48號, Section 1, Bade Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
5 reviews
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Food Scouter
Lunch1 ppl170
7 months ago
丸舢拉麵才開張一年多,已廣獲好評,在 Fooday 上也有 3 篇評論了,今天來為大家推薦這間拉麵店的另一項獨特餐點:豪華特級海陸TKG! 只點這款就符合低消,在肚子不太餓時,是滿適合的選項,或者也可以加價升級兩倍飯量。 這款可說是頂級版叉燒飯,還加上星鰻、鮭魚卵、生蛋黃、蔥絲和海苔絲,不管哪幾道混合起來都很好吃。 譬如,蛋黃混進飯裡,帶點比目魚油脂與美乃滋的香氣,再加上叉燒碎肉或鮭魚卵的口感,每一口給予相似口味,更是多層次的感受。 拉麵加上叉燒飯,往往變成澱粉炸彈,也經常吃得太飽;但單點叉燒飯份量又太少,這時候就推薦單點豪華特級海陸TKG!
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Dinner1 ppl300
10 months ago
丸舢店內的拉麵有兩款經典口味:雞貝鹽和豚骨,並提供一般和特製版本。 面條有手卷麵和細麵可供選擇。 食劵機位於店外門口旁邊,店內的L型吧台座位約有15個,並提供廁所、掛衣架和置物籃。 入座後,只需將食劵交給店員。 吧台位置可直接看到廚房操作,上菜速度相當快。 丸舢還提供無限加麵的選項,讓食量大的客人也能吃得飽足。 第一次來吃推薦點 $300 特製雞貝鹽拉麵 🍜 湯頭口感溫和濃郁,帶有貝的鮮甜感,鹹度適中。 柚子皮和海苔增添了獨特的風味。 豬肉叉燒薄而口感不錯,舒肥雞肉則是大片且有一定厚度,沒有特別的調味,但份量足夠。 雞腿肉經過烤制,帶有香氣,是這碗拉麵中最出色的部分。 干貝的大小適中,口感正常。 手卷麵則具有嚼勁。 整體而言,這碗特製雞貝鹽拉麵口感順口,最令人印象深刻的是雞腿叉燒和干貝的美味。
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Dinner2 ppl210
11 months ago
位於忠孝新生站附近,距離1號出口走路約3分鐘,附近是光華商場及華山文創園區,所以感覺客人也是絡繹不絕 我們週日下午5點到訪,已經需要填候位登記表了,前面有7組,不過因為內用座位還蠻多的,約有18個座位,所以我們只等了15分鐘左右就進去了 這裡只賣兩種口味的拉麵:極濃豚骨拉麵、雞貝鹽拉麵,可以選擇一般款或是特製款(特製的肉量會比較多),我們兩人都選擇一般,麵體都選擇手揉麵 極濃豚骨拉麵$220 這碗的配料有3片豬叉燒、豆芽菜、些許海苔及蔥花、巨量蒜末(但其實蒜味沒有到很重);在點餐時可以選擇要不要加辣油,加了辣油的湯頭大概是小辣左右 品名寫極濃沒在騙人,湯頭果然超級濃稠,我覺得配上手揉麵真的很搭,但同時口味頗重,所以也需要時不時喝點冰水 雞貝鹽拉麵$200 這碗的配料有2片雞叉燒、2片豬叉燒、些許海苔及蔥花,配料也是很簡單,兩種叉燒都軟嫩好吃 湯頭像是燉煮許久的雞湯,鹽味會從中隱約冒出來,提升鮮味卻不搶戲,湯頭很好喝,整碗喝完沒問題 這邊加麵(細麵)無限量都免費,非常佛心,食量大的人不用擔心吃不飽;不過建議一次加半球就好,我太貪心加了一球,結果吃完飽到走不動 整體而言,如果只選擇一般款的拉麵,$200左右就能吃得很飽,算是還蠻超值的拉麵店選擇,而且兩種拉麵的湯頭都很棒,再加上手揉麵極Q彈有嚼勁,表現非常優秀(細麵也不錯),直接納入可以推薦朋友來吃的拉麵清單中 ps 這邊還有賣豪華海陸特級TKG,看照片應該是超級豪華版的叉燒飯,上面除了一般的叉燒肉外,還有一塊星鰻和鮭魚卵,不過今天不太餓,就沒機會吃這碗了
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