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LV 14|Culinary Novice

刁民酸菜魚 西門中華店

Taipei CitySichuan cuisine
5 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$500

I've eaten it probably ten times since I opened Diaomin.
(I have eaten at different branches)
In fact, I feel that the quality at Ximen is not as good as that at Xinyi.
The branch was opened too hastily and the employees were not well trained.

The amount of soup is different every time I come, and it’s rarely the same.
How little is it? The fish skin cannot be soaked at all.
Not to mention the time of an hourglass, even if you soak it for ten minutes, it still won’t be fully soaked.
There are also branches where the spiciness level is obviously different and cannot be adjusted.
And when ordering food, you have to bring it to the clerk yourself, otherwise no one will bother you. This is an experience I have had several times in Ximen.
(But these don’t have this problem at Xinyi)

Even if the service is bad, I still come here just because I like the taste.
Ah, but it’s true that it’s oily, spicy, and sour.
If you are afraid of the taste being too strong, you can add broth
Or do like me and pick off the peppers right after they are served
Avoid leaving it for a long time to make it more spicy.
Of course, if you like spicy food, you can ask them for chili peppers.
Milk tea is delicious but I wouldn’t order it every time
Free roselle + tangerine peel tea is very healthy and enough to drink
If you don’t want to drink something hot, you can ask the store clerk for ice water.
The craze is over now
There is no need to queue before 5:30 on weekdays and you can sit down directly
(Not sure about later)
But you don’t have to wait to be seated directly. You still have to wait for a while for the meal⋯

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Comments (2)

LV 31Bronze Foodie
LV 14Culinary Novice
我在板橋那間 韓酸菜魚麵館 去兩三次都沒有排隊過! 但個人比較喜歡刁民的口味所以還是會願意去排隊 不過現在平日14.-17.30這個區間刁民也不太需要排隊了 熱潮其實有點退了

Spot Info

刁民酸菜魚 西門中華店台北市萬華區中華路一段88號
Sichuan cuisineNT$480~NT$590
5 reviews
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Dinner7 ppl$450
3 months ago
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Food Scouter
Lunch2 ppl$420
5 months ago
在前往刁民酸菜魚之前,我做足了功課,最後實證自己的腸胃撐不住。 刁民是怎麼創造出「酸菜魚」熱潮?根據商周報導,創辦人在中國四川成都發現,雖然當地人都愛水煮魚,但台商朋友卻獨愛酸菜魚,便自主研發酸菜魚的製作流程,從台中起家,迄今全台也才 6 間店面。 到了現場仍須排隊,有線上後位號碼頁面。用餐環境相當寬敞舒適,即使只是 2 人也坐 4 人座,值得稱讚!若是某些連鎖餐飲品牌,恐怕還會再塞進更多座位。
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$719
6 months ago
今日餐點🍴(👍表示推薦)酸菜魚(中盛) $638 雪花牛 $99 沙漏酥魚皮 $90 👍啪啪黃瓜 $60 👍硬硬的炸雞雞 $150 👍神級奶茶 $60 第一次吃酸菜魚,真的是超級期待啊!結果一出門,天上那雨就像是洩漏的水龍頭一樣,嘩啦啦地下個不停。心想,這下子總該人少些吧,結果到了店門口一看,哇塞!還要等40幾組人!這可是約莫得等兩個小時啊!各位朋友,來這兒吃酸菜魚,真的要有心理準備啊! 好了,來說說這酸菜魚吧。酸菜和魚是主角,這不用說,但裡頭還藏著一些驚喜呢!有少量的木耳、金針菇、寬冬粉,還有那滑嫩的豬五花。要記住,想加料的話,第一次就得把單點全點完,否則後悔可來不及了。 再說說那道意外之喜——啪啪黃瓜!別看它簡簡單單,帶著一股椒麻香,入口涮嘴,讓人停不下來。真的是意料之外的好吃啊! 還有那炸雞,這可真的是一絕!外皮脆得能聽見聲音,裡頭的肉卻是軟嫩多汁,再沾上一點啪啪黃瓜的汁,別有一番風味,簡直是美味升級版! 最後不能不提的是神級奶茶,這可是超級好喝!我們在店裡忍不住喝了兩杯,離開時又打包了兩杯帶走,真的是喝了還想再喝。 如果你不想掏錢點飲料,別擔心,這裡還有免費的洛神花茶等著你呢!這可是酸甜解膩的一把好手。 洛神花茶免費供應,自助式的,自己動手泡一杯。那酸酸甜甜的滋味,像是夏日裡的一陣涼風,讓你瞬間神清氣爽。酸菜魚那豐富的口感,有時候會讓人有些飽足,而這洛神花茶就像是專門為此而來的救世主,輕鬆解膩,再多吃幾口也不在話下。 這趟酸菜魚之旅,雖然過程有些波折,但味蕾可是大大地滿足了。朋友們,若是你們也想來嘗嘗,記得提前做好排隊的準備哦!
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