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【Foodholic Niko @ Taipei】

This is another Chinese restaurant referred to as a budget version of Din Tai Fung. The menu is very similar to Din Tai Fung, and today I inexplicably wanted to eat this type of cuisine, so I came to Wucaoju, which has been on my to-eat list.

"Wucaoju Chinese Restaurant, Nanchang Branch" is located near Guting Station, about a 3-minute walk from Exit 2. The sign isn’t very eye-catching, but basically you won’t miss it because there are really a lot of people queuing at the entrance!

We arrived at almost 6 PM on a holiday, and surprisingly, we had to wait for 6 more groups ahead of us; to wait for a table, you need to register with the staff, and if your number is called out, you need to line up again.

The number of seats inside is not very many, with only about 10 tables, so the dining space feels a bit crowded.

The service is reasonably attentive; as soon as we sat down, the staff served us hot tea. However, this restaurant only accepts cash, which is a bit inconvenient.

Pork Rib Fried Rice $210, Shredded Pork Fried Rice $180
Both fried rice dishes taste quite similar; it's just the basic, simple style of fried rice that Din Tai Fung is known for. The aroma mainly comes from the eggs, salt, and scallions—it's tasty, but not the kind I personally love, which would have onions and soy sauce added in. The shredded pork fried rice had some fried chilies added, but it wasn’t spicy at all; the chilies felt more like decoration. You can add some sauce from the spicy dumplings halfway through to change the flavor a bit. I found the fried ribs to be average; they were good, but not memorable.

Spicy Shrimp Fried Dumplings $175
There are 8 pieces in total, and I chose mild spicy; the spiciness was sufficient. The shrimp was very large, as you could tell from its appearance, but for some reason, towards the end, it had a taste of artificial flavoring that I personally didn’t like.

Water Spinach $100
I chose to add chili, but just like the fried rice, it wasn’t spicy at all. The water spinach wasn’t cooked well, so I suggest eating it while it’s hot; once it cools down, it becomes less appetizing.

Overall, the food performs at about 65-70 points, but since the prices are still higher than a typical snack shop and you have to queue, my willingness to return isn’t very high.

Pork rib fried rice $210
Shredded Pork Egg Fried Rice $180
Water spinach $100
Stir-fried Shrimp in Red Oil $175
The shrimp is very big. 🍤
Free hot tea is provided.
Store appearance
A corner of the store.
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Spot Info

五草車中華食館 南昌店100台北市中正區南昌路二段188號
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl650
about 2 months ago
牙套人評論:有一間廁所 這次到五草車中華食館南昌店用餐,是因為永和店剛好公休,才特地跑來試試看。雖然體驗不錯,但距離較遠,下次應該還是會選擇就近的永和店。 這次我們點了以下餐點: 1. 紅油蝦仁抄手 (8入) - $175 2. 牛肉湯 - $210 3. 肉絲蛋炒飯 - $180 4. 排骨蛋炒飯 - $210 5. 燒椒皮蛋 (辣) - $100 6. 芋泥球 (單顆 x2) - $80 7. 炒菠菜 - $100 8. 什錦小菜 - $75 9. 涼拌雲耳 - $80 總計:$1210 牛肉湯的肉軟嫩,湯頭清爽;炒飯的味道穩定,跟以前差不多;紅油蝦仁抄手和燒椒皮蛋的滋味都很棒,芋泥球甜而不膩也頗驚喜。 另外,看到隔壁桌點了兩盤小黃瓜,看起來很清爽,下次或許可以試試。不過,如果不是因為沒開,還是會選近的永和店方便一些。
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Dinner1 ppl180
7 months ago
首先,這間假日時人特別多,同時外賣單也很多,候位也只能現場候位,所以從入座到餐點上桌,可能要不少時間,如果不想等的人,建議換別間。 點了肉絲蛋炒飯,不看價錢的話,個人覺得屬上等的品質,炒飯真的蠻好食,粒粒分明,調味也是蠻適中,但價格也不便宜就是。
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Dinner2 ppl313
8 months ago
大家好,我是小青蛙🐸網路上常常會有很多號稱「平價版鼎泰豐」⋯ 而五草車就是其中一間⋯所以來試試看😆 五草車中華麵食館有兩間分店,另一間在永和⋯ 不管平日假日,每次經過的時候都看到許多現場候位的人潮,這天假日晚上來古亭捷運站附近的南昌店用餐,大約等半小時就入座了。 環境很明亮,醬料台也乾乾淨淨的,透明開放式的廚房,用玻璃隔起來,可以清楚看到廚房狀態。 ⭐️排骨蛋炒飯 $210 排骨蛋炒飯份量算是滿大的,看起來賣相很不錯,蛋炒飯上鋪著炸排骨,肉微厚,鹹淡適中且胡椒味較重;炒飯的蛋香味大於蔥香味,不會過油,但整體吃起來少了鑊氣… ⭐️蝦仁紅油炒手 $175 蝦仁紅油炒手一份有8顆,整隻蝦包進抄手裡,吃起來有蝦味,紅油醬汁也很夠味,它紅油不太會辣,大概就是提香的那種微微辣感。 ⭐️紅燒牛肉麵 $240 細麵條口感Q彈,牛肉半筋半肉塊燉得軟嫩,一碗約5大塊,紅燒湯頭是比較清爽的那種⋯不過麵上桌的時候,那個溫度感覺…溫溫的…有點涼掉了,一般來說…牛肉麵剛煮好上桌不是會冒煙嗎??🤔 ‼️結論: 整體來說,我個人覺得這家跟鼎泰豐味道其實有差耶,價位其實也算中高價,並沒有所謂的「平價鼎泰豐」啊…餐點沒有不好吃,但也沒有特別有記憶點的地方,整體吃下來…CP值略低,不會再排隊為了吃它。
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