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丸舢拉麵 光華店

Taipei CityRamen
11 months ago
Dinner2 pplNT$210

It is located near Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station, about a 3-minute walk from Exit 1. It is nearby Guanghua Shopping Mall and Huashan Cultural and Creative Park, so it feels like there is an endless stream of customers.

We arrived at 5pm on Sunday and already had to fill out the waiting table registration form. There were 7 groups in front of us, but because there were quite a lot of seats inside, about 18 seats, we only waited for about 15 minutes before going in.

There are only two flavors of ramen sold here: extremely thick tonkotsu ramen and chicken shell salt ramen. You can choose the regular style or the special style (the special style will have more meat). Both of us chose the regular style and the noodles were hand-kneaded. noodle

Extremely thick tonkotsu ramen $220
The ingredients of this bowl include 3 slices of pork barbecue, bean sprouts, some seaweed and chopped green onion, and a large amount of minced garlic (but the garlic flavor is not very strong); you can choose whether to add chili oil when ordering, the soup with chili oil will be about It’s about Xiaolai
The name of the product says it’s very thick. I’m not lying. The soup is indeed super thick. I think it goes well with hand-kneaded dough. However, it also tastes quite strong, so I need to drink some ice water from time to time.

Chicken and clam salt ramen $200
The ingredients for this bowl include 2 slices of chicken barbecued pork, 2 slices of pork barbecued pork, some seaweed and chopped green onion. The ingredients are also very simple. Both barbecued pork are tender and delicious.
The soup is like chicken soup that has been simmered for a long time. The salt flavor will vaguely emerge from it, which enhances the umami without overpowering the show. The soup is very delicious and you can finish the whole bowl without any problem.

There is unlimited free noodles (thin noodles) here, which is very Buddhist-friendly. People with big appetites don’t have to worry about not being full. However, it is recommended to add half a ball at a time. I was too greedy and added one ball, and I was so full that I couldn’t leave. move

Overall, if you only choose regular ramen, you can get a very full meal for around $200. It is a pretty good value choice for a ramen shop, and the soup of both types of ramen is great, plus the hand-kneaded noodles are very elastic. It is chewy and performs very well (thin noodles are also good). It is directly included in the list of ramen that can be recommended to friends.

ps. They also sell deluxe sea and land premium TKG here. Judging from the photo, it should be the super deluxe version of barbecued pork rice. In addition to the regular barbecued pork, there is also a piece of conger eel and salmon roe. However, I am not very hungry today, so I have no chance to eat this. Bowl

It mainly sells two flavors of ramen: extremely thick tonkotsu ramen and chicken shell salt ramen.
Extremely thick tonkotsu ramen $220
Chicken and clam salt ramen $200
Hand kneaded dough is super delicious!
Pork BBQ Pork
Chicken BBQ Pork
Add 1 ball of noodles (the result is too full, it is recommended to add half a ball first, then add more if you are still hungry)
store appearance
Fill out the registration form first
Wait until the clerk calls your name and then go to the ordering machine to order and pay.
What the store looks like
It’s already so crowded outside after eating at 6pm on weekends
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Spot Info

丸舢拉麵 光華店No. 48號, Section 1, Bade Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
5 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl220
6 months ago
九月平日17:00不用排隊在門口先機器買餐券,進店後用桌上的“石頭寵物”壓在面前的高吧台上即可👌背後都有外套掛鉤和置物籃,貼心加分 ・雞貝鹽拉麵 有海鮮甜味,無腥臭,鹽味是清爽的口感,但不會寡然無味,屬於夏天的爽口湯頭,可以無負擔的喝至碗底。 極濃豚骨拉麵 童叟無欺,極濃真的極濃,流速慢,巴麵力高,濃度接近咖哩醬程度,可以說是沾麵等級,辣不至胃疼、嘴麻,但味蕾能夠若隱若現的感受到它的存在,為濃稠湯頭增添層次感。肉片薄切,不負擔,無油脂膩口感,與濃湯相性佳。濃湯底下很保溫,會燙口,請小心😇 達到油膩極限前,可以吃一口豆芽菜,轉換味道~ - 無限加麵,麵條分手打麵和細麵,手打麵較粗,各有千秋,加麵提供的是細麵,建議大胃王可以一開始選手打麵,兩種都品嚐🫶 - 桌子地板都無黏膩感,空間大,不會貼到隔壁的手肘。冷氣看起來很努力在運作(有三台),但仍然不敵開放式廚房的熱氣,算是有點可惜的部分
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Food Scouter
Lunch1 ppl170
7 months ago
丸舢拉麵才開張一年多,已廣獲好評,在 Fooday 上也有 3 篇評論了,今天來為大家推薦這間拉麵店的另一項獨特餐點:豪華特級海陸TKG! 只點這款就符合低消,在肚子不太餓時,是滿適合的選項,或者也可以加價升級兩倍飯量。 這款可說是頂級版叉燒飯,還加上星鰻、鮭魚卵、生蛋黃、蔥絲和海苔絲,不管哪幾道混合起來都很好吃。 譬如,蛋黃混進飯裡,帶點比目魚油脂與美乃滋的香氣,再加上叉燒碎肉或鮭魚卵的口感,每一口給予相似口味,更是多層次的感受。 拉麵加上叉燒飯,往往變成澱粉炸彈,也經常吃得太飽;但單點叉燒飯份量又太少,這時候就推薦單點豪華特級海陸TKG!
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Dinner1 ppl300
10 months ago
丸舢店內的拉麵有兩款經典口味:雞貝鹽和豚骨,並提供一般和特製版本。 面條有手卷麵和細麵可供選擇。 食劵機位於店外門口旁邊,店內的L型吧台座位約有15個,並提供廁所、掛衣架和置物籃。 入座後,只需將食劵交給店員。 吧台位置可直接看到廚房操作,上菜速度相當快。 丸舢還提供無限加麵的選項,讓食量大的客人也能吃得飽足。 第一次來吃推薦點 $300 特製雞貝鹽拉麵 🍜 湯頭口感溫和濃郁,帶有貝的鮮甜感,鹹度適中。 柚子皮和海苔增添了獨特的風味。 豬肉叉燒薄而口感不錯,舒肥雞肉則是大片且有一定厚度,沒有特別的調味,但份量足夠。 雞腿肉經過烤制,帶有香氣,是這碗拉麵中最出色的部分。 干貝的大小適中,口感正常。 手卷麵則具有嚼勁。 整體而言,這碗特製雞貝鹽拉麵口感順口,最令人印象深刻的是雞腿叉燒和干貝的美味。
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