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LV 30Bronze Foodie


5 months ago
Lunch3 ppl$250

This shop used to be called "Six Inch Plate"
When I saw this restaurant outside the door, I thought there were many people inside and there must be no seats. However, I didn't expect that the space inside is huge, there are many seats, the environment is very bright and comfortable, there are many staff, and the food is served really fast. It takes about Food delivery starts in 5 minutes, and you can choose cash or Taiwan Pay at checkout.
This time I ordered two platters: boiled egg slices, French fries, fried chicken, frosted bread slices and lettuce and fruit
. The taste is really...
The dining environment is a bit noisy, maybe because there is no service fee, so the guests have to return the plates themselves.
The restroom is outside the door at the end of the restaurant, but it is also the beautiful garden that adds to the dining atmosphere.
There are also cute ducks under the jackfruit tree in the courtyard….

Wok Curry/Fried Chicken Set
Japanese rice ball three brothers assortment
Shrimp Pasta
Ordering counter
Courtyard outside restroom
ducks in the garden
Tableware self-service area
double seat
Introduction at the door
four seater
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Breakfast2 ppl$235
3 months ago
萊迦早午餐位於花蓮博愛街,附近有著名的一心泡泡冰。雖然店門口看起來感覺空間不大,但其實佔地意外的寬廣。 店鴨其實有三隻,最親人的齁亞平常都在店門口迎接客人。 今天享用的是香煎北海道鹽漬鮭魚&北非炸雞拼盤、私房炭燒嫩雞&北非炸雞拼盤與兩杯飲品,合計470元。 香煎北海道鹽漬鮭魚&北非炸雞拼盤: 這拼盤相當的豪華,有麵包、薯條、沙拉、水煮蛋與兩個主菜。 主菜之一的鮭魚,鹽漬的風味相當美味,鹹度恰到好處,整塊魚肉料理的相當軟嫩,可惜的是有刺,雖然大部分是明顯的粗刺,但要時時注意有沒有混水摸魚的細刺依然是蠻麻煩的。 私房炭燒嫩雞&北非炸雞拼盤: 炭燒嫩雞的燒烤炭香非常刺激食慾。 北非炸雞內裏厚實多汁,表皮薄脆,上方的北非風格香料調味相當特別。 據說優格醬是配炸雞的沾醬,但我們直覺都拿來配薯條 😂 薯條相當酥脆,就算沾的是原本給炸雞的優格醬,也依然相當美味。 沙拉小小一盤但內容相當豐富,麵包鬆軟帶甜味,做為這餐的澱粉基底我覺得相當合適。 飲料方面就中規中矩。 菜單中除了豪華的拼盤組合之外,還有些比較中式的鍋燒麵跟泡麵,醬料吧的蒜蓉辣椒確實如同店家所述非常的辣,但搭配起來肯定很好吃吧。 店家後方的小庭院還有兩隻店鴨,看著他們呱呱叫的搖頭晃腦,心靈不知不覺的感到治癒了起來。 店中間有顆櫻花樹概念的裝潢,非常搶眼,也很吃底片。 整體而言,餐點美味,店寵可愛,環境舒適,側邊還有給內用客人的機車停車場。 真沒什麼好挑剔的了。 強烈推薦給大家!
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